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Comments « Natsuko Tora « Wrestlers Database « CAGEMATCH - The Internet Wrestling Database
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Average rating based on the displayed comments: 5.90
Daigotsu wrote on 23.04.2024:
[7.0] "Tora is a rarity in Stardom: she's a character-first wrestler who cuts great promos and is very charismatic, but can't hang with the top of the card in terms of workrate. I think she's very valuable for what she is and what she can do. She's fine in-ring, and has a great look and presence."
somerandommark wrote on 13.01.2024:
[10.0] "She stands out in Stardom for her brawler style and unique moveset. She oozes charisma, and can wrestle awesome matches when given the proper time and spotlight. She's one of the few characters in Stardom that can draw genuine heel heat from a crowd too, so I think her gimmick will only continue to soar in the post-pandemic Stardom landscape. Oh, and her Swanton Bomb is awesome."
GameSquid02 wrote on 16.08.2023:
[9.0] "Hands down the best promo in Stardom. Whenever Natsuko picks up a mic you pay attention because either something very important is happening or someone is getting buried. Despite not being among the best in ring more than makes up for it in charisma. A great brawler and one of the few who can actually pull off the I dont care if I win as long as I hurt you character. IMO underrated in ring with some great strikes and fantastic diving moves. Also one of the few who can cheat and use weapons but still make it interesting."
cibar12 wrote on 25.07.2023:
[3.0] "She feel's like one of the worst wrestlers on the roster. Boring in ring and don't have any unique character like SLK or Momo"
teenagehonvedfan wrote on 04.05.2023:
[6.0] "She can do the basics fairly well, that's it. Was 100% not anything like ready to be top dog in Oedo Tai and the group is a bit of a mess due to this right now. All the factions in Stardom have solid to great wrestlers as a focal point....and OT don't. Feels almost like the Road Dogg of OT, a mouthpiece for better talent."
TheOneAndOnlyCactus wrote on 06.04.2023:
[6.0] "Currently the leader of Oedo Tai, Natsuko Tora was a wrestler who improved a lot through her first year, and worked well as an upper mid-carder and tag team specialist, first for JAN, then Oedo Tai. However, since the departure of the group's top stars, most notably Kagetsu, she has been put in the enviable task of being the leader, despite not being ready for prime time yet. She has charisma and is definitely not bad, especially as a brawler, but she has room to improve and she needed the time to work on her character and in-ring, instead of being thrusted into such a high-profile role. As such, she hasn't been the best leader Oedo Tai could have had over the past few years."
SadDoro wrote on 25.12.2022:
[10.0] "The most charismatic and oddly charming heel in the game today. One of the few wrestlers who actually convincingly pulls off the brawler who doesn't give a shit schtick."
vel wrote on 15.07.2022:
[8.0] "Lots of people hate Natsuko because of her most recent time in Oedo Tai, when they used a lot of interferences. But I LOVE absolutely all the characters of Tora in Stardom. Tora has never been one of Stardom's most gifted performers. But her booking is one of the most organic things I've seen here. I mean, it's like her every step from green rookie to epic leader of the heel faction was well thought out. She is also very charismatic and generally deserves to be in her place."
Suzukigun wrote on 22.06.2021:
[6.0] "Had to update my rating recently due to how good she's been lately. She's stepped it up in her promos, stepped it up in the ring and is actually being a good leader now. She's never going to be as good as Kagetsu, but 99% of wrestlers aren't. If she can keep it up at this level, things will get very interesting."
ReggieWrestling wrote on 15.06.2021:
[2.0] "I feel like Natsuko is over pushed and since Kagetsu & Hazuki have retired, the latter now likely to return in some form, Natsuko has dragged Oedo Tai down from a heel super faction to the least interesting part of every show. That has also meant Konami is now boring too. Tora just lacks so much that it's disrespectful to go from Kagetsu to her, it's like going from a 5* restaurant to eating out of a bin. Tora is a charisma vacuum, barely passable in the ring and for a company that prides itself on ringwork, she really shouldn't be there. Its not like she's a rookie or she's an entertaining midcarder to offer variety, she gets regular title shots for some reason."
Kung wrote on 26.05.2021:
[6.0] "Natsuko has a lot going for her, at least to me. She's got a super badass look, she exudes confidence, and she seems to be gradually transitioning into a mentor role, as you can see her shadowing young Odeo Tai members Ruaka and Rina. However, her style of wrestling just doesn't do it for me at all."
Grissom wrote on 07.05.2021:
[6.0] "Mir gefiel Natsuko Tora besser, bevor sie ein Teil von Oedo Tai wurde. Ihr Stil hat sich fast komplett verändert, sowie ihr ganzes Erscheinungsbild. Mittlerweile ist sie eine nahezu reine Brawlerin geworden und die technischen und auch agileren Ansätze sind weg. Als Anführerin von Oedo Tai ist sie allerdings nicht die optimalste Wahl. Die Handlanger Rolle im Stable würde ihr besser stehen."
TylerWhite wrote on 01.05.2021:
[6.0] "Schwer zu bewerten, ich möchte sie ja gar nicht verteufeln, weil ich weiß, dass Natsuko Tora eigentlich viel kann und das Potential hat eine gute Brawlerin zu sein. Leider ist ihre derzeitige Rolle bei Stardom einfach furchtbar. Zunächst war sie der Sidekick Jungle Kyona und hat auch ganz gut funktioniert in der Rolle. Als man JAN dann aufgelöst hat kam sie zu Oedo Tai und hatte dann das "Glück", dass leider die beiden tragenden Säulen Kagetsu und Hazuki aufhörten, womit sie der neue Anführer des Stables wurde. Leider ging das einst beste Stardom Stable seitdem den Bach runter. Ihre Matches sind langsam, und voll mit unnötigen und nervigen Eingriffen bzw. Verwenden von Waffen. Es fühlt sich an als soll sie eine Mayumi Ozaki Light sein, nur dass ihr einfach das große Charisma dafür fehlt und sie einfach bei weitem nicht so Unterhaltsam ist wie Ozaki. Dass sie auch jedes große Match verliert macht sie auch nicht glaubhafter als Heel. Ich mag ihren Look mit dem sie in der Idol-Ausrichtung von Stardom sehr hervorsticht, aber in der derzeitigen Rolle kann ich leider nichts mit ihr anfangen."
KyleEnjoysWrestling wrote on 30.03.2021:
[3.0] "I started following Stardom when Natsuko was in JAN. Was not very impressed with what I saw then. Since then she has ascended all the way to the leader of Oedo Tai & very much reinvented herself from those JAN days. But despite that, I am still just as unimpressed with her as the day when I first discovered her. She lacks charisma to be in the spot she's currently in & Oedo Tai is a shell of what it was when Kagetsu was in charge. Natsuko's moveset is boring & she brings very little to the table outside of giving the middle finger to nobody & sticking her tongue out. Oedo Tai is currently the weakest faction in Stardom by far & much blame has to be put on Tora for that."
ElPolloLoco wrote on 22.03.2021:
[5.0] "Hard working midcarder, but that's about as far as she gets. She's not bad or anything in the ring, just unremarkable. Her present Dump Matsumoto cosplay is borderline cringe though and like other Stardom workers it's very obvious she's not comfortable using weapons in her matches. She is ready to take some pretty nasty falls though, but in the present incarnation of Oedo Tai that's a bit wasted."
ProWrestlingGuy316 wrote on 14.12.2020:
[3.0] "Ich kann ihr nicht wirklich viel abgewinnen. Für mich ist sie mit Bea Priestley die einzige Dame bei Stardom, die ich überhaupt nicht gerne sehe. Sie ist im Ring geradeso noch akzeptabel, allerdings zeigt sie im Ring ebenfalls nichts Aufsehenerregendes und stattdessen eher repetitive Matches. Vor allem im letzten 5* GP wurde das offensichlich, wo sie in meinen Augen ganz klar am schlechtesten war."
StardomJMD wrote on 22.11.2020:
[2.0] "I don't like Natsuko at all, her matches are in-interesting, she's just a classic japanese heel wrestler, a bland japanese heel wrestler."
BlueVinsmoke2323 wrote on 01.11.2020:
[6.0] "She? s not bad, just not special or anything. Kagetsu was a much better leader for Oedo Tai, but I believe that she will improve as a leader. Her ring skills are average in my opinion and I don? t like the use of DQ (because of her chain) in most of her matches. I don? t like her or hate, just found her pretty boring."
thebigmatt099 wrote on 25.05.2020:
[7.0] "The surprisingly rapid departures and retirements of various members of Oedo Tai has left Natsuko in a tough spot, but I think she's doing pretty well. Obviously, with about 3 and a half years experience, she has room to improve, but has impressed me so far. She drastically changed her look between Team Jungle and Oedo Tai (a must for Oedo Tai members it seems) and I think the change suits her. She is coming into her own as a heel and, leading Oedo Tai with Kagetsu's blessing, the future certainly seems bright."
Riggs wrote on 24.02.2020:
[6.0] "She isn't bad, but she doesn't put on great matches either. I really think she should stick to tag matches. Everything she does is good, but nothing is great."
RussTShackleford46 wrote on 15.02.2019:
[7.0] "Natsuko's improvement over the last year has been very impressive... She's gone from a rough around edges low carder to a reliable upper mid carder who can deliver good main event matches when called upon. Like her tag team partner Jungle Kyona, she has a great understanding of what her strengths are and uses them to maximum effect. When she's fired up she brings an intensity to her matches as high as anyone in Stardom."