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Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia

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  • Pacific Theatre
  • Pagé, André
  • Page, Jeff
  • Page, Malcolm
  • Palais Montcalm
  • Palk, Nancy
  • Pallascio, Aubert
  • Palmer, Alisa
  • Palmer, John
  • Palomino, Mercedes
  • Pankanea, Joelysa
  • Panych, Morris
  • Paper Wheat
  • Papineau, François
  • Paquet, David
  • Paradise by the River
  • Parker, Leni
  • Parkes, Gerard
  • Parkhurst, Edwin Rodie
  • Parsa, Soheil
  • Pasquier, Christiane
  • Paterson, Jack
  • Patterson, Tom
  • Peace, Roger
  • Peacock, David
  • Peacocke, Thomas
  • Peacock, Lucy
  • Peake, Rachel
  • Pearson, Valerie Ann
  • Pederson, Ron
  • Pegasus Performances
  • Pellan, Alfred
  • Pelletier, Denise
  • Pelletier, Gilles
  • Pelletier, Maryse
  • Pelletier, Pol
  • Pengilly, Gordon
  • Pennell, Nicholas
  • Pennoyer, John
  • Performance Art
  • Perrault, Pierre
  • Persephone Theatre
  • Peterson, Eric
  • Peterson, Len
  • Petrie, Doris
  • Phillips, Robin
  • Phipps, Jennifer
  • Phoenix Theatre
  • Picard, Béatrice
  • Picard, Luc
  • Pichette, Jean-François
  • Pied de Poule
  • Pigeons International
  • Piggery Theatre
  • Pillar, Heiner
  • Pinsent, Gordon
  • Pintal, Lorraine
  • Pitcher, Jeff
  • Pi Theatre
  • Pitre, Louise
  • Place des Arts
  • Plamondon, Luc
  • Plaxton, Jim
  • playRites
  • Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre
  • Playwrights Guild of Canada
  • Playwrights Theatre Centre
  • Playwrights' Workshop
  • Pleiades Theatre
  • Plummer, Christopher
  • Plutonium Playhouse
  • Poch-Goldin, Alex
  • Pochinko, Richard
  • Podbrey, Maurice
  • Poddubiuk, Christina
  • Poirier, Gérard
  • Poissant, Claude
  • Pollock, Sharon
  • Pomerlo, Marcel
  • Poor Super Man
  • Porteous, Cameron
  • Porteous, Vanessa
  • Porte Parole
  • Portman, Jamie
  • Possible Worlds
  • Potter, Miles
  • Poulin, Julien
  • Pounsett, Geoffrey
  • Power, Kevin
  • Pownall, Leon
  • Prague
  • Prairie, Luc
  • Prairie Theatre Exchange
  • Préfontaine, Claude
  • Prescott, Marc
  • Pretten, Philip
  • Primus Theatre
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Princess of Wales Theatre
  • Pringle, Peter
  • Prinsloo, Ian
  • Professional Association of Canadian Theatres/PACT
  • Proteau, Rodrigue
  • Proulx, Denise
  • Proulx, Luc
  • Provost, Gilles
  • Provost, Guy
  • Przybylski, Teresa
  • Puente Theatre
  • Purtell, Kimberly
  • PuSh International Performing Arts Festival