(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport, “Coccolo”(しまね子育て応援パスポート「こっころ」とは)【English】 | 出雲市


Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport, “Coccolo”(しまね子育こそだ応援おうえんパスポート「こっころ」とは)【English】

 Cities, towns and villages is Shimane offer a Parenting Passport to show their warm support to parents. There are many places where you can get support services by showing your Coccolo passport, such as restaurants that offer free drinks or free desserts for children, and stores selling baby products that offer 50 yen off purchases or double points.

Applicable Households
Households with a child under the age of 18 (children who have turned 18 are still considered children until the March 31st following their 18th birthday)
Expecting households (households with a pregnant woman)

○Application Method
Apply at the Child Policies Division service counter (1st floor of Izumo City Hall).
 We will verify your children through the basic residential register and issue your Coccolo Passport. For expecting households, you will be issued your passport after your Mother and Child Health handbook (boshi techō) has been verified.
If you do not live with the child, it is also necessary for you to provide documentation proving your relationship with and responsibility for the child, such as a health insurance card.

Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport "Coccolo" Now Available as an App
 Starting from April 1, 2021, you can use the Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport on a smartphone or other device with the "Coccolo" app.
App Features
In addition to the plastic card, two smartphones can be registered per household.
(Now, three people per household can use the Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport services.)
Check information for children and families from Shimane Prefecture and your city.
Search easily for stores that take the Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport, find baby care rooms, and access other shop information.
Download the app by scanning the QR code below.
If you haven't tried the app yet, this is a great chance to give it a try!


○Change to a Nationwide Parenting Passport
 Starting in April 2016, a Nationwide Parenting Passport has been made available. If you want to use your Parenting Passport all around the nation, you will need to change into the new passport.
こっころkokkoroThe new card will feature this mark.

How to Claim Your New Card

Please hand your old card to the staff at Izumo City Hall or one of the administrative centers mentioned below.
You will be asked to fill out an application for a new card (kirikae shinseisho).
You will then receive your new card.

Where to Apply for a New Card
City Hall・・・・Child Policies Division (Kodomo Seisaku-ka)
HirataHikawa Administrative Centers・・・・Citizens’ Welfare Division (Shimin Fukushi-ka)
SadaTakiKoryoTaisha Administrative Centers・・・Citizens’ Service Division (Shimin Sābisu-ka)

Stores where you can use the Shimane Prefecture Parenting Passport 

  Look up services available with Coccolo and participating stores using this website:
Participating stores will have stickers with a picture of the Coccolo passport at the register or near the store entrance.
         11         12   
(Coccolo: For households with children)          (Coccolo: For expecting households) 
 You can use the coccolo passport at non-participating stores that have the following logo stickers as well.
      13            14
(5 Prefecture Chugoku Region Cooperation      (National Development Participating Store)
 Participating Store)



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