(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Instructions for Applying to Receive Your Certificate of Income and Taxation (Shotoku・Kazei-Shōmeisho) | 出雲市


Instructions for Applying to Receive Your Certificate of Income and Taxation (Shotoku・Kazei-Shōmeisho)

Instructions for Applying to Receive Your Certificate of Income and Taxation (ShotokuKazei-Shōmeisho), Certificate of Tax Payment (Shotoku-Shōmeisho), etc. by Mail

People who can apply

The person in question (the person whose certificate is needed) or the person in question’s relative who belongs to the same household. Even if you are a relative, if you do not belong to the same household, you cannot apply for that person’s certificate.

Necessary Items

  1. Completed application form for Issuing Certificates. (Please click the link below to download the form.)
  2. Telephone number you can be reached at during the day. (Your work phone, cell-phone, etc.)
  3. Postal money order. (Please buy this at the Post Office). The Issuance Fee for 1 copy of a certificate is 300 yen.
    ※Example: If you are requesting 1 copy of your Certificate of Income and Taxation for the 2019 fiscal year (Income for 2018) and 1 copy of your Certificate of Income for the 2018fiscal year (Income for 2017), you are asking for 2 copies and thus will need to pay an Issuance Fee of 600 yen via postal money order.
  4. A copy of the person in question’s form of identification that shows his/her name, address, and date of birth.
    ※Example: A copy of your Residence Card (Zairyū Kādo), Passport, or Japanese Driver’s License.
  5. A self-addressed envelope. Please write your name and address and affix an 84 yen stamp to the front of the envelope. We cannot send the certificates to your workplace or another person’s address.

Please send your application to the following address

Shimane-ken Izumo-shi Imaichi-chō 70 ban-chi
Izumo City Hall Shiminzei-ka





必要ひつようなもの :

  1. 証明しょうめいしょとう交付こうふ申請しんせいしょ下記かきよりダウンロードできます。)
  2. 昼間ひるま連絡れんらくができる電話でんわ番号ばんごう職場しょくば携帯けいたい電話でんわでもいです)
  3. 定額ていがく小為替こがわせ郵便ゆうびんきょくってください。)手数料てすうりょうは、証明しょうめいしょけんにつき300えんです。
    れいれいもと年度ねんど平成へいせい30ねんちゅう所得しょとく課税かぜい証明しょうめいしょつうと、平成へいせい30年度ねんど平成へいせい29ねんちゅう所得しょとく所得しょとく証明しょうめいしょつうがほしいときは、合計ごうけいつうで 600えんです。
  4. 本人ほんにん確認かくにん資料しりょう名前なまえ住所じゅうしょ生年月日せいねんがっぴ記載きさいがあるもの)のうつ
  5. 返信へんしんよう封筒ふうとう切手きって(84えん)をって、申請しんせいしゃ住所じゅうしょ名前なまえいてください。)
  6. 会社かいしゃべつ世帯せたい家族かぞくなどへはおくりません。


島根しまねけん出雲いずも今市いまいちまち70番地ばんち  出雲いずも市役所しやくしょ市民しみんぜい
  • 印刷いんさつする



    財政ざいせい 市民しみんぜい

    電話でんわ番号ばんごう0853-21-6770 FAX番号ばんごう:0853-21-6832
