(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude

The Clash of Universalisms: Religious and Secular in Human Rights

  • Abdulaziz Sachedina, PhD.* | . . .The major thrust of Islamic critique of the Declaration, however, is its secularism and its implied hostility to divergent philosophical or religious ideas. . . Perhaps the sore point in the secular human rights discourse, as far as Muslim theoreticians of rights language are concerned, is the total dismissal of anything religious as being an impediment to the modern development of human rights. . . .
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Islamic Code of Medical Professional Ethics

  • Abdul Rahim, C. Amine, Ahmed Elkadi | . . .The medical ethical requirements proposed in this paper are primarily based on Qur'anic ethics. They include guidelines for the physician's behaviour and attitude, both at the personal and professional levels. The same standard of moral and ethical values should guide the physician in his private life and while conducting his professional business as well. . .
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Islamic Perspective in Medical Ethics

  •  Shahid Athar, MD, FACE | . . . The introduction of new technology in medicine in areas of sustaining life support systems, organ transplantation, bio-technical parenting and acquired immune deficiency syndrome, have presented new questions, and affected our outlook in medical ethics. Muslim patients, their families and their physicians need to update their current knowledge and the Islamic perspective in these areas. . .
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Islamic Philosophy of Medicine

  • Amanullah Khan, M.D., Ph.D. | . . .One of the hottest issues in medicine, these days, is the subject of medical ethics, morality, and liability. If one looks back, it becomes apparent that Hadith refers to these problems. It will also be of interest to note that problems faced by the physicians and the patients today, are not any different from the problems faced at that time. . .
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Character of the Physician

  • Shahid Athar, MD, FACE | The physician should be amongst those who believe in God, fulfill His rights, are aware of His greatness. obedient to His orders, refraining from his prohibitions, and observing Him in secret and in public. . .
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The Role of a Muslim Doctor

  •  Mahmoud Abu-Saud | . . .But what is it that makes a Muslim doctor different from other non- Muslim doctors? From the technological and scientific points of view, all doctors fall in one category. However, when it comes to practice, the Muslim doctor finds himself bound by particular professional ethics plus his Islamic directives issuing from his belief. In fact, the Muslim doctor - and I mean by this that doctor who tries to live his Islam by following its teachings all through - such a doctor is expected behave differently in some occasions and to meet greater responsibilities than other non-Muslim doctors. . .
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Islamic Medical Ethics - Some Questions & Concerns

  • Dr. Shahid Athar, MD, FACE | . . . The guiding principle in Islamic medical ethics which is mentioned in Quran and also in the Torah is, "If anyone has saved a life, it would be as if he has saved the life of the whole of mankind." . . .
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Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Euthanasia and Physician - Assisted Suicide

  • Islamic Medical Association | . . .The IMA endorses the stand that there is no place for euthanasia in medical management, under whatever name or form (e.g., mercy killing, suicide, assisted suicide, the right to die, the duty to die, etc.). . .
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Position Paper of the Abrahamic Monoetheistic Religions on Matters Concerning the End of Life

  •  The aims of this position paper are:  To present the position of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions regarding the values and the practices relevant to the dying patient, for the benefit of patients, families, health-care providers and policy makers who are adherents of one of these religions. . .
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The Use of Physicians for Human Torture

  • Islamic Medical Association | . . . Islamic Medical Association of North America is opposed to the use of physicians for torture of inmates irrespective of their faith, race, gender, nationality or alleged crime. . .
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