Coventry takes a leading role in a new BBC series which shows children what it was like to go to school in the past.

The series, Back In Time For School, aired its first episode on BBC 2 on Thursday night (January 3) when fifteen pupils began their journey through time at a familiar location.

The students, along with their teachers, lined up outside Bablake School in Radford ready for a Victorian school experience.

The school was almost unrecognisable in places having undergone a historic transformation for the series, which was filmed during the summer holidays last year.

The teachers had to leave their high tech teaching methods behind and get to work in a Victorian classroom, kitted out with a large blackboard, old books, inkwells and even a cane.

Watch: The girls get a Jiu Jistu lesson from a Suffragette

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At one point, the students got a taste of Victorian schooldays quite literally when they were fed a teaspoon of brimstone and treacle - a health boosting concoction which the children struggled to swallow.

Some of the boys were put through their paces as they took on an afternoon of hard labour while the girls were given lessons in sewing and Jiu Jitsu.

Twitter reacts

The show got a lot of reaction from fans on social media, with many sharing their own memories of their time at school.

When and where to watch it

The whole series will take the children from the Victorian era right up to the present day, and Bablake School will be the backdrop up until episode three.

Filming for episode four onwards took place at Arden Academy in Solihull.

Episode two, which was also filmed at Bablake School in Coventry, will focus on the inter-war years

The time travelling adventure will see the pupils fast-forward through more than 100 years of history.

Next week, the students will be introduced to the schooldays of the inter-war years and will be learning new languages and testing the latest gadgets.

Back In Time For School continues on Thursday, January 10 at 8pm on BBC 2.

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