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Disease Ontology - Institute for Genome Sciences - Statistics

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The statistics on this page are organized in two sections showing Global Impact and Ontology Data. Additional statistics showing the latest traffic at the HumanDiseaseOntology GitHub repo can be viewed here.

Global Impact

Sub-continents with Biomedical Resources using the DO

The number of biomedical resources identified since 2008 that use the Disease Ontology and grouped by sub-continent are shown. These resources are identified primarily from publications citing the DO, tallied by country of origin and then grouped by sub-continent, with resources created by researchers in more than one sub-continent included in the count of each. The list of individual biomedical resources can be found on the Use Cases page.
Total sub-continents = 15; Total countries = 45; Total biomedical resources = 409.

Bar chart showing count of biomedical resources using the Disease Ontology by country Bar chart showing count of biomedical resources using the Disease Ontology by country

Sub-continents with Users Accessing disease-ontology.org

The "new users" to disease-ontology.org by sub-continent are shown, as assessed with Google Analytics.

Beginning July 2023 (Google Analytics 4)

Total sub-continents = 20; Total countries = 108; Total new users = 6,958.

Pie chart showing percentage of biomedical resources using the Disease Ontology in each
                            sub-continent based on Google Analytics 4, beginning in July 2023. Bar chart showing log count of biomedical resources using the Disease Ontology by
                            sub-continent based on Google Analytics 4, beginning in July 2023.

2011 - June 2023 (Google Universal Analytics)

Total sub-continents = 22; Total countries = 201; Total new users = 229,769.
Note: This data includes 1,267 users from "Unknown" sub-continents and "not set" countries.

Pie chart showing percentage of biomedical resources using the Disease Ontology in each
                            sub-continent from 2011 to June 2023, based on Google Universal Analytics. Bar chart showing log count of biomedical resources using the Disease Ontology by
                            sub-continent from 2011 to June 2023, based on Google Universal Analytics.

Publications Citing the Disease Ontology Each Year

Total = 2,037

Ontology Data

Disease Ontology Terms and Definitions by Release
Disease Ontology Terms by Release
Disease Ontology Branch Counts
Branch Counts
Disease Ontology Cross-References
Cross References
Disease Ontology Definition Source Counts
Count of URLs supporting definitions by source
Last updated: June 2024