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What is nature? - Encyclopedia of the Environment

What is nature?


Nature is a common notion, which everyone is familiar with as long as we are not asked to define it. This is normal: there is no consensus definition of it, and the term is rejected by most academic disciplines in both the sciences and the humanities. Yet it stays, and even better: it is eminently political – and even more so at a time when the idea of “protecting nature” is pressing. In this article, we attempt to unravel its mysteries, tracing its origin, its evolution and the succession of issues in which it has found itself in a central position. The aim is to identify the different realities it embraces, and the particular ways in which we relate to them in the era of global crises.

1. How do we define “nature”?

encyclopedie diderot d'alembert
Figure 1: Cover of Volume XI of the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d’Alembert (N – PARI), with some definitions of the term nature, This part was written by Louis de Jaucourt. [Source: Digitized copy of the Mazarine Library © Licence CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 FR / URL: http://enccre.academie-sciences.fr/encyclopedie/m/vueVol/11]
Few encyclopaedias have a “nature” article. The one written by Diderot and d’Alembert, in 1751, was already wary of “this rather vague term, often used, but seldom defined, which philosophers tend to use too much”, and Buffon, who was in charge of writing it, quickly abandoned the project. He was urgently replaced by d’Alembert and de Jaucourt, who only provided a timid catalogue of “its various meanings [which] are so numerous that one author can count as many as 14 or 15″ , an article consisting essentially of cross-references to terms deemed more satisfactory, albeit heterogeneous, such as “System of the world”, “Cause”, “Essence”, “Providence” and even “God” (Figure 1).

Even today, specialized encyclopaedias still seem to carefully avoid the concept of “nature”: this is for example the notable case of the Oxford Dictionary of Science (2005), but also of the Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy (2008). The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ecology and Environmental Sciences gives it three lines that do not say much, and the Dictionary of Ecological Thought (2015), for its part, takes the precaution of specifying its articles (“nature in philosophy”, “ordinary nature”), thus carefully circumventing the idea of nature itself – although this does not prevent its use in many articles. The same observation can be made on philosophers: nature does not stand among the “major notions of philosophy” in the main university textbooks, has never been on the syllabus of any French examination or competition, and one of the few textbooks to deal with it, André Lalande’s Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie (regularly updated since 1902) imitates d’Alembert by recommending rigorous thinkers to avoid the use of this word, which can mean everything and its opposite. Moreover, the term is openly circumvented by many scientists, who prefer better defined and above all measurable hyponyms – because in the modern age there is no science without quantification – such as “biosphere”, “biodiversity”, “biocenosis”, “ecosystems” and other “physicalities” among anthropologists.

jean jacques rousseau - david hume
Figure 2. Portraits: left, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), right, David Hume (1711-1776). [Source : Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Pastel by Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1753) / David Hume, Allan Ramsay, Public domain, Creative Commons]
Thus, “nature” remained essentially a “casual” term in European languages, and has almost never been the subject of advanced academic theorization, except for the expression “human nature”, which had its moment of glory in the 18th century under the impetus of David Hume or Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1] (Figure 2).

Yet the ecological crisis has brought the idea of nature back to the forefront, and the word is now everywhere: this fact shows that it may not mean “nothing”, and that it is not really substitutable either. At a time when nature is said to be “in crisis”, when everyone would like to “protect” or even “act” on it, it is more imperative than ever to have a clear idea of this concept and its ramifications, which is what this article proposes to do [2].

2. Story of a mysterious word

la paradis cranach le vieux 1530
Figure 3. Paradise. Painting by Cranach the Elder, 1530. [Source: Photo Jean-Louis Mazières © / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]
Etymology is often an excellent way to shed light on the depth of a term; however, the term “nature” largely escapes this approach. The word is formed from the Latin verb nascor, which means “to get born”, here in a verbal form called supine, a form that can be used to construct the future participle (which does not seem to be the case here, at least no usage in this sense is known) or, like the other Latin words in -ure (culture, temperature) designates a way of being. Etymologically, it would therefore be the way in which one gets born, a kind of primordial character – which then excludes any absolute usage (effectively absent throughout the pre-classical period). In the Classical period, when young Romans from good families went to Greece to complete their intellectual education, this word was chosen to translate the Greek phusis, and became its standard translation. Phusis is one of the most complex concepts of Greek philosophy, both omnipresent (almost all the great works of the pre-Socratic philosophers are titled Peri phuseos, this concept appearing as the object of any scientific or philosophical enterprise), but with a meaning and usage that varies enormously from one author to another, or more precisely from one philosophical school to another. At the end of the apogee of Greece, Aristotle attempts a catalogue of these meanings, and lists four main ones [3]:

  • generation of that which grows;
  • the first immanent element from which growth proceeds;
  • principle of the first movement for every natural being;
  • and the primeval background from which any artificial object is made or comes from.

These four definitions could be roughly summarized as: growth, principle, power and substance. So here we are in the realm of physics – a term that is occasionally coined – and still far from biology and the environment. Greco-Roman nature does not yet designate a set of objects, but rather the dynamics that animate matter, whether living or not (the term is not often used in the Philosopher’s biology books).

It is in fact the Christianisation of Europe that will change the meaning of the word natura. Indeed, in the Christian cosmology (Figure 3), all dynamics can only come from God: it is him alone who creates the world and animates it, he is beyond nature and nothing is beyond him – whereas among the Greeks, the gods were subject to nature, they were still, in their own way, animals, animated by impulses, passions and needs. In the Abrahamic monotheisms, the whole of reality is now only a creation, a set of passive objects conceived and arranged by the demiurge, and from which only Mankind emerges, which is at once part of this creation but is called to transcend it. This hierarchy is an extremely original idea, which does not seem to be present in any other great civilizational basin: Mankind is then no longer completely a part of nature, and all the value of their existence lies in fact beyond nature, in the Kingdom of God. There is therefore no longer natura naturans, the creative principle which is a simple synonym of God, and natura naturata, which is his creation – knowing that the good Christian must despise earthly things [4], since it is through asceticism that one rises to God. The very word nature will thus become scarcely used in the Middle Ages, essentially returning to its etymological use.

nature trois graces tableau rubens bruegel
Figure 4. Nature adorning the three graces (upper part). Table by Rubens and Bruegel the Elder. The statue in the centre represents the “Mother Earth”, the mother figure of Isis traditionally depicted with many breasts on her chest. [Source: Peter Paul Rubens, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]
It was not until the Renaissance that nature made a comeback in the European intellectual landscape, following the rediscovery of ancient texts, but without any real theorization of its meaning: nature is then seen either as the whole of creation (including Man or not), the set of physical forces that regulate the world (“natural laws”), or even a kind of abstract power of reality, sometimes allegorized in “Nature” with capital letters, a sort of earthly emissary of the divine will, even a feminine and benevolent counterpart of the Almighty Father (nature was already allegorized at the end of antiquity under the maternal figure of Isis, who was later secularized in the idea of “Mother Nature” [5]) (Figure 4). The fact that Plato, the meta-physician par excellence, does not seem to have been interested in this concept, which was too material, whereas philosophers gradually erected him during the classical age as the chief arbiter of what is or is not a philosophical concept, probably contributed later on to its scorn by most of the European academic tradition, and this until today.

3. Diversity of uses of the word

Despite this dislike of the academic world, “nature” remains the 419th most used word in the French language out of the 60,000 words listed in the usual dictionaries. It has undergone a number of one-off fashion effects, both during the Romantic period and with the cultural revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, in particular because of its fundamentally subversive nature, since the opposition between “nature” and “culture” makes it the perfect recourse when it comes to challenging the established order (“return to nature”) – even though “established order” is also precisely one of the meanings of “nature” [6]

A study published in 2020 [7] attempted to review the meanings and uses of the word “nature”, based on a review of dictionaries, some of which have as many as 20 different and often contradictory definitions. All these ramifications seem to be summarized in four main ideas:

  • The totality of material reality that does not result from human will (as opposed to artifice, intention and culture);
  • The whole universe as a place, source and result of material phenomena, including man or at least his body (as opposed to the supernatural, the metaphysical or the unreal);
  • The force at the principle of life and change (opposing inertia, fixity and entropy [8]);
  • The essence, the set of specific physical properties and qualities of an object, living or inert (opposing denaturation).

These four definitions appear extremely heterogeneous in many aspects: some include humans while others explicitly exclude them, and some refer to objects and others to abstract phenomena or characters. They can therefore form the basis for radically different or even contradictory “conservations of nature” , and even, for some, make such an idea absurd: we have grouped these definitions and what they could represent in terms of conservation in Table 1.

different definitions nature - table definitions nature
Table 1. The four main definitions of “nature”, their characteristics and what they may represent from a conservation perspective


4. What to protect?

As we have seen, nature is multiple: it follows that its protection is also crossed by several currents, which have added up rather than succeeded each other over time, at the rate of the emergence of new issues.

4.1. Protecting nature as a set of resources

gifford pinchot - pinchot national forest
Figure 5. Pinchot National Forest (Washington, USA) and portrait of Gifford Pinchot [Source: Left, free image, needpix.com / Right, photo Pirie MacDonald, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]
Historically, human societies first protected natural “resources” (wood, game, “useful” animals and plants…) [9], “nature” itself being too abstract and too massive to be the object of direct human action. As early as the Mesolithic period, sedentary human groups began to save part of their resources to ensure their reproduction and permanence. This management was later entrusted to specialized corporations, such as in France the Administration of Water and Forests, created by Philippe le Bel in 1291, before being modernized by Colbert in 1669. In the US, it was Gifford Pinchot (trained at the Ecole de Nancy) who was the great protector of natural resources at the end of the 19th century, faced with the increasingly ferocious appetite of loggers (Figure 5).

4.2. Protecting nature as a living environment

parc chateau versailles
Figure 6. Park of the Palace of Versailles, illustrating the concept of locus amoenus. [Photo © Frédéric Ducarme]
With sedentarisation, came along ideas of health and safety. Indeed, human settlements attracted a whole host of commensal or parasitic species, not always desirable, both animal and plant, and even bacterial. The organization of the living environment has therefore rapidly become a necessity for all human societies, notably through the extirpation of a certain number of animals declared undesirable, often by means of exogenous domestic predators (dogs, cats, mustelids, viverrids, chickens, etc.), and then by using pesticides. This development came along with the anthropisation of the landscape, firstly through morphological (canals, terraces, flattening) and vegetal (fruit trees, ornamental trees, hedges) development. This new, comfortable living environment soon came as a standard of what nature should be, but a nature here cultivated and tamed, and radically opposed to wild nature, considered hostile and dangerous. This nature is thus resolutely a socio-ecosystem, a nature thought an environment for human activities to take place in, and goes largely against other conceptions of nature. It is this ideal that Latin pastoralists called locus amoenus, a kind of natural garden (Figure 6). This ideal is indeed also found in the history of gardening, landscaping and urban planning, particularly in the 19th century with the fashion for urban parks (Hyde Park was founded in 1820, Bois de Boulogne in 1852, Central Park in 1869). As this is an ideal, we can link it to the 4th definition of nature, that of a normative archetypal state.

cheminees industrielles eugene bracht
Figure 7. The first pollution of great importance emerged with the industrial revolution. [Source: Eugen Bracht, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]
The protection of this nice and aesthetic natural environment is known under the particular name of environmentalism, a term that contains its anthropocentric dimension very well, and which should be distinguished from ecologism. In fact, it is above all a question of protecting humans, first against wild nature and then rapidly against human nuisances themselves: it is in this respect that various regulations of these nuisances appeared, whether it be the creation of sewers and latrines in ancient times, then more important measures with the Industrial Revolution (Figure 7): in France, for example, the Imperial Decree of 15 October 1810 relating to “Manufactures and Workshops which spread an unhealthy or inconvenient odour“, and in England the creation in 1815 of the Commons Open Spaces & Footpaths preservation society. Most of the first environmental laws fall within this framework, and protect a very specific “nature”, which is domesticated nature seen as Mankind’s support – and is not necessarily less legitimate for all that.

4.3. Protecting nature as a set of monuments and landscapes

fossile placoderme devonien
Figure 8. Devonian placoderm fossil (MNHN). [Photo © Frédéric Ducarme]
The idea of nature underwent a revolution in the 18th century: Westerners then finished mapping the entire planet, which suddenly seemed surprisingly small. At the same time, explorers gave an idea of the spatial distribution of the different species, making it possible to understand that some of them had indeed irretrievably disappeared, whereas until then one could always imagine residual populations (even for fossil species, Figure 8). One thus becomes aware that God does not seem to “re-create” his creations if Men destroy them, and the relationship with nature then changes abruptly with the first romantic generation: nature then passes from the mysterious mother of infinite abundance to the fragile battlefield of the human history.

Figure 9. Rainbow over a geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. [Source: copyright free image, pikrepo.com]
It was thus in the 19th century and under the effect of the industrial revolution that the idea of “protecting nature” gradually germinated in the West – and this time it was mainly artists, intellectuals and writers who contributed to this movement, such as Charles Beauquier in France or John Muir in the United States. The fourth definition will essentially be used again: protection concerns the archetypal state of a site, which we will try to preserve as it is and make it a monument, under various administrative designations (national park, natural monument, classified site, etc.). It is therefore mainly spectacular landscapes and biological or geological features that are protected at that time, from the Yellowstone geysers (Figure 9) to the colonial hunting reserves, along with the Fontainebleau forest, which obtained protection in 1861 thanks to the naturalist painters of the Barbizon school, coined as an “artistic series”, since it was the last place around Paris where one could still admire very old trees. This “nature” is therefore essentially a landscape setting that will be protected, but this time not for direct use as a living environment, but for a rarer aesthetic and intellectual use. There is also the idea that these places must be protected from the defilement of civilization, joining for the occasion the first definition, which will be taken to extremes in America, where wilderness will be seen as an image of paradise precisely because it has remained as God created it, and not corrupted by the activity of men [10]. At the same time, the birth of nationalist currents will anchor this protection of the natural heritage in a particularly marked approach to identity [11]. The protection of emblematic species followed at the end of the 19th century in a very similar fashion.

4.4. Protecting nature as a set of ecosystems

aldo leopold comte sables
Figure 10. Cover of the first edition of Aldo Leopold’s “Almanac of a County of Sands”

It was not until the emergence of the ecosystem concept in 1935 that the vision of “nature” as a scientific object was renewed, first as a scientific object and then as an object of conservation. While the conservationist tradition was resolutely fixist and attached itself to inert or little changing objects (or at least treated as such), a more dynamic vision of nature was to develop under the impetus of Darwin, and restore the prestige of the third definition we have given. One of the guardian figures of this transition is the famous American forester Aldo Leopold, author of a posthumous work (A Sand County Almanac, 1949) considered as the “bible” of American ecology (Figure 10). Although Leopold was still unfamiliar with the term ecosystem, he nonetheless called for the active conservation of “biotic communities”, later (1992) renamed “biodiversity“. Leopold contributed to the creation of undeveloped forest reserves, protected not for aesthetic or touristic reasons but clearly for their biological and ecological importance, in contrast to the national parks, which until then had been almost all located in arid or mountainous areas.

This new protection of nature seen as a set of ecosystems is therefore based this time on essentially scientific criteria, such as biodiversity, endemism and ecological functionalities – leading to the christening of “ordinary nature” in conservation, since the major functions rely for a large part on the most abundant species [12]. Abstract notions of biological functions, material flows of matter (water, carbon, nitrogen) and energy will also come into play, and their importance for human societies will be embodied in 2005 by the concept of  “ecosystem services“, popularized by the Millennium Ecosystems Assessment report commissioned by the UN in 2000. Nature is thus no longer inert and passive, and is becoming a platform for exchanges between biotic communities, of which humanity is one actor among others, powerful but also fragile and dependent.

4.5. Protecting nature as a set of conditions favourable to life as we know it

mont toby farm
Figure 11. Mount Toby Farm (Sunderland, MA, USA) works closely with the USDA (Department of Agriculture) and NRCS (Natural Resources and Conservation) to preserve the environment. This kind of model is still exceptional in America, unlike Europe. [Public domain]

The scale changed radically at the end of the twentieth century: it was no longer a question of protecting objects, but rather phenomena, on an ever-increasing scale, and finally on a global scale. The very idea of reserve finds its limits here, since these flows and phenomena overflow them largely, and it is therefore the whole organization of human societies that needs to be reviewed, because this protection can no longer be satisfied with a handful of desert or mountainous areas that are sanctuarized because they were unproductive anyway. The climate, the circulation of water and the balance of biodiversity depend less on Yellowstone Park or the Monument Valley than on the use of the fertile soils of the great river plains where all human activities are concentrated, and the artificial separation of nature and humans seems quite illusory [14] (Figure 11).

The new challenge of nature conservation in the 21st century will therefore be to protect nature at the very heart of anthropized spaces, which now largely dominate the planet and, above all, the flows of matter that pass through it – this is what some call the “anthropocene” [15]. In addition to the careful protection of the last remaining unexploited ecosystems, this new nature conservation must also focus on socio-ecosystems, inhabited by a great diversity of human, non-human, living and non-living agents, all of which maintain complex relationships (read: Biodiversity is not a luxury, but a necessity). One of the approaches dealing with this new nature is called “ecology of reconciliation[16], which aims to make anthropized spaces favourable to biodiversity, through a whole series of techniques and developments. Agriculture must also be rethought so that it no longer forms monospecific deserts saturated with toxic agents, but rather harbors biodiversity that maintains the quality of the soil, the health of the plantations and that of the people who live there [17].

In addition to the technical and administrative challenge, we are therefore witnessing a real philosophical revolution: nature is no longer “outside” Man, and the boundaries between the attention paid to nature and to human populations, hitherto strictly separated in the West between material sciences and human sciences, are fading. This epistemological upheaval is therefore logically accompanied by a new philosophical production, marked in the US by academics such as J. Baird Callicott or in France by authors such as the anthropologist Philippe Descola, the sociologist Bruno Latour, the philosopher Catherine Larrère, grouped together under the label of “environmental humanities“.

5. Messages to remember

  • The concept of “nature” is particularly complex to grasp, and has evolved substantially over its history. Even today, four main definitions of nature can be identified, which are extremely heterogeneous and often contradictory; nature would be :
    • The totality of material reality that does not result from human will (as opposed to artifice, intention and culture)
    • The whole universe as a place, source and result of material phenomena, including man or at least his body (as opposed to the supernatural, metaphysical or unreal)
    • The force at the core of life and change (opposing inertia, fixity and entropy)
    • The essence, the set of specific physical properties and qualities of an object, living or inert (opposing denaturation).
  • The idea of “protecting naturevaries enormously depending on the reference frameworks used, and various traditions of nature protection have developed over time, with distinct, and here too, readily contradictory objects, techniques, concepts and objectives.
  • The very vagueness that surrounds the idea of nature prevents its recuperation by a particular disciplinary field (philosophy, biology, politics…) and thus forces the sciences and institutions to confront a popular word rich in varied connotations, conveying many social affects.
  • This diversity prevents the idea of technocratization by preserving a diversity of choices and opportunities open to democratic dialogue.
  • In this article, only the “Western” concept of nature has been discussed, but its equivalents (or lack of equivalents) in other languages have been the subject of a study published in 2020 [18].

Notes and References

Cover image. [Source: Photo © Frédéric Ducarme]

[1] We will not discuss this usage here, and refer to the work of Jean Ehrard, notably L’Idée de nature en France dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle, Paris: Albin Michel, 1963, or to Franck Burbage’s Nature opuscule in the “corpus” collection by Garner Flammarion (2013).

[2] This article is largely inspired by the author’s doctoral thesis, defended at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in 2016, and by two publications that have come out of it: Ducarme F, Couvet D. (2020) What does “nature” mean? Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 6(14):1-8. DOI:10.1057/s41599-020-0390-y ; Ducarme F, Flipo, F., Couvet D. (2020) How the diversity of human concepts of nature affects conservation of biodiversity, Conservation Biology, 34(5), DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13639.

[3] Aristotle, Metaphysics, Delta 4, 1014b.

[4] Matthew 6:19.

[5] Hadot P. Le Voile d’Isis. Paris: Gallimard, Folio essais; 2004. 515 p.

[6] On the (mis)uses of the idea of nature in a moral context, the work of reference is undoubtedly John Stuart Mill, “On Nature”, in Three Essays on Religion. London: Longman Green; 1874.

[7] Ducarme F, Couvet D. (2020) What does “nature” mean? Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 6(14):1-8. DOI:10.1057/s41599-020-0390-y

[8] Beware, here the notion of entropy is taken not in the sense that it has in astrophysics but in its popular sense and on an extremely small scale, that of the energy that tends to dissipate or of the ecosystem that tends to be impoverished.

[9] Ducarme F. (2020), “Evolution et transmutations de l’objet ‘nature’ dans l’histoire de sa conservation”, colloquium De la réserve intégrale à la nature ordinaire, les figures changeantes de la protection de la nature, AHPNE/Archives Nationales, Paris, 29-30 September 2020.

[10] On the concept of “wilderness“, theorized by Roderick Nash (Nash R., Wilderness and the American Mind. New Haven: Yale University Press; 1967), see in particular the numerous works of J. Baird Callicott (such as Callicott JB, Nelson MP, eds., The Great New Wilderness Debate. University of Georgia Press; 1998. 697 p.).

[11] Luigi Piccioni (2014), “Les instruments conceptuels de la patrimonialisation du paysage et de la nature dans l’Europe de la Belle Époque”, “Projets de paysage”, dossier thématique “Paysage(s) et Patrimoine(s): connaissance, protection, gestion et valorisation”, https://journals.openedition.org/paysage/11109.

[12] On this expression, see the works of Catherine Larrère or Rémi Beau, such as Beau R., “Nature ordinaire” in Bourg D, Papaux A, Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique. Paris: PUF; 2015.

[13] Millennium Ecosystems Assessment. Ecosystems and human well-being. Washington DC: World Resources Institute; 2005.

[14] Phalan B, Onial M, Balmford A, Green RE. Reconciling food production and biodiversity conservation: land sharing and land sparing compared. Science. 2011; 333(September):1289-91.

[15] Lewis SL, Maslin MA. Defining the Anthropocene. Nature 2015; 519(7542):171-80.

[16] Rosenzweig ML. Win-Win Ecology. How the Earth’s Species Can Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2003. For a summary in French, see Couvet D, Ducarme F. L’écologie de la réconciliation, du défi biologique au défi social. Journal of Ethnoecology. 2014;6:13.

[17] Butler SJSJ, Vickery JAJA, Norris K. Farmland biodiversity and the footprint of agriculture. Science, 2007; 315:381-4.

[18] Ducarme, F., Flipo, F. and Couvet, D. (2020), “How the diversity of human concepts of nature affects conservation of biodiversity” Conservation Biology 34:6, doi:10.1111/cobi.13639

The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (www.a3e.fr), contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: DUCARME Frédéric (March 1, 2021), What is nature?, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 18, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url : https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/en/life/what-is-nature/.

The articles in the Encyclopedia of the Environment are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, which authorizes reproduction subject to: citing the source, not making commercial use of them, sharing identical initial conditions, reproducing at each reuse or distribution the mention of this Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.




1. わが们该如何いかてい义“自然しぜん”?

图 1. 让·勒朗·达朗贝尔和德わとくあま·狄德罗《百科ひゃっかぜん书》(N-PARI)だい11かんふうめん,以及いち些对“自然しぜんてきてい义,这部分ぶぶんよしえき斯·とく·乔古尔(Louis de Jaucourt) せんうつし。 [らいみなもと:Mazarine 图书馆的电子副本ふくほん © 许可证 CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 FR / URL:http://enccre.academie-sciences.fr/encyclopedie/m/vueVol/11]


  そく使ざいこんてん专业てき百科ひゃっかぜん乎仍しか谨慎回避かいひ自然しぜん”这一概念がいねんれい如,《牛津うしづ科学かがく词典》(2005年版ねんばんかず《环境伦理あずか哲学てつがく百科ひゃっかぜん书》(2008年版ねんばん)。《なま态与环境科学かがく百科ひゃっかぜん书》给出りょう三行似是而非的文字,《なま思想しそう词典》(2015はん)则谨まき限定げんていりょう文章ぶんしょう讨论范畴(“哲学てつがくちゅうてき自然しぜん”、“普通ふつう自然しぜん”),绕过りょう自然しぜん本身ほんみ——ただしざい许多文章ぶんしょうちゅういた引用いんようざい哲学てつがく领域じょう相似そうじ自然しぜん并不主流しゅりゅう大学だいがく教科きょうか书中てき哲学てつがく主要しゅよう观念”,也从在任ざいにんなんほう语考试或竞赛てきだい纲中。安德あんとくれつ·ひしげ兰德てき《词汇わざ术与哲学てつがく批判ひはん》(Vocabulaire Technical et Commission de la Phology)为数てきひさげ自然しぜんてき教科きょうか书(1902ねん以来いらい定期ていき更新こうしん),也效仿了达朗贝尔てき做法,けん议严谨的思想家しそうか避免使用しよう这一词条,いん为这个词可能かのう意味いみにんいち可能かのうせい,也可能かのう意味いみ相反あいはんいちめん。此外,许多科学かがくおおやけ开回避这いち词语,们更欢定义更あかり确且测量てき下位かい词——如人类学提出ていしゅつてき生物せいぶつけん”、“生物せいぶつ样性”、“生物せいぶつ群落ぐんらく”、“なま态系统”かず其他“物理ぶつりせい”。ざいとうしたぼつゆうりょう,就不科学かがく

图2. 肖像しょうぞうひだり图,让-まさかつ·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)(1712-1778),みぎ图,戴维·きゅう谟(David Hume)(1711-1776)。
(Maurice Quentin de La Tour)こないろどり;《だい卫·きゅう谟》为艾伦·ひしげ姆齐(Allan Ramsay),识共とおる组织(Creative Commons)公共こうきょう领域发布]

  いん此,“自然しぜん”(nature)ざいおうしゅう语言中本なかもと质上仍然いち随意ずいいてき术语じょりょうあずか“human”结合为“human nature”(人性じんせいこれがい,几乎从来ぼつゆうなり为先进学术理论的ぬし题,ただ一的高光时刻是18せい纪在戴维·きゅう谟和让-まさかつ·卢梭[1](图2)てき推动ゆう过短暂的辉煌。


2. 一个神秘单词的故事

图3. 天堂てんどうろう卢卡斯·かつひしげ纳赫,1530ねん,1530ねん
[らいみなもと:让-みちえき斯·马齐ほこり尔斯(Jean-Louis Mazières)あきらかた©CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]


  Phusisまれ腊哲がくちゅうさい复杂てき概念がいねんいちそく无所不在ふざい。几乎所有しょゆうぜん苏格ひしげそこ时期てき哲学てつがく著作ちょさく以“Peri phuseos”(Phusis てき变体,为“论自然しぜん”)为标题。这个概念がいねんなり为了所有しょゆう科学かがくある哲学てつがくごと业的对象,ただし其含义和用法ようほうざい不同ふどうてき作者さくしゃ间有巨大きょだいてき异,あるものさらじゅん确地说,ざい不同ふどうてき哲学てつがく流派りゅうは存在そんざい异。ざいまれ腊的かなえもり时期まつ,亚里士多したとく试图对这些含义进ぎょう编目,并列四个主要的含义[3]

  • なま长之物的ぶってきせい长;
  • なま长之ぶつ最初さいしょてき内在ないざいいんもと
  • 自然しぜん物的ぶってき运动げん则;
  • にんなん物体ぶったいてきげん存在そんざい以及にん何人なんにんづくり物体ぶったい产生あるらいみなもとてき原始げんし背景はいけい


  ごと实上,きさきらいおうしゅうてき基督教きりすときょうあらため变了“自然しぜんいち词的含义。ざい基督教きりすときょう实际てき宇宙うちゅう观中(图3),所有しょゆうてき动力ただのうらい上帝じょうていただゆう创造世界せかい,并赋其生いのち超越ちょうえつりょう自然しぜんぼつゆう什么のう超越ちょうえつ——而在まれ腊,众神ふく自然しぜん们仍しか以动物的ぶってき独特どくとく形式けいしき存在そんざい,受到冲动、激情げきじょう需求てき驱使。ざい亚伯ひしげ一神教いっしんきょうちゅうせい个现实世かいただいち种创造物ぞうぶつよし造物主ぞうぶつしゅ构思やすはいてき一组被动物体,ただ有人ゆうじん类才かい从中现,にん类既这种创造てきいち部分ぶぶんただしまた要求ようきゅう超越ちょうえつ它。这种とう制度せいど一个极其原始的观念,在任ざいにんなん其他伟大てき文明ぶんめい流域りゅういきちゅうぼつゆう现:这么いちらいにん类不さい完全かんぜん自然しぜんてきいち部分ぶぶんにん存在そんざいてき所有しょゆう价值超越ちょうえつ自然しぜんざい上帝じょうていてきこくちゅうよし此,さいゆう“创造自然しぜんてき自然しぜん”(natura naturans),一个等同于上帝造物的原则,也不さいゆう自然しぜんしょ创造てき自然しぜん”(Natura Naturata),ひとしどう上帝じょうていてき创造。ちゅう诚的基督きりすと必须ひな世俗せぞくてき东西[4]いん为要どおり禁欲きんよく才能さいのうさい终进にゅう天堂てんどうよし此,“自然しぜん”这个词在中世ちゅうせい纪很しょうさい使用しようまたかいいた其词げんがくてき用法ようほう

图4. だい自然しぜんそう饰着さんおんうえはん部分ぶぶん),かれとく·罗·鲁本斯( Peter Paul Rubens)あずかろう扬·勃鲁盖尔( Jan Brueghel the Elder)
ろうぬの鲁格尔(Bruegel the Elder)てき桌子。画面がめんちゅう代表だいひょうりょうだい自然しぜんはは亲”,,そくまれ斯的はは形象けいしょう胸部きょうぶゆう许多乳房ちぶさ。[らいみなもと:Peter Paul Rubens,ざい维基公共こうきょう媒体ばいたいてき公共こうきょう领域发布]


3. “自然しぜん”一词用法的多样性



  • 非人ひにん意志いしところ产生てきもの质现实てき总和(あずか技巧ぎこう图和文化ぶんかしょう对立);
  • さくもの质现ぞうてき场所、らいみなもとかず结果てきせい宇宙うちゅう包括ほうかつじんあるいたりしょう人的じんてき身体しんたいあずかちょう自然しぜん形而上学けいじじょうがくあるきょまぼろししょう对立);
  • 生命せいめい变化原理げんりてきりょくあずか惯性、固定こていせい熵相对立[8]);
  • ほん物体ぶったい特定とくていてき物理ぶつり属性ぞくせいとく质的集合しゅうごう有生ゆうせいいのちてきある惰性だせいてきあずか变性しょう对立)。


ひょう1. “自然しぜんてき四个主要定义、とくせい以及从自然しぜん护角可能かのう代表だいひょうてき内容ないよう

4. 护什么?


4.1. はた自然しぜんさく为一系列资源进行保护

图5. よし福德ふくとく·ひらめあやか国家こっか森林しんりん于美こく华盛顿)和吉かずよし福德ふくとく·ひらめあやかてき肖像しょうぞう[らいみなもとひだり图,めん费图へん,needpix.com/みぎ图,Pirie MacDonaldてきあきらへんざい维基公共こうきょう媒体ばいたいてき公共こうきょう领域发布]]

  纵观历史,“自然しぜん本身ほんみ过于抽象ちゅうしょう庞大,无法なり为人类直接ちょくせつぎょう动的对象,にん类社かいくびさき护的自然しぜん“资源”(木材もくざい、猎物、“有用ゆうようてき”动植物しょくぶつ……)[9]在中ざいちゅう石器せっき时代,ていきょ生活せいかつてきじん类就开始そん部分ぶぶん资源,以确繁殖はんしょく长期生存せいぞん存在そんざい。这种管理かんりしききさきらいたく给专门的组织。れい如在ほうこく,菲利·勒·贝尔ざい1291ねん创建りょうすい资源管理かんりきょく森林しんりん管理かんりきょく(1669ねんゆかり让-ともえ蒂斯とく·柯尔贝尔进行现代改革かいかくよし 。19せい纪末ざい美国びくにめん伐木ばつぼく产业疯狂ぞう长的需求,よし福德ふくとく·ひらめあやかざいほうこくみなみ国立こくりつ高等こうとう矿业学校がっこう接受せつじゅ教育きょういくざい自然しぜん资源护方めん做出りょう伟大贡献。伟大てき自然しぜん资源护者(图5)。

4.2. はた自然しぜんさく生活せいかつ环境进行

图6. 凡尔赛宫こう园体现了Locus amoenus(ひしげひのと语,为“愉快ゆかいてき地方ちほう”)てき理念りねん[あきらかた©Frédéric Ducarme]

  じん们在ていきょ生活せいかつちゅう产生りょう健康けんこう安全あんぜんてき观念。ひと居住きょじゅう吸引きゅういん大量たいりょうてき共生きょうせいある寄生きせいぶつ种,包括ほうかつ动物、植物しょくぶつ甚至细菌,ただしもの种并总是有利ゆうり于人类生活せいかつよし此,生存せいぞん环境てき组织管理かんり迅速じんそくなり为所有人ゆうじん社会しゃかいてき必要ひつよう条件じょうけんさい突出とっしゅつてき就是しょう灭一定数量的不受欢迎的动物,通常つうじょうどおり过家养的猎食动物杀灭(如狗、ねこいたち动物、灵猫动物、鸡等),きさきらい使用しよう杀虫剂杀灭。ずい而来てきけい观的じん类化,しゅさき现的がた态变(沟渠、はしご、农田)かず植物しょくぶつ变化(はて树、观赏树木、篱笆)。这种ぜんしん而舒适的生活せいかつ环境很快なり为定义自然しぜんてき标准,ただし却是有人ゆうじん为耕种和驯化こん迹的自然しぜんあずか认为たかし满敌危险てき野生やせい自然しぜん截然せつぜん相反あいはんよし此,这种自然しぜん纯粹一种社会生态系统,いち自然しぜん思想しそう,一种供人类活动发生的环境,ざい很大程度ていどじょうあずか其他自然しぜん概念がいねんしょう违背。这正ひしげちょうゆうまき过去しょしょうてき愉快ゆかいてき地方ちほう”(locus amoenus),一种自然花园(图6)。这种理想りそうざい园艺、けい观美城市じょうし规划てき历史中也ちゅうや确实存在そんざいとく别是ざい19せい纪城おおやけ园的けん设潮りゅうちゅう如建于1820ねんてきうみとくこう园建于,けん于1852ねんてきぬのらく涅森はやしこう园年,けん于1869ねんてき中央ちゅうおうこう园建于)。よし于这いち个理おもえ以把它与自然しぜんてきだい四个定义相连,そく规范せい原型げんけいじょう

图7. こう业革いのち带来りょうだいいち此重だい污染。[らいみなもと:Eugen Bracht,ざい维基公共こうきょう媒体ばいたいてき公共こうきょう领域发布]

  护这个美丽且具有ぐゆう审美义的自然しぜん环境しょう为环さかい护主义,这一术语蕴含了人类中心主义的维度,应该あずかなま态主义区分くぶん开来。こと实上,这归到底とうてい一个保护人类的问题,しゅさき护人类免受野せい自然しぜんてき侵害しんがい,很快发展なり应对じん自身じしんてき妨害ぼうがいぎょう为。正因まさより如此,阻止そし妨害ぼうがいぎょう为的规定だい包括ほうかつ古代こだいてき下水道げすいどう厕所てき建造けんぞうこう业革命中めいちゅうさら重要じゅうようてき措施(图7) :れい如,ほうこくざい1810ねん10がつ15にち发布关于”散布さんぷ不健康ふけんこうある不良ふりょう气味てきせいづくり业和さくぼうてき帝国ていこく法令ほうれい,以及英国えいこくざい1815ねん创建公共こうきょうそら间和じん行道ぎょうどう护协かいだい多数たすう早期そうきてき环境ほうぞく于这いちかまち护一种特殊状态的“自然しぜん”,そく驯化ひと支持しじてき自然しぜん——也因此具有ぐゆう一定いってい合理ごうりせい

4.3. はた自然しぜんさく为纪ねんけい观进ぎょう

图8. どろぼん纪板がわ动物化石かせき(MNHN)。[あきらかた©Frédéric Ducarme]


图9. 美国びくに怀俄あきらしゅう黄石こうせき国家こっかこう园间歇泉上方かみがたてきいろどりにじ[らいみなもと:无版权图へん,pikrepo.com]


4.4. はた自然しぜんさく为一套生态系统进行保护

图10. おく尔多·おくとく(Aldo Leopold)てきすな乡年鉴》だいいちはんふうめん

  1935ねんなま态系统概念的がいねんてき现,“自然しぜんさく科学かがく研究けんきゅう对象てき观点ざいいた更新こうしんしゅさきさく科学かがく研究けんきゅう对象,しかきさきさく为保护对ぞう。虽然自然しぜん资源护主义的传统固定こてい论,集中しゅうちゅう于不かつ跃或变化微小びしょうてき物体ぶったいあるものいたりしょうとうさく这样对待) ,ただしざい达尔ぶんてき推动,一种更具活力的自然观得到发展,肯定こうていりょうぜん文中ぶんちゅうだいさん个定义。这种转变てきまもり护者一是著名的美国森林学家奥尔多·おくとくてき著作ちょさくすな乡年鉴》ざい逝世きさきざいとく出版しゅっぱん认为美国びくにせい态学てき“圣经”。虽然おくとく对生态系统这个术语还じゅく悉,ただし仍然よび吁积极保护“生物せいぶつ群落ぐんらく”,きさきらい(1992ねんさらめい为“生物せいぶつ样性”。おくとく帮助建立こんりゅうりょう开发森林しんりん护区,于美がくあるたびゆう资源てきこう虑,而是其生物せいぶつ和生かずお重要じゅうようせい,这与国家こっかこう园的形成けいせい鲜明对比——ざい此之ぜん设立てき国家こっかこう园几乎都于干ひでり地区ちくあるやま


4.5. はた自然しぜんさく为我们所知的ちてき有利ゆうり于生いのちてき环境进行

图11. たく比山ひやま农场(美国びくに马萨诸塞しゅうくわとく兰)あずか美国びくに农业(农业自然しぜん资源あずか护委员会みつきり合作がっさく护环さかいあずかおうしゅう不同ふどう,这种しきざい美国びくに并不つね见。[公共こうきょう领域]



5. 重要じゅうようしんじいき

  • 自然しぜんてき概念がいねん理解りかいおこりらいとく别复杂,ざい历史发展过程ちゅう经历りょう巨大きょだいてきえんじ变。ざいこんてん,对自然しぜんゆう四个主要定义,ただし也极为不同ふどう,甚至存在そんざい矛盾むじゅん自然しぜん
    • 非人ひにん意志いしところ产生てきもの质现实てき总和(あずか技巧ぎこう图和文化ぶんかしょう对立);
    • さくもの质现ぞうてき场所、らいみなもとかず结果てきせい宇宙うちゅう包括ほうかつじんあるいたりしょう人的じんてき身体しんたいあずかちょう自然しぜん形而上学けいじじょうがくあるきょまぼろししょう对立);
    • 生命せいめい变化原理げんりてきりょくあずか惯性、固定こていせい熵相对立[8]);
    • ほん物体ぶったい特定とくていてき物理ぶつり属性ぞくせいとく质的集合しゅうごう有生ゆうせいいのちてきある惰性だせいてきあずか变性しょう对立)。
  • 自然しぜんてき概念がいねんいんしょ使用しようてきてい义框不同ふどう不同ふどうかく自然しぜん护传统随时间てき推移すいい而发てん,其对ぞうわざ术、概念がいねんかくあいどうざい这里也很容易ようい相互そうご矛盾むじゅん
  • 围绕自然しぜん概念的がいねんてき模糊もこせい阻碍そがいりょう它在ぼう特定とくてい学科がっか领域(哲学てつがく生物せいぶつがく政治せいじがく… …)とくいた恢复与发展,さこ使つかい科学かがくかいかく类机构开はじめめん对这个内涵丰とみ且传递出许多社会しゃかいかげ响的词语。
  • 这一多样性通过维持多样的选择和民主对话的机会阻止了“自然しぜんてきわざ官僚かんりょう
  • ざい这篇文章ぶんしょうちゅうわが们仅讨论りょう西方せいほうてき自然しぜん概念がいねんただし它在其他语言ちゅうてき对等含义(ある缺乏けつぼう对等)2020ねん发表てき一项研究的主题[18]



ふうめん图片。[らいみなもとあきらかた©Frédéric Ducarme]

[1] わが们在此不讨论这种用法ようほう,而是参考さんこうきちおん·ほこりひしげ尔(Jean Ehrard)てき作品さくひんとく别是ほうこくしん纪初てき自然しぜんひかり》,ともえはじむ:Albin Michel,1963ねんあるもの参考さんこう纳·どるひしげ马利のぼる(Garner Flammarion)おさむ录在ぶん集中しゅうちゅうてきどる兰克-ぬの尔巴(Franck Burbage)てき自然しぜん一文いちぶん

[2] 本文ほんぶんてき主要しゅよう灵感らいげん于作しゃてき博士はかせ论文(于2016ねん在国ざいこく自然しぜん历史博物はくぶつ完成かんせいこたえ辩)以及きさき出版しゅっぱんてき两篇文章ぶんしょう:Ducarme F,Couvet d.(2020ねん)《“自然しぜん什么意思いし?》自然しぜん人文じんぶん社会しゃかい科学かがくどおり讯,6(14):1-8。DOI:10.1057/s41599-020-0390-y;Ducarme F,Flipo,F.,Couvet  D.(2020ねん)《ひと自然しぜん概念的がいねんてき样性如何いかかげ生物せいぶつ样性护》,《生物せいぶつがく》,34(5),DOI:10.1111/cobi.13639。

[3] 亚里士多したとく,《形而上学けいじじょうがく》 ,だい4だい1014b 页。

[4] 马太福音ふくいん6:19。

[5] Hadot P. Le Voile d’Isis。ともえはじむ: Gallimard,Folio essais;2004ねんだい515页。

[6] 关于ざい道德どうとく语境ちゅう自然しぜん概念的がいねんてき(错误)使用しよう参考さんこう文献ぶんけん无疑John Stuart Millざい三篇关于宗教的论文中的《论自然しぜん》。伦敦:ろうぶんかくりん;1874ねん

[7] Ducarme F,Couvet D.(2020ねん)“自然しぜん什么意思いし?《自然しぜん人文じんぶん社会しゃかい科学かがくどおり讯》,6(14):1-8。DOI: 10.1057/s41599-020-0390-y

[8] 注意ちゅうい,这里熵的概念がいねん天体てんたい物理ぶつりがくてき义上らい理解りかい,而是从普遍ふへんてき义上らい理解りかい,而且ざい极小てき尺度しゃくどじょうそく趋于消散しょうさんてきのうりょうある趋于贫乏てきなま态系统的のうりょう

[9] Ducarme F.(2020),《自然しぜんあずか自然しぜん护历てきえんじ变与嬗变》,自然しぜん研究けんきゅうかいほうこく国家こっか档案馆,ともえはじむ,2020ねん9がつ29にちいたり30にち

[10] よし罗德さとかつ·纳什(Roderick Nash)进行论化てき关于“荒野あらのてき概念がいねん,(《荒野あらのあずか美国びくに思想しそう》:耶鲁大学だいがく出版しゅっぱんしゃ;1967ねん),つね现于柯倍とく(J. Baird Callicott)てき许多作品さくひん(如《伟大てきしん荒野あらの辩论》)。乔治亚大がく出版しゅっぱんしゃ;1998ねんだい697页)。

[11] Luigi Piccioni(2014),“おうしま美好みよし年代ねんだいけい观和自然しぜん遗产发展てき概念がいねん工具こうぐ”,“けい工程こうてい”,专题“けい观和遗产:识、护、管理かんりひさげます”,https://journals.openedition.org/paysage/11109。

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The Encyclopedia of the Environment by the Association des Encyclopédies de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie (www.a3e.fr), contractually linked to the University of Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP, and sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences.

To cite this article: DUCARME Frédéric (March 13, 2024), 什么自然しぜん?, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Accessed September 18, 2024 [online ISSN 2555-0950] url : https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/zh/vivant-zh/what-is-nature/.

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