Related Resources: heat transfer

Radiant Heat Exchange Parallel Disks Equation and Calculator

Heat Transfer Engineering
Engineering Physics

Radiant heat exchange for two isothermal (constant temperature) parallel flat black disks equation and calculator.

Radiant heat exchange for two isothermal (constant temperature) parallel flat black disks equation and calculator

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The heat flow (q) from the plate is calculated as:

q = 56.69 x 10-9 x VF(1-2) x A12 x (T14 - T24 )

Where 56.69 x 10-9 is the average Stefan-Bolzmann constant, A1is the area of the disk, T1 is the plate 1 temperature and T2 is the disk 2 temperature. The view factor VF(1-2) (also known as radiation shape factor, angle factor, and configuration factor) is defined as:

Length of plate 1 divided by the distance between the plates (L 1 / D) must be greater than 0.2 for this calculation.

radiation shape factor


r1 = rad1 / D
r2 = rad2 / D
X = 1 + ( (1 + r22 ) / r12)
A1 = Area (W)
D = Spacing (m)
rad1,2 = Radius (m)
T1 = Plate 1 Temperature (K)
T2 = Plate 2 Temperature (K)
VF1-2 = View Factor
q = Radiated Heat Flow (W)


Rosenow, W. M., J. P. Hartnett, Y. I. Young, Handbook of Heat Transfer , 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Handbooks, New York, 1998. p. 7.3 - 7.19, 7.82.