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Luis de Guindos Jurado | European Stability Mechanism

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Luis de Guindos Jurado

Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness


Luis de Guindos Jurado (1960) negotiated and implemented a very successful financial sector programme in close collaboration with the European Commission and the ECB.

Prior to this role, he was the Spanish Secretary of State for Economic Affairs. He was responsible for economic, competition and financial policies as well as the regulation and supervision of the insurance sector. He has held a number of senior posts in the Ministry of Economy and Finance including General Secretary of State for Economic and Competition Policy, during the Spanish Presidency of the EU and Head of the Spanish Delegation to Economic Policy Committee of the OECD.

Minister de Guindos has significant private sector experience having been Chief Executive Officer of AB Asesores, Chief Executive Officer for Spain & Portugal for Lehman Brothers and for Nomura Securities and Senior Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, responsible for Financial Services.

Prior to his current role, he also served as the Director of the Center for Finance of PwC and IE Business School, and was a Board Member of Endesa S.A., Endesa Chile, Unedisa, Logista and BMN.

Minister de Guindos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business from Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros and graduated with honors from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He joined the Spanish civil service in 1984 ranking number one in the Open Competition.


Alternate Governor: Emma Navarro Aguilera

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