(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Regional Commissions

FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional Commissions

There are four Regional Commissions in Latin America and the Caribbean that address fishery, livestock and forest resource issues. These Regional Commission commissions meet every two years, are allocated a portion of the FAO budget and are serviced by a Technical Secretary responsible for the respective Regional Commissions' operations.

Regional Commissions

The Regional Commissions are discussion fora that involve all FAO Member Nations in the Region. In these Regional Commissions, Member Nations exchange ideas, discuss current issues and share resources with FAO technicians and specialists. There are four Regional Commissions in Latin America and the Caribbean that address fishery, livestock and forest resource issues. These Regional Commission commissions meet every two years, are allocated a portion of the FAO budget and are serviced by a Technical Secretary responsible for the respective Regional Commissions' operations.


The mandate of the Commission on Livestock Development for Latin America and the Caribbean is to support the formulation of policy frameworks for the sector, as well as the design and implementation of national and regional livestock development programmes.


The Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACFC) was established in 1948 as an FAO Statutory Body to provide Member Nations with a technical and political forum to discuss and analyse forestry issues and their contribution to food security, sustainable food production in the Region and natural forest resources conservation.


COPESCAALC promotes the responsible use of inland fishery resources, advises Member Nation Governments in fishery management measures and supports the development of aquaculture.

Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC)

The mandate of the Commission is to participate in international cooperation efforts for the conservation, development and use of fishery resources, particularly shrimp, in the Western Central Atlantic.