On demand webinars

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    Can hydrogen power aviation to a zero-carbon future

    2024-09-06T13:05:00+01:00Exclusive partner

    This webinar is exclusively sponsored by Honeywell. Is hydrogen the answer to aviation’s sustainable aviation challenge? Can it replace carbon-based fuels as a power source for larger aircraft, and what role can it play alongside other disruptive technologies such as electric, hybrid-electric and biofuels?

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    Can AAM live up to its promise?

    2024-06-13T14:33:00+01:00Exclusive partner

    Sponsored by exclusive partner: Honeywell. A flurry of advanced air mobility platforms will take to the skies for the first time in 2024 and 2025. In this webinar we look at AAM’s potential for truly disrupting short-distance mobility and the industry’s carbon impact, as well as the many challenges the nascent sector still faces, from regulatory to infrastructure, technical to training, and financial to market acceptance.

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    Aerospace’s net-zero challenge: the CTO perspective

    2024-03-13T15:40:00+00:00Exclusive partner

    The technology chiefs of Boeing, Embraer, GKN, Airbus and Honeywell discuss the advances the industry needs to make to deliver its carbon reduction promises over the next two decades. Will progress consist of incremental steps or will a big-bang engineering breakthrough be required to propel the sector into a new sustainable era? Speakers include: Todd Giles - Chief Technology Officer at Honeywell Aerospace Technologies Dr. Todd Citron - Chief Technology Officer of The Boeing Company Russ Dunn - Chief Technology Officer at GKN Aerospace Luís Carlos Affonso - Senior Vice President of Engineering and Technology Development at Embraer Sabine Klauke Chief Technology Officer at Airbus Sponsored by our exclusive partner: Honeywell

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    Is SAF up to the sustainability challenge?

    2023-11-27T16:46:00+00:00Exclusive partner

    In the fourth of the 2023 series of webinars on the industry’s most important agenda items in aviation sustainability, FlightGlobal and a panel of industry experts will take stock of the progress being made as 2023 draws to a close, and what the next steps are. This webinar takes place ...

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    Business Aviation rising to the sustainability challenge

    2023-09-18T19:15:00+01:00Exclusive partner

    This webinar will examine the progress being made and challenges being faced by the business aviation community as it pursues environmental strategies to meet the sector’s commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It will explore the big issues of the day, examining the pressure the sector is facing from green protest movements and potential exclusion from some airports on environmental grounds; the progress business aviation is making on Sustainable Aviation Fuels and Book & Claim; and discuss the technological and operational progress being made to reduce emissions. It will feature leading players to explain developments to date and what to expect in the coming year. Speakers include: Kurt Edwards - Director General at International Business Aviation Council Scott McElvaine - Vice-President Business Development & Commercial Services at Pratt & Whitney Canada Scott Cutshall - Senior Vice-President Strategy & Sustainability at Clay Lacy Aviation Ève Laurier, Vice President, Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs at Bombardier

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    Place your bets on the Disruptive Technologies for Advanced Air Mobility

    2023-06-02T19:53:00+01:00Exclusive partner

    This webinar will bring insight into the plans of the established aircraft makers and start-up players aiming to launch the first wave of low or zero-emission conventional aircraft, generally up to 9-seats in size. It will feature leading players to discuss the design, route to first flight, certification and service entry of these types. Speakers to include: Eric Bartsch - CEO and Co-Founder of VerdeGo Aero David Stepanek - Executive Vice President, Sales and Chief Transformation Officer of Bristow

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    Disruptive Propulsion Technologies for large commercial aircraft

    2023-02-22T23:19:00+00:00Exclusive partner

    This webinar will examine how far the drive towards delivering 100-seat plus airliners with propulsion technologies that will deliver fundamentally lower emissions is progressing. It will feature leading technology players to explain developments to date and what to expect in the coming 2-3 years covering electric, hybrid, hydrogen fuel and hydrogen combustion technologies.

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    Spotlight on airline sustainability strategies

    2022-11-09T13:57:00+00:00Exclusive partner

    In the fourth of its series of webinars on the industry’s most important agenda items in aviation sustainability, FlightGlobal and a panel of industry experts will take stock of the progress airlines have made, and what the next steps are.

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    Is there a sustainable future for business aviation?

    2022-08-05T10:55:00+01:00Exclusive partner

    Business aviation proved resilient to the Covid-19 crisis. However, in the eyes of many activists, the sector – with its low passenger to fuel-use ratio – is a major carbon culprit. In recent years, business aviation has been at the forefront of efforts to drive down the environmental impact of flying. In this webinar, leaders from across business aviation explain what they are doing to improve the industry’s image and what further steps will be necessary to genuinely reduce its emission footprint.

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    Hydrogen and electrics: the great disruptive propulsion debate

    2022-05-20T12:50:00+01:00Exclusive partner

    The past two years have seen huge advances in electric propulsion. However, battery weight is a major barrier to scaling up the technology to become commercially viable for anything larger than small general aviation aircraft. Is hydrogen then the breakthrough power source that will allow the industry to transition towards zero-net-carbon? Perhaps, but, again, developments are still in their infancy. Our expert panel will discuss whether hydrogen, electric, or hybrid-electric propulsion represents the best bet for a sustainable future for aviation.

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    Sustainability: Taking stock of SAF

    2022-02-23T12:39:00+00:00Exclusive partner

    In the first of its series of four webinars on the industry’s most important agenda items in aviation sustainability, FlightGlobal and a panel of industry experts will take stock of the progress towards the widescale use of sustainable aviation fuels.

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    Asia-Pacific: a hub for tomorrow’s technologies

    2022-01-10T11:01:00+00:00By In association with Singapore Airshow, exclusive partner CFM.

    The region is rapidly becoming a hub for some of the latest innovations in aviation, from urban air mobility to sustainable propulsion. Ahead of February’s Singapore Airshow, where many of these exciting developments will be major talking points, we bring together a panel disruptive thinkers and aerospace leaders to discuss ...

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    Future of MRO in Asia-Pacific

    2021-12-01T13:47:00+00:00By In association with Singapore Airshow. Sponsored by Pratt & Whitney

    Despite the challenges of border closures and flight groundings, the Asia-Pacific region remains one of the most important and dynamic markets for MRO. In this webinar, in partnership with the organisers of the Singapore Airshow, our expert panel will discuss growth prospects and challenges for the sector as airlines resume flights in earnest and recovery begins. What opportunities, for instance, do the rapid growth in international e-commerce, the arrival of latest-generation aircraft, and the emergence of new technologies promise for MRO providers and the wider industry?

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    Sustainability: How can aviation adapt to changing consumer behaviours?

    2021-12-01T13:33:00+00:00In association with

    Aviation and transport were right at the top of the agenda at the recent United Nations COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow and it provided a boost for aviation decarbonisation and the sector’s net zero emissions. The drive towards increased availability and use of sustainable aviation fuels was crystal clear at COP26, as was a critical need for government, industry, and wider stakeholder collaboration to incentivise its use.

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    Greener airports and smarter air traffic management

    2021-09-16T15:54:00+01:00In association with

    What part will advances in air traffic management have on the industry’s push to reduce its carbon footprint over the next decades? From optimal flight paths to reducing congestion around airports, managing the skies more efficiently could be key to sustainability. And airports themselves also have a role to play in making aviation greener. In this live panel discussion, our experts will debate what needs to be done to manage air traffic in a more environmental way.

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    The pace of airpower modernisation in Southeast Asia

    2021-08-13T13:33:00+01:00In association with , By Sponsored by Boeing

    Southeast Asia has several pressing requirements for new military aircraft. But, progress is slow. What are the key Southeast Asian airpower requirements over the coming decade? How can each country’s domestic industry contribute to meet these requirements? Our panel of industry experts will discuss these questions and more.

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    Rethinking the post-Covid cabin

    2021-08-12T08:45:00+01:00Sponsored by

    From restoring passenger confidence with enhanced hygiene measures to a reshaped global fleet with narrow bodies on more long-haul routes, the response to the pandemic is altering the look and feel of the aircraft interior. Hear from industry experts on how they think the flying experience will change during the recovery.

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    Reconnecting Europe in a post-Covid world


    While traffic has begun to recover in Europe, continuing travel restrictions and concern over the Delta variant appear to have dashed hopes of a spectacular summer rebound for the sector. Our panel of senior industry executives debate how government policies, changing consumer and business habits, and the devastation caused to aviation over the past 16 months could reshape the way we fly within Europe in the medium and longer term.

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    How can airlines reconnect North America?

    2021-05-24T14:39:00+01:00Sponsored by

    A year ago as the pandemic tore around the world, it was anyone’s guess when North American airlines would bounce back. At the beginning of a cataclysmic global crisis, passenger carriers cut routes, retired aircraft and shed staff. Now, optimism has returned, with major airlines reporting promising first quarter results, and sharply higher demand as Americans get back in the air. Majors are offering more point-to-point routes and looking to alliance partners to help support their growth, while smaller carriers scramble to grab more market share while US travellers have money to spend. Two new low-cost entrants - Avelo Airlines and Breeze Airways - are set to shake up the US market, while two others – Sun Country and Frontier Airlines – recently launched successful IPOs.

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    Reshaping Asia-Pac air network post-Covid

    2021-05-05T16:43:00+01:00In association with , By Sponsored by Embraer

    The pandemic has had a devastating impact on air transport networks in Asia-Pacific, both regional and long-haul. As vaccine programmes roll-out and passengers return to the skies, what will the new landscape look like? Will short-haul be the quickest to return? What is the future of low-cost and business travel? How can intercontinental hub carriers rebuild? Hear from our expert panel representing airlines, airports and the wider industry.