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E3 2017: Capcom Not Bringing Switch Version Of Monster Hunter XX To The US "At This Time" [UPDATE] - GameSpot

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E3 2017: Capcom Not Bringing Switch Version Of Monster Hunter XX To The US "At This Time" [UPDATE]

The company has clarified that it has "no plans to announce at this time."


Update: Capcom has reached out to GameSpot to clarify that it has no plans to localize Monster Hunter XX for Switch "at this time." The original story has been updated to reflect that. Originally, when asked, "Are there any plans to bring Monster Hunter XX, the Switch version, over here?" to which a representative for the company clearly replied, "No."

Original story: Capcom has confirmed to GameSpot that it has no plans to localize the Nintendo Switch version of Monster Hunter XX "to announce at this time."

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Now Playing: GS News Update: Monster Hunter XX Confirmed For Nintendo Switch

Originally released in Japan for 3DS earlier this year, Monster Hunter XX is an expanded version of Monster Hunter Generations, featuring additional quests, monsters, and other content. Capcom announced a Switch release for the game last month. In addition to high-resolution visuals, the Switch version also supports online cross-platform play with the 3DS game. Players can also transfer their save data over from the 3DS release to Switch.

Capcom unveiled a new home console installment called Monster Hunter: World at this year's E3. World will be the first Monster Hunter title to allow players from other regions to hunt together and is releasing in early 2018 for PS4, Xbox One, and later PC. You can read our impressions of Monster Hunter: World here.

In other E3 2017 news, Telltale has confirmed it's making a new IP, while the developers of Call of Duty: WWII say they are trying to make the Saving Private Ryan of video games. Keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest from the show.

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