A man and a teenage boy have been found guilty of the attempted murder of a teenager, after they repeatedly stabbed him in the middle of a busy bus station.

Commuters scattered as Mohammed Geravandian, 21, and his teenage accomplice confronted their target, who was waiting for a bus to take his girlfriend home, on November 20 last year. The teenage defendant, the victim and his girlfriend cannot be named for legal reasons.

The jury were shown footage of the two attackers, who wore balaclavas as they walked through the station at 5pm. The victim was hugging his girlfriend - who had previously been in a relationship with the teenager who tried to kill him.

Nick Dry, prosecuting, told the jury: "Pre-planned, pre-meditated and pre-armed, as they stalked their prey - a young man with whom there had been bad blood. The defendants advanced in for the kill. Their faces covered."

The station's CCTV captured the ensuing fight and Geravandian - known as "Mosey" - take something out of his pocket. The two repeatedly stabbed the teenager with a large kitchen knife.

The victim was left fighting for his life as they fled. The youth later handed himself into police. He admitted wounding with intent, but the prosecution did not accept his plea and continued with the trial for attempted murder. Geravandian, of Dawley Close in Thornaby, denied attempted murder.

The jury found both guilty on Friday afternoon after a full day of deliberating. They were remanded into custody and will be sentenced on August 1.