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Your Privacy

Read our full privacy policy.

Updated on 2023ねん6がつ 7にち

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We collect web-behavior information using automated means of data collection technologies (like cookies) to enhance your experience of visiting the Website and understand how our Services are being used. See our Cookie Policy for more information.

The privacy of you and your family is important to Geni. You can find our full privacy policy below. Below you will find a simple explanation of Geni's privacy model as well as the full privacy policy. Here's how it works:

You can think of the profiles in your tree as being divided into two groups: private profiles and public profiles. Each time you add a profile to your tree, you are designated the manager of that profile and the profile is automatically assigned to one of the groups. Private profiles are intended for living relatives and minors. Public profiles are intended for deceased relatives and public figures. You may also choose to make recently-deceased profiles private, and Geni will sometimes make newly-added, deceased profiles private in order to help protect the privacy of nearby profiles and users. Geni recommends that profiles of people born more than 150 years ago be public however if you have privacy concerns about your parents or grandparents, you can make those profiles private.

Initially you will be the sole manager of profiles you add, however managers can be added manually (by request) or it can happen automatically when duplicate profiles are merged. You can remove unrelated (or distantly-related) managers from profiles closely related to you.

Private Profiles Public Profiles
Who is in each group? Living Relatives
Select Recently-deceased Relatives
Most Deceased Relatives
Presumed Deceased Relatives
Master Profiles
Who can view profiles? Managers
Users in the Family Group of any manager
Users Near the Managed Profile3
Geni Curators
Geni Employees
Who can edit profiles? Managers
Users in the Family Group of any manager
Users Near the Managed Profile3
Geni Curators
Geni Employees
All Geni users (limited)1
Collaborators of any manager
Users in the Family Group of any manager
Project Collaborators2
Users Near the Managed Profile3
Geni Curators
Geni Employees

1 Geni users that do not meet the criteria for any other group listed may edit the "Basics" and "Relationships" tabs, as well as the "About" biography, on profiles that are either connected to Geni's World Family Tree or in the same tree as the user.
2 Collaborators in a project are given full edit permissions on all public profiles tagged to that project.
3 Within the maximum Family Group range of 4th cousins (5 or fewer generations up or down the tree) including their spouses, and 1st cousins (1 or 2 generations up or down the tree) of any spouses of the profile

Profile Privacy

  • By default, only your Family Group, Geni Curators and Geni Employees can see your full profile.
  • You can block specific relatives from viewing your full profile or messaging you.
  • You can further restrict what information appears on your profile in your account settings.
  • Private profiles you manage will be privatized to show only the last name and immediate family (with first names similarly obscured).

Tree Privacy

Your tree is privatized just like individual profiles. Anyone can view your tree but they will only be able to see information on public profiles, and other Geni users per their selections on the Profile Privacy settings page.

Email Privacy

  • We will not provide any user's personal information to advertisers or third parties. This includes your email address and the email addresses of those you invite.
  • We will not spam you or your relatives. Detailed notification settings allow you to control which emails you receive from us.

DNA Privacy

  • DNA results uploaded to Geni or transferred from partner sites are never displayed in full on Geni -- only derived matches, haplogroups and a non-specific description of conflicting data is shown.
  • We will not share your DNA results with third parties without your informed consent. When uploading raw autosomal DNA to Geni, you are given the option to allow your autosomal DNA to be used anonymously to further scientific research. This selection will not affect how your DNA results are displayed on Geni
  • You may choose at any time to have your DNA results removed completely from Geni, as detailed in the DNA FAQ.

Geni Curators

Geni Curators are volunteer Geni users granted special privileges by Geni to help maintain and improve the quality and accuracy of the Geni World Family Tree. Geni Curators are specially selected based on their integrity and the quality of their work on Geni. Candidate Curators undergo a nomination and voting process. Accepted Geni Curators are formally appointed and, like Geni Employees, they sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the company to ensure they protect data confidentiality. Geni Curators have the ability, at a user’s request, to assist the user in merging and correcting errors in their tree, including the user’s own profile and those of close relatives.

Geni Employees

Geni Employees have full access to all data on Geni. They use this access if requested by users in order to provide customer support, check abuse complaints, resolve problems and generally assist users in their usage of Geni.