(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Calico Captive by Elizabeth George Speare | Goodreads
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Calico Captive

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Early one morning in the year 1754 the stillness of Charlestown, New Hampshire, was shattered by shrill war whoops and the terror of an Indian raid. Young Miriam Willard, on a day which had promised new happiness, found herself instead a captive on a forest trail, caught up in the ebb and flow of the French and Indian War.

It was a horrowing march north. Miriam could only force herself to the next stopping place, the next small portion of food, the next icy stream to be crossed. What waits at the end of the trail--besides an Indian quantlet and a life of slavery?

288 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1957

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About the author

Elizabeth George Speare

25 books1,240 followers
I was born in Melrose, Massachusetts, on November 21, 1908. I have lived all my life in New England, and though I love to travel I can't imagine ever calling any other place on earth home. Since I can't remember a time when I didn't intend to write, it is hard to explain why I took so long getting around to it in earnest. But the years seemed to go by very quickly. In 1936 I married Alden Speare and came to Connecticut. Not till both children were in junior high did I find time at last to sit down quietly with a pencil and paper. I turned naturally to the things which had filled my days and thoughts and began to write magazine articles about family living. Then one day I stumbled on a true story from New England history with a character who seemed to me an ideal heroine. Though I had my first historical novel almost by accident it soon proved to be an absorbing hobby."

Elizabeth George Speare (1908-1994) won the 1959 Newbery Medal for THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND, and the 1962 Newbery Medal for THE BRONZE BOW. She also received a Newbery Honor Award in 1983, and in 1989 she was presented with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award for her substantial and enduring contribution to children’s literature.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 470 reviews
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,291 reviews222 followers
October 18, 2023
One of my favorite books as a kid was Speare’s Witch of Blackbird Pond, so I thought it would be fun to pick up another of her books to read.

While I admit to some wariness— just how would a book written 60 years ago hold up, especially when the book covers the kidnapping of white colonists by Native tribes—I was fairly impressed by how Speare handled those chapters— pretty accurate and while capturing the white prejudice, she also depicted integrity of the tribes’ intentions and fairness.

Yes, the reader is treated to our main character’s slightly selfish and vain views of her surroundings but we also see her mature and grow up. She quickly learns that not all is what it seems.

I was impressed with learning about kidnappings and ransomed hostages by both French and Indians during a time when tensions (and skirmishes flourished) between the English and French. And at one point, one of the French Canadian characters offers some sage advice how how the English settlers have the wrong approach with the Native Americans.

I loved learning more about this era in American and Canadian history and I thought the book did a lovely job of allowing its young heroine to grow and mature as she is challenged by family, friends, enemies, and her own pride.

PS— totally forgot to mention that this was based on a true story
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
July 11, 2015
Elizabeth George Speare is best known as the author of The Witch of Blackbird Pond, winner of the 1959 Newbury medal and a long-time favorite comfort read of mine, but I've never read any of her other books. But a few weeks ago one of my friends, Carol Storm, strongly recommended Calico Captive in her GR review, so I decided to grab it at the library and give it a read.

Calico Captive is a fictionalized version of a few years in the life of Miriam Willard, a teenage girl who is kidnapped from her home in Charleston, New Hampshire by the Abenaki Indians in 1754, along with her very pregnant sister Susanna Johnson, Susanna's husband James, and their three young children, two-year-old Polly, four-year-old Susanna, and six-year-old Sylvanus. The Abenakis take them on a harrowing march northward. Susanna gives birth on the march and, in what I can only assume is a fit of despair, names her baby daughter "Captive." They end up staying several months in the Indians' village and are semi-adopted into the tribe. Little Sylvanus, especially, takes to the Abenaki lifestyle like a duck to water, enthusiastically learning to hunt and speak their language.

However, when Miriam rejects the romantic overtures of a chief's son, the Indians sell most of the group--except Sylvanus, Susanna and baby Captive--to the French in Quebec as servants/slaves. Miriam's nieces are "adopted" by different French families, and Miriam tries to make a new life for herself as a servant. She befriends a couple of the wealthier young people in Quebec, and struggles with the tensions between her old beliefs and lifestyle and the opulent life lived by many of the French Canadian people she meets.

This was an interesting middle grade historical tale, made more interesting by the fact that it follows actual history quite closely for most of the tale. This novel harks back to the once-popular "captivity narrative" literature, memoirs by people who were kidnapped by native Americans back in frontier days. The real-life Susanna Johnson, Miriam's sister, wrote a book about her adventures entitled A Narrative of The Captivity of Mrs. Johnson; Containing An Account of Her Sufferings, During Four Years, With the Indians and French, available to read online here. The novel follows Miriam's story rather than Susanna's but, other than the Quebec portion of the story, is based largely on Susanna's narrative. Baby Captive was actually named "Elizabeth Captive," but Susanna often calls her Captive in her story. Interestingly, the real life Miriam was only 14 years old when she was kidnapped. The novel doesn't specify her age, but she reads a little bit older to me, maybe 15 or 16, given her romantic interests.

As you might expect from a story written in the 1950s, there are a lot of cringe-worthy descriptions of the native Americans, although I'm sure it's realistic of the way people thought in the 1700s. The words "savages" and "redskins" are used a few times. The prejudices of the white people against those of other races, countries and religions are a major part of the story. To some extent Miriam's prejudices are overcome in the story as she gets to know the people who are different from her, but don't expect a complete 180 turn.

The ending of the story was a bit abrupt for me. But in fairness, that ending is also true to Susanna's narrative.

3.5 stars. It's somewhat dated and may offend some readers, but it's a fascinating tale with strong roots in a part of actual history that we don't hear about too often nowadays.
Profile Image for Lars Guthrie.
546 reviews183 followers
August 11, 2010
There's a good reason why 'Sign of the Beaver' and 'The Witch of Blackbird Pond' are so frequently assigned (over-assigned) in elementary school. Historical fiction is a staple of language arts classes. Elizabeth George Speare is at the top of the field. Besides teachers finding merit in the two books, kids go for them.

Which makes it all the more shameful that Speare's two other novels (in print, anyway) are virtually ignored.

I read 'The Bronze Bow' a few years ago, and thought it was unbelievably great. I mean, it did win the Newbery (and more recently than 'Witch'). Yet I haven't met anyone who's read it except me. Because it's got Jesus (mostly peripherally) in it?

Now I can report that 'Calico Captive' is just as noteworthy, notwithstanding the lack of a Newbery. A meticulous researcher who captures period colors, sounds, even smells, George never fails to present vibrant characters dealing with issues not unlike those young people confront today, as well as deliver exciting stories filled with action.

For 'Captive,' George takes off from a first-person real-life account of four years spent as a hostage and a slave in the time of the French and American War. In the 'Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson,' Susanna Johnson tells of her family's kidnapping by Abenaki Indians in New Hampshire, their forced march north, their sale to residents of Montreal, and their eventual return to New England in a prisoner exchange.

George makes Susanna's younger sister, Miriam Willard, the protagonist of her tale. More headstrong and impetuous than her practical sister, Miriam prejudges Indians and French, then finds herself questioning those prejudices. Because of her talents as a dress designer, she mingles with Montreal's elite, and struggles to match her Puritan upbringing with a society invested in 'popery' and conquering English colonists. And she searches for true love.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Wendy.
952 reviews168 followers
September 15, 2007
Problematic portrayal of American Indians, though it seems quite in keeping with the real feelings of the captives--based on the historical narrative--for what that's worth. I read this over and over as a child, especially savoring the descriptions of life in Montreal--the dishes, the furniture, the food, the hot chocolate, and especially the clothes. I really didn't understand, at age 10, why (SPOILER) Miriam wouldn't want to marry Pierre and stay at home in a fine Montreal mansion while he explored western rivers. It sounded good to ME.
Author 6 books676 followers
May 23, 2015
Welcome to another episode of Deborah's Library Book Is Overdue! Today's special guest is a YA novel by Elizabeth George Speare, author of the modern classic The Witch of Blackbird Pond. Although Deborah read this book in a couple of hours and her library now allows her to renew books twice provided no one has placed a hold on the title, she still managed to put off reviewing it long enough to rack up some minor but humiliating fees.

Deborah also deserves some public mocking for the fact that, when she noticed the book was due on December 26, she immediately concocted and believed a charming fantasy of lolling around with a cup of eggnog while she typed up a review on the day after Christmas, because of course she'd have nothing better to do that day. Please laugh hard enough at her that she can hear you without even opening her window!

Thanks, folks! And now: the book!

Calico Captive is a YA novel based on the story told in the 1754 memoir Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. I was lucky enough to find a copy of that narrative, and so was able to see how much truth had slipped into the novel.

Quite a bit, as it happens. This review will focus on pointing out the nonfiction that can be found in the fiction. I hope this will be fun for people who've already read the book and, like me, always wondered how much of it was factually accurate.

For readers unfamiliar with the novel: it's a well written historical YA novel that contains a minimum of mushy romance, though there's just enough love-interest to keep things interesting. If you liked Witch of Blackbird Pond, you'll enjoy this, though the main character's loathing of Native Americans is cringe-inducing at times. (It's historically accurate but pretty sad that this character doesn't change her mind any even when a white guy tries to explain some basic "they were here first" morality.)

Speare wisely chooses to make Mrs. Johnson's younger sister Miriam Willard her protagonist. Miriam isn't described in too much detail in the memoir, so Speare has some room to play. Also, Susanna Johnson is an intelligent, deeply pious, extremely narrow-minded New England matron whose abhorrence and distrust of Native Americans is second only to her loathing of the French. (It's a close race, by the way. She makes it clear in her memoir that she doesn't consider either group to be fully human.) Young readers wouldn't find much to relate to in this upright Puritan lady.

But Miriam, while sharing most of her sister's sentiments, is young – only fourteen years old when the story begins – and therefore more sympathetic and interesting to teenage readers. She's in the middle of her very first crush when Abenakis raid her home in Charlestown, New Hampshire. She and Susanna are taken prisoner, along with Susanna's husband and children. They are brought to an Abenaki village the whites called St. Francis, and eventually sent to Canada to wait to be ransomed or exchanged for French prisoners.

All of this really happened. And in both novel and memoir, Susanna is heavily pregnant when their captivity begins. However, there was no debate among their captors as to whether the prisoners would be murdered or taken back with the Abenakis as valuable hostages. Speare invented this for dramatic tension, although it's a fairly accurate representation of the idea whites held that Indians were unpredictably violent "savages."

Susanna does indeed lose her shoe as the family is hurried along, and the captives worry that her inability to travel very quickly will endanger all their lives. Speare sticks close to her source material all through Miriam's journey with her family to St. Francis. One detail I found interesting was that in the novel, Susanna gives birth to a baby during this forced march and names her Captive. In real life, the baby was named Elizabeth Captive.

Both the memoir and the novel mention that the baby nearly drowns while the captives ford a stream. In the novel, Miriam is a crucial participant in a dramatic rescue; in the memoir, it's a male neighbor who'd been taken captive in the same raid who saves the baby's life.

Rather to my surprise, the young Native American man who teases Miriam on their journey is also straight from the memoir. He feels like a character invented solely for a potential love-triangle, and in fact Speare offers a bit of romantic drama from him that's crucial to the plot but entirely fictional. But there really was such a teenaged Abenaki, described by Susanna as "a youth of sixteen, who in our journey discovered [revealed] a very mischievous and troublesome disposition." She adds that "he often delighted himself by tormenting my sister [Miriam], by pulling her hair, treading on her gown, and numerous other boyish pranks." Times change; people don't.

Certainly teenagers don't. In the novel, Miriam doesn't see her sister Susanna's patience and strength; she only feels a bitter frustration that Susanna keeps slowing them down, first when she's heavily pregnant and then as she struggles to recover from giving birth. Apparently, this is an accurate representation of Miriam's feelings, as this line from Susanna's memoir makes clear: "My sister observed, that, if I could have been left behind, our trouble would have been seemingly nothing."

Once the captives reach St. Francis and then white Canada, Speare drifts from her source material in order to introduce the obligatory love triangle and a rags-to-riches-to-rags-to-freedom story based entirely on a single sentence from the captivity narrative: "[Miriam] had supported herself by her needle in the family of the lieutenant governor, where she was treated extremely well."

Susanna Johnson's captivity narrative is available online fer free; so if you read Calico Captive, you can then read the real story for yourself right here:

Profile Image for Sarah Brazytis.
Author 34 books59 followers
August 15, 2016
The first time I read this book, I liked it fairly well. My only problem with it was the fact that the climax of the book seemed to be the moment when Miriam shows that she understands that clothing and position do not dictate a person's worth and dignity. But the author is laboring under the delusion that the ending is the climax...but you've almost forgotten that the subject of this climax even exists! Very confusing.

But as a historian, what knocked a solid three stars off this rating was the historical content. And I was not aware of this until I became curious enough to read A Narrative Of The Captivity Of Mrs. Johnson, which this book was based on.

Elizabeth George Speare did a great disservice to the Johnson family. I will try to touch a few main points below:

Susanna Johnson is portrayed as a suspicious, hard-nosed, puritanical woman. She despises Indians, sees no good in them, and scorns the aid of a kind-hearted French priest because he is Catholic.
Susanna, in her own account, was an open-hearted lady who noticed how the Indians provided for their captives' needs even before their own; appreciated the kindness of monks and priests; and even had her baby baptized in a Catholic church because the baby's illness worried their French hosts - even though she did not believe in infant baptism, she allowed the ceremony to be performed to soothe their Catholic friends' concerns. Is this a nasty, close-minded woman? She even teaches her husband card games to amuse themselves in prison! Regardless of personal beliefs regarding such things, it shows she understood the difference between rigid rules and the reason behind them.

Young Sylvanus is portrayed as a boy who quickly and easily is detached from his family, to the point of despising the weakness of his half-starved father (who, by the way, still manages to carry his ailing wife on his back for many days), ignoring his mother, and admiring their captors.
In the true account, Sylvanus is a loyal little lad who fears for his dear mother's safety, remembers her long after the memory of all his other family members have faded in years of captivity, and is only torn from them at great length and in great grief.

Miriam is desired, courted and pursued by an Indian, a Frenchman and an Englishman. What a great record!
Reality is that Miriam is detained late the night before the capture by what Susannah calls 'A spruce young spark' who wanted to 'keep company' with her a little longer, is teased by a bratty Indian boy in a grade-school style during their captivity, and no Frenchman ever appears.

Miriam saves her infant niece's life in a rushing river, thereby reattaching her to her sister and earning respect from her Indian captors for her bravery.
The true story? The neighbor man who was captured with them, Labarree, saves the baby's life. And the bond between him and this little girl he saved remains throughout his lifetime, until he is at last comforted on his deathbed by the loving young woman she has grown up to be. Their friendship brought tears to my eyes. Isn't that beautiful food for fiction?

All in all, I am troubled and disappointed by these untruths - and they are, at this point, untruths because Elizabeth Speare knew the truth. She should have told it and honored the Johnson family. It would still have been a great story.
Profile Image for booklady.
2,515 reviews64 followers
June 11, 2012
Calico Captive is the fictionalized version of A Narrative Of The Captivity Of Mrs. Johnson told from the perspective of Susannah Johnson’s younger (by ten years) sister, Miriam. As would be expected with any captivity story, it’s fascinating, fast-paced and hard to put down. The author does an excellent job of portraying a young woman confronting the competing dangers of trying to stay alive, keep family together and maintain cherishes values amidst the perplexities of multi-cultures, (English, French, Indian, and colonial) divergent religious beliefs against the backdrop of constantly changing fortunes.

Highly recommended for young—and slightly older—readers!
Profile Image for Amanda Tero.
Author 26 books531 followers
October 24, 2022
I thought I had read this book before, but apparently not. It is written in the nostalgic, children’s book type of way I love. It covers several historical elements of captivity, being sold to the French, dressmaking, and more. In a way it’s all over the place, but I still very much enjoyed it. The characters were Protestant but it really wouldn’t be considered a Christian book as far as spiritual lessons portrayed.
Profile Image for Laura.
497 reviews20 followers
January 23, 2008
Such a romantic book! I first read it in Junior High, and I liked it as well the second time I read it twenty years later! For those of you who love historical, romantic fiction that's wholesome - it doesn't get much better.
Author 1 book19 followers
February 21, 2021
It's hard to describe what about this book so beautifully captures the feel of the places and interactions it describes. It took me back to my days of tramping through forests and gave me the opportunity to vicariously experience frontier life in such a memorable way.
The main character starts out somewhat shallow and self-focused, but her character arc is what holds the story together and what kept me glued to the pages as I read the book cover to cover in a morning. It's that transformation, how the main character dealt with loss and loneliness, how her attitude toward people changed, how she put her skills to use for those she cared about that made the book what it is. She starts out drawn to shiny things, but the author makes sure the redeemable aspects of her character perk through the immaturity.
As with nearly every book, however, there are things to sift through. I wouldn't give this to a younger reader unless they are old enough to discern what should not be emulated and if the content issues mentioned later aren't an issue.
There's a shift away from materialism here, but to me it seems the mc goes from one extreme to another, from finding happiness in things to finding happiness in people. For one, it's a lot of pressure on the other person to be someone else's happiness, and it's just not lasting. Also, there were some things with relationships and religion that might not be suitable for younger readers as well. But since this book is geared towards younger readers, the author glossed over the scenes with childbirth, innuendo, and such. And the theme of valuing people above "shiny things" is laudable.
I can't say, however, that this is an accurate representation of the people the author used for inspiration. It seemed she took parts and changed people to fit her story, so it should be read as fiction, not as the story of the people whose names she borrowed.

And finally, here's a quote that portrays Miriam's character quite well:

"There is something you can do," she said soberly. "If you really want to help me. No one will listen. Can you get me into the jail to visit my sister?"
Pierre stared at her. Then suddenly he threw back his head and laughed so loudly that a passing Frenchman paused in the street and peered in through the doorway.
"What a girl!" He exclaimed. "Offer her a dress, invite her to a party, and what does she want instead - to go to jail."
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,933 reviews1,065 followers
November 9, 2022

Sexual Content
Lust - 4 Incidents: “A man looks boldly at a girl in a way that was … disturbing.” Some girls tease about liking and marrying certain guys. A girl is envious of another girl having a dance partner to take her to the ball. A girl notices how a young man looks at her and makes her uncomfortable.

Sexual Miscellaneous - 14 Incidents: There are a few dances in the book. A girl undresses for the night. “Two of the savages… dragging a shrinking and almost naked Susanna.” At night “Miriam was forced to lie down between two Indians, a heavy cord thrown over her body and held securely under theirs.” A woman gives birth (not detailed). Mentions often that Indians are half naked (shirtless). “If they expect me to undress while they all stand and watch me and laugh at me, they can wait all night.” “I marry Pierre, have French babies.” A girl’s clothes were ripped, exposing her shoulder. Two ladies wear dresses that are “scandalous low.” A young man compliments a girl and touches her curls. A girl spends time with a young man and he touches her elbow and holds her hand while walking. That night she thinks about him and another guy she likes. A girl receives a letter from a boy she likes and he makes it understood that he really likes her. The girl thinks on this. A young man proposes to and kisses a girl.

Mild Obscenities & Substitutions - 1 Incident: drat

Scatological Terms - 1 Incident: Bl**dy (as in lots of blood)

Religious Profanities - 9 Incidents: when heaven only knew, God forgive me, praise be, goodness no, thank goodness, good heavens, by all the saints, oh God in heaven

Derogatory Terms - 1 Incident: old hag

Conversation Topics - 4 Incidents: A pipe is smoked. Catholicism is discussed. Although a girl is not catholic, she wonders if it is so wrong. Card games and dice are mentioned. Wine is mentioned and a character gets drunk.

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Profile Image for Anna.
789 reviews43 followers
November 19, 2023
This was a slightly different read from the usual Indian captive tale. A fictionalized account based on a true story, Miriam Willard, her very pregnant sister (Susanna) and brother-in-law, and their other children were captured in raid in New Hampshire during the French and Indian War. However, instead of being used as slaves in an Indian settlement, the family was marched through the wilderness to Canada, where they were sold to families in the French settlement of Quebec. Along the way, Susanna delivered her baby daughter who was named Captive. When they reached Quebec, they were separated from each other, except that Susanna and her baby were allowed to remain together. Miriam was sold to a wealthy family to become a servant. However, her skill with the needle took her in a different direction.
She was given some cast-off clothing and remade it so attractively that her mistress began asking for her help in creating fashionable dresses. Others in the city also asked for her services. But it was Miriam's misfortune that her mistress' daughter's fiance was attracted to Miriam, and Miriam was "fired" from their employ and turned out on the street. Once again, her skill with the needle saved her, and she was able to eke out a living for herself, her mother, and the baby, working as a dressmaker and tailor's assistant until her brother-in-law could come up with the funds to ransom them. An interesting footnote was that they were unable to return to New Hampshire directly due to hostilities, but had to take a ship to England and then another ship back to America.
This was an absolutely fascinating story - so many things I had no idea had taken place during the history of our country. I love stories that are true or based on a true story because it shows the courage of those who lived through those perilous times.
Profile Image for Carol Storm.
Author 28 books218 followers
June 12, 2015
This Fifties classic is one of the greatest YA novels ever written -- in some ways it's even better than THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND!

Elizabeth George Speare had a very special gift. She was able to create teen heroines who were strong, self-reliant, and independent -- but always with a soft spot for a cute boy. She was able to use all of the danger and intrigue of the past -- witch trials in Puritan New England, terrifying Indian raids on the frontier -- as a backdrop for the heroine's romantic adventures, in a way that made every page seem to turn by itself! More than that, there was always a sort of hard to define sweetness to her stories, an innocence . . . as if you always knew somehow that the heroine would triumph in the end, that there was goodness in even the darkest places. That plus the fact that she could make a girl gulping down a mug of hot chocolate under the knowing eyes of a handsome young French adventurer seem steamier than the hottest sex!

Profile Image for Michelle.
618 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2007
I read this in fifth or sixth grade, and loved it. I appreciate fiesty heroines, of course, but my favorite parts where when the French suitor buys Miriam a cup of real hot chocolate, and when the French governor's wife offers her a luxurious bolt of fabric and she gives it to her good friend Hortense. Oh! I love this book. Where is my copy? Gotta read it again...
Profile Image for Kelsey Bryant.
Author 33 books200 followers
April 7, 2020
It was fun to reread this, which was one of my favorite books 15+ years ago. I'd forgotten so much of it, including the fact it was based off a true story by Susanna Johnson, Miriam's sister. I'm sure the the novel is only loosely based on the historical account (which I'm interested in reading), but I think Calico Captive is still an engaging fictional story in its own right.
Profile Image for Rebekah Barkman.
173 reviews11 followers
November 10, 2022
Reread of a delightful tale that I enjoyed in my childhood. It’s interesting revisiting books that I read when I was younger- somehow the nuances of oppression and racism (towards the Indians, specifically) that come out in this book didn’t strike me years ago. However, it is definitely an accurate portrayal for the time setting.
Profile Image for Celise.
527 reviews331 followers
April 2, 2024
An interesting snapshot of French-Canadian colonialism. Supposedly a somewhat true story. Published in 1957, and set in 1754, the main character is fairly intolerant, though that is not the sentiment of all of the characters in the book. I did enjoy the depictions of the glamour of the French colony in Quebec.

This is a little weird if it is a true story, mainly because I can't believe someone would actually name their baby "Captive." I'd also be curious to know if they really spooned newborns oatmeal minutes after birth (I couldn't find anything on a quick research attempt).

I would have liked to have spent more time in the indigenous village, and to see what happens a little past where the author ended the book, but it's a kid's book and it makes sense that it was short.

Sidenote, reading other reviews is kind of funny. I read this for the first time as an adult, and I believe she definitely made the right marriage choice!

Profile Image for Jamie Dacyczyn.
1,854 reviews107 followers
November 12, 2022
Rereading this long-time favorite for the first time since joining Goodreads. *happy sigh* I really love this book. It holds so much nostalgia for me, and I still place it among my most romantic YA books. The high point of the story is so swoon-worthy that I have to read certain parts twice for the maximum hands-clasped-against-heart delight. I rarely want my favorite books to be made into movies, but in this case I could die for some beautiful French gowns, a handsome coureur, some exquisite accents, and a soundtrack to rise to a perfect crescendo at that moment when Miriam holds her head high and sweeps aside those scornful French gazes! Parbleu! It would be magnifique!

Also, I've never been to Montreal, though it's only about 6 hours from my house. I think I'm unconsciously blocked out any knowledge about that city my entire life, lest it spoil my impression based on this book. If I ever visited, I suspect I would be crushingly disappointed that it wasn't like my vision of fictional Montreal in 1754.

So, some points I do need to make. Un, my rating is for my own personal love for this story, but I recognize that it is not without flaws. Deux, this book was written in 1957, so it doesn't always have the most politically-correct language, especially considering that it takes place in 1754. "Indian" is the most common term used, but there is the occasional "redskin" or "savage" and even "squaw". I guess that's to be kind of expected; English settlers who are taken by Abanaki raiders and know that they might end up scalped might not necessarily have the most 21st century "woke" thoughts about their captors.

But that does bring me to point trois: this isn't a historically accurate book. I know that, and people reading it should know that. It's loosely based on real events that happened, but it's been heavily dramatized to tell the story from Miriam's standpoint, and to give her story more flavor. If you want to read the real account, I also recommend reading "A Narrative Of The Captivity Of Mrs. Johnson" which is the true story as told by Miriam's sister Susannah, and is surprisingly readable considering it was written in 1796. THIS book is, again, a highly embellished fictional version of their story. Each book can be enjoyed as their own separate entities.
Profile Image for Laura (Book Scrounger).
761 reviews53 followers
December 11, 2017
Elizabeth George Speare was one of my favorite authors during my adolescent years. I fell in love with The Bronze Bow, and really enjoyed The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I loved how Speare incorporated romance into her stories in a very subtle way, and how her endings always seemed to finish on just the right note.

Somehow I never got around to reading this one, until a few months ago when I found it at a used book sale.

Overall I really enjoyed it -- unlike her other works of historical fiction, this one is actually based on true events. It's the story of a family who is captured by Abenaki Indians in the mid-1700s and taken to Montreal where they are sold to the French. This story focuses not on Susanna Johnson who eventually wrote the narrative of these events, but on her teenage sister Miriam.

Part of me wishes I'd read this as a teenager, because I would probably have identified more with Miriam -- not that I don't now, but I also identified with her older sister who was separated from most of her young children, which scares me far more than the other events of this story.

I liked the way that Miriam eventually takes responsibility and works to better her situation. In the beginning it was really hard to understand what was going on in her head -- being captured by Indians but worrying more about how dirty her dress was getting than her sister's children? (Hence why I identify more with Susanna.)

I liked the "love triangle" as well, especially the way it ends up. It's similar to the endings of Speare's other books, where there is just enough of a hint to know what is going to happen, but the story ends before it quite gets to be completely resolved -- it's a great spark for the imagination.
Profile Image for Annette.
443 reviews27 followers
December 20, 2009
This is the beautifully written first novel of Elizabeth George Speare. Although I enjoyed all of her other books, this one is my favorite. I am completely baffled as to why this is the only book by Ms. Speare that did not win a Newbery award.

I love all of the characters! I love the high-spirited, red-haired main character, Miriam Willard, as well as her delightful, and good natured, best friend, Hortense. I couldn't help but admire her sister, Susanna's quiet, steady strength as she endured one heartwrenching trial after another. I laughed out loud at the tall and handsome, Pierre's quick and clever wit.

Ms. Speare is such a good writer, I was entranced from the very beginning all the way to the very end. I really enjoyed watching Miriam go from being a self-absorbed teenager to a self-confident young woman. Through her many harrowing experiences she learns important life lessons about love and loyalty.

I'm sure that one of the reasons I enjoyed this book so much is because C.M. Herbert did such an excellent job of reading it. I listened to the Blackstone Audiobook version on CD and Ms. Herbert did a beautiful job, especially on the characters with French accents. I couldn't wait to put the next CD in so I could find out what would happen next.

So basically what I'm saying is, Calico Captive is very well written and well worth the read. I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Audrey.
334 reviews94 followers
July 26, 2016
This was just as good as I remembered! There is just the right mix of adventure, suspense, romance, friendship, and character growth . . . and ball gowns and hot chocolate. Plus, there are plenty of twists and turns to keep things interesting. I think this would make a great movie, if done right. My favorite parts of the book are once they get to Montreal (thankfully, that's the majority of the book). I just love how the city at this period is brought to life. Elizabeth George Speare is a master at bringing history alive, and this book is no exception. It made me want to read more books that take place in New France and/or during the French and Indian War.

Highly recommended.

P.S. I like the fact that this has illustrations. Maybe it's just me, but young adult and adult books don’t seem to have illustrations as much as they used to.

Profile Image for Kjirstin.
376 reviews10 followers
February 1, 2009
Calico Captive is one of my favorite books from childhood; I picked it up in the library when I was 9 or 10 and consistently returned to it over time.

The story is set during the French and Indian Wars before the American Revolution; the main character, Miriam, lives with her sister, Susannah and her husband and several small children. They are taken captive by Indians, then eventually traded to the French to live in Montreal, where they serve as domestic staff to a wealthy family.

Miriam's story captures these events through the eyes of a teenager, and her sometimes quite self-centered reactions to what was happening. My favorite parts of the books were the descriptions of the French people who lived in Montreal at the time, and their balls and lifestyle.

This book is very different than the rough-hewn pioneer accounts that characterize most early American stories, and fun because it gives a face to a period of American history that you don't hear a whole lot about.
Profile Image for Krystal.
217 reviews
October 18, 2007
Loved this book. Its written for the younger crowd and based on a true story of a family captured by Native Americans and sold into slavery to the British. Before I read this book, I didn't have a clue that this was apart of the history. It's incredible, the lack of my knowledge, I know.

A family of white settlers survives the Indians capture, sold into British slavery, half are thrown in the stockades, and then their journey home. It held my attention several reads through, and its one I'll recommend to my own kids when they're older.
Profile Image for AlixJamie.
224 reviews31 followers
June 12, 2010
Elizabeth George Speare is one of my favorite girlhood authors. Every book I've read by her has been excellent. I loved the romance and adventure this book held and also the strong themes of marital love, friendship, and family ties. Ms. Speare is an excellent writer! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Cheyenne Langevelde.
Author 5 books148 followers
February 10, 2020
I absolutely love this story. I enjoy the characters, the development of everything, and the romance. This book has inspired a lot in my own writing. My only thing that bothers me every time I read it is Miriam's realization of how much she loves Phineas at the end. It always felt rushed to me. But other than that, I highly recommend this story to anyone who reads American historical fiction, especially about the French and Indian War.
Profile Image for Katie Klein.
132 reviews102 followers
June 14, 2024
The book closely follows true historical account of captivity and is very engaging but I felt like the ending was far too rushed and they glossed over a whole bunch of storylines in a few sentences. A bit too much focus on the romance aspect and less on the family and historical context, but also that’s probably more true of a teenage girl! Overall it was a wonderful story and I’m looking forward to reading more from this author!
Profile Image for Lizzie.
125 reviews67 followers
January 14, 2016
Actual rating: 3.5/5 stars

I was thrilled to be reading this book, having recently read and adored Elizabeth’s other novel, ‘The Witch of Blackbird Pond’. I didn’t like the story in this novel as much as I did in the other one, although I still enjoyed it and rated it 3.5/5 stars. The writing was wonderful, it was well paced, I just didn’t find the story all that interesting.
This novel featured many wonderful characters and messages, such as faith, hope, and sacrifice.
I loved our main character, Miriam Willard. She wasn’t fragile as glass, but she wasn’t unbreakable either, and she didn’t pretend to be. She always believed that things would turn out alright, and I loved seeing her character develop throughout the course of this novel. Here’s a quote from the novel that I thought represented her character development well:

“Miriam felt astonished at herself. It was a new thing for her to step out so independently. Somehow, in the past month a tough little root of determination had been growing in her. Whether it was strong enough to support the desperate plan she had undertaken she would soon find out.”

Despite the many trials that came along, Miriam and her family kept their chins up, and held firm to faith. Being captured and sold by Indians, they had faith. Being brought to a strange new country, to work as slaves, they had faith. Throughout the war, they had faith. Even being stuck in jail for weeks, they had faith.
They knew God would bring them through this- they knew He hadn’t forgotten them and that He was still taking care of them. And they were right to, because He brought them through it, even stronger than before. What an inspiration, right??
Profile Image for Melinda Ross.
309 reviews1 follower
March 18, 2015
This book is based on a true story of a family living in Connecticut during the French and Indian war. The family is kidnapped by Indians who had sided with the French. They are forced to march north and then are at periodic times turned over to the French. The family is scattered and must work hard to try to find their way back to each other. The original book was written by the older sister--Susanna years after the ordeal (and was actually made into a made for TV movie years ago). Speare takes the story and tells it from the younger sister's point of view. Though this is the only book Speare was not recognized by the Newberry people for, it is still a wonderful read. I love Miriam's courage not only in the face of the Indians but also her gumption when faced with the proper French. I am always on the look out for books with strong female characters and this one definitely fits the bill.
Profile Image for Lily Sacharow.
5 reviews
November 3, 2007
This is one of my favorite novels from my elementary school days when I was infatuated with Native Americans and their customs. The novel is based upon the story of Susanna Johnson (although the story is centered around her younger sister, Miriam) a captive of the Abenakis Indians. Along with her family, Miriam is taken away from home and traded from the Indian society into an elite French community. I picked this one up again because I recall how taken by it I was when I first read it; though it was not as powerfully effective as it was at age 10, I found it still to be an entertaining read. It is certainly not just recommendable for fifth graders.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 470 reviews

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