(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Fruit Bowl by Dominic Holland | Goodreads
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The Fruit Bowl

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Sometimes things just happen. Little things that appear incidental but go on to have life changing consequences; good and bad.

The Fruit Bowl draws on this theme.

Break-time at St. Edmunds School in the 1970's; two boys lives are about to be changed forever. Tom Harper is a twelve year old being picked on by a bully. An everyday scenario played out at every break-time. Paddy Porter is an older boy and sensing the mismatch, he intervenes and settles the dispute. Just a compulsion to act and in doing so, Tom and Paddy's futures become fused. An innocuous incident between two strangers but one that will reconnect them some thirty years later and set in motion a chain of events that completes and saves each of their lives.

The Fruit Bowl is a life affirming story. A rare novel that evokes tears of laughter and sadness. A story that celebrates the human spirit and values love and kinship above all else. Holland has made his living observing human nature. He makes people laugh by reflecting people's lives in his own and he draws on this experience to tell this heart rending story.

It has evolved over considerable time. Based on a series of real events in his own life, it is not a story that could be written quickly.

A beautiful tale of love and loss. Holland shines a brilliant light on human nature and what it is that sustains us. Our vulnerability and our need for other people and their love to complete as human beings.

374 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 13, 2020

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About the author

Dominic Holland

19 books162 followers
Dominic Holland has been a professional stand-up comedian for over 20 years and has become one of the most regarded and respected comedians of his generation.

‘The UK’s master of observational comedy ’ The Sunday Times‘A top notch stand-up who everyone should see’ The Daily Telegraph

But Dominic’s favourite quote comes from the late Bob Monkhouse – ‘Dominic Holland is the UK’s funniest not-yet-famous comedian.’ Rest assured Bob, Dominic is still working hard on the becoming properly famous bit.

He has just published his third novel, ‘A Man's Life’ as an ebook and his first non-fiction ebook – ‘How Tom Holland Eclipsed his Dad.'

Dominic has made countless TV appearances including The Royal Variety Performance, recorded an award winning radio series for BBC R4. Twice honoured at the Edinburgh Festival by the Perrier panel. Won a comic heritage award and published two comic novels and a raft of short stories.

His first ever downloaded stand-up show is available shortly – ‘dominic holland is alive in tring’

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
October 24, 2020
In a word, beautiful. Never before has an author made me feel what Dominic Holland has made me feel. This type of fiction is not something I would normally find myself reading, but I am glad I took a chance on it, for it has truly changed my life. Mr. Holland has a gift for making the reader feel just as vulnerable as the characters he describes. I am not one to reread books, but I believe I may be making an exception for this one. A modern masterpiece.
Profile Image for Christina Vourcos.
Author 6 books136 followers
July 23, 2020
I’m glad that Tom Holland mentioned about this book in his social media. The book was even better than I expected. I had an idea of what to expect from the recent podcast with Dominic and Tom. It made me curious to see what the story was. I think it’s wonderful how some aspects of the novel were inspired by Dominic’s life into a story that resonates. It shows how no matter what life gives you, you can make a Fruit Bowl. Talent seems to run in the Holland family. I look forward to seeing what is ahead for the author and his famous son. As a writer, thank you for inspiring me in multiple ways, especially to persevere with my debut novel’s publication.
Profile Image for Maddy Wright.
71 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2021
I have to say, I have mixed feelings about this book. So many things bugged me but at the same time there were so many things I really enjoyed!

Cons: The writing style of the book was far to exposition-y for my liking. Everything was written out in a style that resembled that of instructions. Each major event of the book was laid out like a list and reading it felt much like that too. Nothing flowed into each other and the paragraph breaks were confusing. One paragraph would be Paddy's POV the one following directly after would be Tom's but you would have no warning of the transition. I know that it technically works given the book is written in third person with a distance kind of view so bouncing between characters is fine but it was done in a way that was digestible.

Pros: Despite the lay of the book and how it was written out, one of the stronger sides of the book was the dialogue. Everything that was said by the characters were great and worked so well with each of their individual personalities. I also appreciated the fact that their accents were written into the dialogue, it made it so easy for me to hear it in my head. I also really loved the overall story of the book, though I wish it would have lent itself to a more metaphorical take on some of the themes rather than being so obvious. I always appreciate a book that makes me think.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book for its witty characters and charming banter amongst them. Although the writing style was a bit hard to get around, though I wouldn't say it should be any kind of deal breaker when deciding whether or not to pick this book up.
Profile Image for Laura Jayne.
67 reviews9 followers
November 30, 2021
Words are powerful and this book is a testament to such a phrase.

Within the first five chapters, I was bawling my eyes out. The central character's experience of loss and his journey through grief deeply resonated with me. I found Dominic Holland's words to be a source of comfort, offering hope when you can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The characters are well-developed and, combined with the narrative, make you think deeper about what it means to be human.

Dominic Holland's style of writing guarantees that you will not be able to put this book down, even when you've promised yourself "only one more chapter". This is a very good thing.

Like the narrative of 'The Fruit Bowl', there is a reason for everything. I believe that this book came into my life when I most needed it.

Charming, emotional, and life-affirming, 'The Fruit Bowl' is a must-read and it will leave you with a feeling of hope. I highly recommend it.
1 review
August 21, 2023
I don’t read nearly as much as I used to and, when I do, it’s usually non fiction. It’s hardly a boast but once the internet came along & turned my brain to mush, reading books became a part of my history …. although I never stopped buying them.

On my shelves , sits 100 plus books that I bought but haven’t yet read. It’s ridiculous.

I bought The Fruit Bowl 2 years ago and, having enjoyed previous works by this writer , I somehow created the mental space to start this one.

Once I’d begun, reading ‘The Fruit Bowl’ became all I did for the next few days. I think it’s the first piece of fiction I’ve consumed in a decade and I’d go so far as to credit it with being the book that reminded me of what it means to become so immersed in a story that the rest of the world becomes irrelevant.

Dominic Holland is a talented author, deserving of a global audience.

Treat yourself !
2 reviews
September 9, 2020
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry but I guarantee you’ll feel better for having read it.

It’s the first Dominic Holland book the I’ve read but before finishing it I went on to purchase two of his others.

The characters are great and well written so that you can’t help but love them.

To sum it up simply: Buy it!

If you like the book, and haven’t already, then sign up to Dom on Patreon to get more insight to his works. Funny blogs, great videos and currently you can see some of the next book as it’s being written.
Profile Image for Megan Abbott.
15 reviews2 followers
January 10, 2021
Devastatingly beautiful book, couldn't put it down, it's not something is have picked to read but I went with the cover (in the worst for that) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm surprised I didn't cry throughout but did shed a year at the end. Can't wait to get more of Dominic Holland's books, such a great writer.
1 review1 follower
July 30, 2020
I didn´t quite know what to expect when I sat down with my copy of "The Fruit Bowl" on a rainy summer day... I certainly didn´t expect to not get up again before turning the last page. It´s a gutting, warm, loving and wonderful read that brought out both tears and laughter.
December 17, 2022
I LOVED this book it is definitely my favorite book of all time. This book had me on an emotional roller coaster of a life time. It had me laughing, crying, screaming at the book, and just feeling really sad. I HIGHLY recommend this book.
Profile Image for Marissa Wharton.
27 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2023
He's done it again. This is my fifth Dom Holland read and perhaps my favorite. Like all his novels, The Fruit Bowl is a novel expertly paced with well thought out archs and generally full of heart. I highly recommend it.
April 10, 2021
A good read

Not what I expected. This took me thru a range of emotions leaving me satisfied in the end. Holland is a great storyteller and his prose is readily readable.
Profile Image for Riley Croman.
1 review
May 25, 2021
A fantastic story that will make you cry, laugh, smile, and cry again. It is a beautiful look at grief, love, and the human spirit. I highly recommend!
May 3, 2022

The Fruit Bowl is a grasping story narrating the life of Tom Harper, who has such an impact on the people around him. You'll cry, laugh, and cry again (in that order) before realizing you're at the final page. If I could, I would definitely re-read this book for the first time.
Profile Image for Vera.
6 reviews
August 17, 2022
An extremely heartwarming story that just shook me up a little. Beautifully written. Just an overall amazing book
Profile Image for Lilla P..
66 reviews
February 26, 2021
I'm sure this book deserves the good rating many people gave it, but I can't think about it positively...yet. I wish I had received a bit more info about the type of story I eventually got hit hard by through this book. I was neither prepared for it based on the book description, nor would I have ever started it to begin with.
3 reviews
October 25, 2020
Great read.

I read this book in one sitting. (I say ‘one sitting’ but actually I did have to put it down and get up to get tissues because I was ugly crying at one point)
I really liked the story and the plot twists it went through. It wasn’t what I expected but I really enjoyed it. I thought the characters were well thought out and their personalities were brilliantly described.
Profile Image for Zoe Croman.
Author 2 books4 followers
May 25, 2023
I absolutely loved this book. It made me cry at the beginning and the end for very different reasons. A story about a man who has everything until he very suddenly loses it all and his struggle to pick up the pieces afterwards. It really struck me with how emotional and heartfelt it is. It won't let you down. An understated, powerful, and very satisfying story. It's one of those books you want to savor but at the same time can't put down.

My sister bought this book for me as a gift and it's turned out to be the gift that keeps on giving because it was my introduction to Dominic Holland. Highly recommend this and his other books. All are fantastic.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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