
Court rules for DHS employees alleging their division was disbanded in retaliation to their whistleblowing

The decision sets a new precedent for federal employees that denied promotions -- even if never fully promised -- can amount to retaliation.

Executive order limiting asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border signed by Biden

The White House order would cap asylum requests at the southern border at 2,500 daily crossings.

Former NSA head feels ‘really good’ about election security come November

Paul Nakasone, the recently retired head of NSA and CYBERCOM, said the intelligence community has everything it needs to combat election interference attempts later this year.

Biden issues veto threat as GOP outlines proposed cuts for FY25

House Republicans are teeing up party-line votes on spending bills that include cuts Biden and Democrats will not accept.

FEMA is promising to be more 'forward-leaning' this hurricane season

The agency wants to get its staff deployed earlier in the process ahead of what is shaping up to be an intense period of potential disasters.

House committee chair applauds suspension of three top VA cops amid harassment allegations

House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mike Bost, R-Ill., said in a statement that whistleblowers at the Atlanta VA Medical Center informed the committee of claims of sexual harassment, retaliation and misconduct within the center’s police department. 

VA's tech training program for vets is up for renewal, but backers want more accountability

A provision in a recently introduced legislative package would extend VA’s VET-TEC training program through September 2026 while seeking to address employment disparities.

Biden’s labor report card: Historian gives ‘Union Joe’ a higher grade than any president since FDR

COMMENTARY | President Joe Biden came into the White House intent on being "the most pro-union president leading the most pro-union administration in American history." Four years later, he has shown a lot of progress.

OPM reminds agencies of burrowing rules ahead of election season

All proposed appointments to career competitive service or Senior Executive Service positions must be reviewed by the federal government’s dedicated HR agency.

VA says it's seeing more patients than ever and cutting wait times for them

Staffing and productivity gains will allow VA to continue functioning more efficiently while avoiding burnout, official says.

Investing in job skills pays off

COMMENTARY | Well-defined competencies are tools that help managers provide useful feedback.

Inside the Department of Labor’s collaboration with New Jersey to overhaul unemployment programs

A new application for unemployment claims in the Garden State marks the result of a years-long federal effort to help states modernize their jobless aid efforts.


Lawmakers are asking the USPS regulator to block DeJoy's latest price hikes

USPS is pursuing its largest rate increases since Louis DeJoy became postmaster general.

Lawmakers look to ban foreign payments to senior feds

Top federal executives would not be able to "betray the public's trust" under Democratic bill.

House takes a bipartisan vote to hold agencies accountable for better customer service

The measure would make improvements to an "unaccountable, antiquated and Byzantine" federal bureaucracy.

State Department warns of significant risks due to ongoing budget pressures

State's top appropriator says he will try to make FY25 as "minimally harmful" as possible for the department, but Secretary Blinken cautions an already understaffed workforce would suffer without more resources.