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Fortitude (TV Series 2015–2018) - Fortitude (TV Series 2015–2018) - User Reviews - IMDb
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Amazing 1st season, horrible season 2, mediocre season 3
PaxD7517 October 2020
I watched the entire series and thought the first season was an amazing, drama/mystery driven by Sci-Fi. Few series have been so well-written: it had me looking in many different directions - spending as much time trying to figure out the mystery as I did getting to know each character, the environment and the hard science (coupled with fictional science). The first season is easily a 10.

The second season went off the rails. I'd rate it a generous 4. While the central premise remained, it shifted toward pseudo-nonsense (I'm trying hard not to give anything away). The storyline wasn't nearly as tightly written (sloppy at times) while everything was forced through a new lens of pure mumbo-jumbo nonsense.

Many of the core characters remained in place, some just disappeared without a proper ending, some secondary characters were given back stories but it was the segue into mumbo-jumbo that did nearly all the harm. The only reason I stayed the course was because of the strength of the first season and to watch the backstories of some of the characters who were given greater roles. I also held out hope that the season would straighten itself out and shift back into Sci-Fi and tighter writing. I was disappointed...

The third season (only four episodes long) shifted back toward "sci-fi science" but the stench of the mumbo-jumbo, pseudo-nonsense hung in the air, intermingling with the stronger premise established in season 1. I'd rate this season a 5 overall. It doesn't quite close the chapter on all characters but does so on most central/core characters. Not sure why this season was only 4 episodes long, certainly the last episode felt rushed but by this point, I was happy to see the series end. I felt that a continuation would further damage one of the best first seasons of any Sci-Fi show I've ever watched.

Recommend watching the first season only (10 rating). The other seasons will disappoint.

Side notes: (1) I had to look this up: Dennis Quaid was 63-64 years old during the last two seasons. I just couldn't get over how much younger (and fit) he looked. (2) Verónica Echegui: great performance, an uncommon beauty. (3) Stanley Tucci: his character helped define the first season and keep it "real" (4) Michelle Fairley: as a GoT fan, nice to see her here (5) Edvin Endre: as a 'Vikings' fan (the Ragnar Lothbrok years only), it was good to see him here too. He's got an "edge" to his acting which comes across very well on screen (6) Robert Sheehan: great in 'Misfits' and 'The Umbrella Academy'. While Stanley Tucci represented a stabilizing force (made the first season smart and adult-driven), Sheehan (sadly) served as the vehicle that knocked 'Fortitude' off the rails and nearly destroyed the series.
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Disappointed with season 3
winniepooh202829 December 2018
First and second season were fantastic and really enjoyed watching, I was so looking forward to the final season but was very disappointied. I agree with other comments writers did not put much effort into tying up the whole story or characters stories.
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A slowly unfolding ice bound drama
s327616913 March 2015
Fortitude is not your typical drama. It moves slowly, like the ice locked landscape in which it is set.

Its not a series for the impatient. You have to be willing to invest time in this series and accept long periods where partial knowledge and confusion are the norm. If you can do this then you may "warm" to Fortitude.

Without giving too much away very little in this series is what it first appears to be. A police who dun-nit that ever so slowly reveals other secrets that have a lot to do with time, ice and the preservation of "seemingly" dead things.

The cast is top notch and includes the likes of the wonderful Michael Gambon, for those who remember exceptional series like The Singing Detective.

A well deserved eight out of ten from me.
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IMDb promises Drama, Horror, Mystery, and Fortitude delivers
ToddWebb26 February 2016
The best summary I saw here said, "Superb show not for faint hearts or the lazy." That about sums it up. I'm shocked at all the negative reviews here.

I just finished Season 1. The story can be very hard to predict at times. When it's predictable I still wasn't *sure* I was predicting correctly.

Other reviewers' complaints: Character names aren't realistic - I don't care. Characters seem to act stupid or erratic - I agree, but that's part of the mystery of the story. Characters don't zip up their coats properly for the supposed temperature - really? Norway doesn't have sheriffs - this show is clearly intended to attract a global audience, not just Norwegians, so who cares if some aspects get watered down a bit for the general viewing public? Story is boring - I'm sure they didn't watch the same show I did.

There are a LOT of characters in Fortitude. It's the new style of TV, and it works here. There's a lot going on, including a lot of back-story explained along the way. And, most important to me, the characters are easily distinguishable. They look different, dress different, have unique faces (some are actors I recognize which helps). The casting here is superb and really helps one follow the twisting storyline.

Dark, moody, cold and somehow claustrophobic, Fortitude is a very fun show. Sort of like Northern Exposure but with the creepiness of X-Files.
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Torn to shreds
martinlucas-469-2079684 January 2019
I'd love to know the story behind the debacle of series three. The first series was reasonably well constructed, lovely vistas. The second series tried to move the original themes forward and failed. The third series looked like somebody got the viewing figures and said, " right, that's enough, this has descended into melodramatic gory crap. Let's cut our losses now!".
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A beautiful, dark and unnerving series
ipinkelephant11 March 2015
Note: - I am writing this review after watching only episodes 1-6 out of 12.

When you first start watching Fortitude, or see the trailers for this series, you would be forgiven for thinking that this is simply a by-the-numbers Danish inspired thriller, which even stars Sofie Gråbøl from The Killing! However, as the episodes roll on, it soon becomes clear that Fortitude is an entirely different piece of television. It may be a bit of a cliché to say this, but there is a vibe of Twin Peaks around this series. I cannot say much without spoiling it, but let's say that as the show continues it is becoming more and more genre fluid. It is no longer simply a crime drama. Fortitude is evolving into something that is dark, weird and unnerving, and I mean that all in a good way.

The series is set in the Norwegian community of Fortitude, a place of so-called perfection where crime does not exist… until one of the local residents is found brutally murdered, and the secrets of this community start to unravel. The writing in this series is simply wonderful. It is intelligent, and seems to be deliberately paced slower than most modern crime dramas. This helps to give gravitas to the story, and build a heavy atmosphere, which is equally helped by a wonderful and dark soundtrack. Praise should be given to the fantastic location this series is filmed in. Fortitude and its barren, icy landscape are simply beautiful to watch and they hold an eerie charm.

The large list of characters serve the story well, with Stanley Tucci being a particular highlight as the kind, but manipulative DCI Eugene Morton, who is sent over from the UK to investigate the murder. Michael Gambon also puts in a joyful performance as the dying and mournful Henry Tyson, while Richard Dormer plays the emotional and rock headed Sheriff of Fortitude. Christopher Eccleston plays local biology researcher Professor Charlie Stoddart and as I mentioned above, Sofie Gråbøl plays the mayor of Fortitude, who trying to hang on as her vision of the town and its future crumble around her. There are many other character I would like to comment on (Such as Darren Boyd's creepy resident, and Phoebe Nicholls as the no-nonsense local Doctor) and my one complaint about the series, perhaps, is that the cast is so large that I fear some characters could be side-lined and even forgotten about. With six episodes still to go, I hope that is not the case.

A final note of warning though, episode 6 probably contained the goriest scene I have experienced on TV before. This will not be a series for the faint-hearted, but if you enjoy something that is smart, dark and a little weird, then Fortitude may just be perfect for you.
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Starts well, ends poorly
wayneprice-396509 December 2018
First two seasons were really good and me and my partner loved the show. Third season was short and rushed and disappointing. There was enough going on in the storyline to make it a full 10-12 episode season, but they hurried and crammed it all into the fourth episode
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The best new TV show I have seen this year
mbangert195722 November 2015
From the first episode I found this show to be mesmerizing. The dark, cold atmosphere of the area is well depicted but doesn't depress. The characters are true to life and all seem to have their histories, loves and hates. The community is close knit although the inhabitants come from various parts of the world. The determined FBI agent sent to the town is viewed with suspicion.The woolly mammoth that was dug up early on in the series lies in a shed and one feels the menace emanating from its carcass. Is this the source of the horrors? The story unfolds slowly but dramatically, the build up is excellent. From the start it keeps the watcher thinking is this sci fi or is there another dark secret. Can't wait for the second season.
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Not quite the state of Norway
druberwolf19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I wish the producers had bothered to learn just a smidgeon about winters and Norway when making such a series. A) Even those who should be Norwegian rarely had Norwegian names B) The police had more weapons than the complete Norwegian police force (well, not quite, but you get the drift), but CHILDREN cycling around with hunting rifles in town? Did they think it was Texas, just colder? C) Reindeer and polar bears together? Not in Norway, not on Svalbard. D) When it is VERY cold (30 C below) the snow makes a certain sound, and it does not turn to slush. E) Except for a few instances the people mumbling in Norwegian did not sound very Norwegian, even the chef in the Muppets was better. F) Wasps do how well in the cold, hm? G) Norwegians do not wear their shoes indoors, especially when it is cold and wet outside. It makes everything dirty, you see, and we do not like dirt in our houses. H) When it is cold, seriously cold, people usually cover their ears and button up their jackets. And they seldom wear gloves, but mittens.

Next time pretty please ask a few natives, OK, and do spend some time on the plot! This could have been a classic....
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A great show
silmarieni25 March 2015
Fortitude is a great show: exotic, thrilling, well played, with an outstanding story.

The photography as well as the music are perfectly in tune with the story, making it a must-watch thriller series in my opinion.

At about episode 7, I must say I fear for the worse as I'm not sure the story can develop and keep getting interesting and still realistic with no cheap trick, but I'm placing hope in the screenwriters that did a brilliant job so far.

TV seems to be the best format for actors to show their worth. I'm never been that impressed with Stanley Tucci.

I did not know the other actors that well, but many deliver super solid performances, among them Richard Dormer, Sofie Gråbøl and Darren Boyd.
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Bonkers roller-coaster of a series that requires serious suspension of disbelief
stephen-lambe14 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've just binge-watched Season 2 after - almost - not returning after season 1. Both seasons are a bit of a mess, to be honest, but the ride through both of them is not without a lot of fun.

On the plus side, the scenery is great and the acting excellent. Watch out, in particular, for Ken Stott's marvellously nervy bureaucrat in season 2. I also find Alexandra Moen's Norwegian accent totally adorable. However, one of the problems with the series - particularly in season 2 - is that almost every performance requires the adjective "deranged" from Denis Quaid to Richard Dormer - who has been like that for most of both series, to be honest.

The series also does that Game of Thrones trick of bumping off major characters without warning. This is fine in principle, but when (as happens in series 2) it's one of your your central characters, who you've just started to like after disliking them for most of season 1, getting their comeuppance, you are left for nobody to root for except a murderer who bites peoples throats out due to some mysterious - and not yet fully explained - genetic transformation.

The music - more noise really - does a good job in being unsettling and there are a couple of beautiful uses of John Taverner's The Lamb.

One final warning - the gore is horrific and completely unnecessary given that at the point I'm thinking of I had no particular interest in whether that particular character mutilated himself or not.

That said - and here's where I justify my..er..Fortitude - each episode had so much incident and was such an bonkers ride, that I found myself somewhat mesmerised. Don't expect a satisfying ending. Some people live and some people die, and I didn't care much for any of them, but by golly if a TV series with a story line like this can even get made (despite the gore), there's hope for the world, and even if Fortitude doesn't really work in itself, I applaud the ambition!
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Don't believe the negative reviews
patbradley43512 February 2015
I don't believe IMDb anymore. This is a really interesting show, intriguing and enigmatic. It's probably too complicated for many on here who cannot connect the dots because of its complicated story-line. Brilliantly acted and beautifully filmed. I am totally hooked and cannot wait for the next episode. By no stretch can this be called boring. I am slowly learning that there are many on here who cannot discern good TV or movies. I was shocked to the core recently that most people liked 'I Saw the Devil,' A ridiculous South Korean movie and gave it high ratings, when it is the biggest pile of drivel ever committed to film. Watch it and see. My goodness, it is bad, but Fortitude has my backing for sure. I realise that we all have different tastes, but in a court of law, Fortitude would be vindicated as good but I Saw the Devil would be laughed out of court for the pile of dross that it is.
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Great first season.
FinneganBear2 February 2018
Season 1 was riveting. It was interesting, suspenseful and intelligent. I particularly enjoyed Stanley Tucci as a detective sent to the tiny, snow covered Norwegian town to investigate a possible serial killer. His Det. Morton is calm, serious, and dedicated to his mission. He is met with resentment from Sheriff Anderson who does not want an outsider taking over his case, especially since he too may have something to hide. Tucci's understated performance as Morton is a perfect counterpoint to the quirky inhabitants of the town who live in that isolated community. The investigation takes an unusual turn and a plausible sci-fi element is added to the plot. The show is highly recommendable.

Unfortunately, season 2 was quite different. Season 2 is again about solving murders but involves supernatural forces, mad doctors, corporate plots and bizarre plot twists not remotely believable. Det. Morton is not in season 2. Sheriff Anderson's personality is far different from season 1 and less interesting. Without Tucci, it seems the producers wanted another "name" American actor and hired Dennis Quaid. But while Tucci always disappears into his characters, Quaid always plays Quaid. Here he is again the tough, smart, honest, forthright town citizen trying to help solve the mysteries. The entire production seems more like a cheesy Si-Fi network movie.
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Very Disappointing ending .
rainysnows22 December 2018
Season 1 was good .Season 2 was far fetched and Season 3 was ridiculous .I felt like I did when LOST ended - all that for nothing .Started off well and then seemed to lose direction .Nice shots of the snow though !
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Fantastic, edgy new drama
Robin_clarke4129 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've just seen the first episode and wow I'm hooked already! The beautiful scenery and landscape shots are as big a star as the amazing cast. Every character is mysterious and mesmerising and the plot is deep, dark and luscious. The director does a great job of setting the feel of the place. You really soak up the hostile environment and I even started to feel cold at points. Characters all behave realistically in the unforgiving environment and all have very believable interactions and traits. Believe me when I say this is not the usual dross churned out by the big production companies these days. Anyone who enjoys gritty, suspenseful and intelligent TV will enjoy this immensely.
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An intense suspense series - with harsh nature in a supporting role
BeneCumb11 October 2015
/refers to Season 1/

At present, Brits and Scandinavians (Danes and Swedes in particular) are apparently the most versatile and distinct creator of thrilling crime series; even when clichés available, there are always new angles or approaches, plus competent choice of talented performers, many without global fame. All this also applies to Fortitude, where e.g. always great Stanley Tucci, Michael Gambon, Sofie Gråbøl do not stick out too much, so there is a nice team playing and level differences are conditioned by the "goodness" of a character, not by talent (in my opinion, Gråbøl's character was not too versatile and visible).

As the plot, there were moments when I feared that events would take a too sci-fi turn, but, with the help of flashbacks, mysterious and criminal events found their satisfactory solution (well, a certain scene with flies was too much though). And the Nordic nature, wow... I have had some opportunities to experience it with my own eyes, but it is still magnificent to watch - usually not outside, but inside - as snow is beautiful, but -20 and below C are not...

All in all, another strong brick in the wall of thrilling series. And yes, combining the best from Brits and from Scandinavians can provide a meaty result as well, with inclusion of some other good actors from outside of these areas.

PS Season 2 is even catchier, due to Squaid and Stott.
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Very interesting first episode
brettaigne30 January 2015
Scenery that makes you think, "Is this really our planet?", but also draws you into an almost desolate place with a fear of death not only by the elements, or polar bears, but now a murderer.

A town like this in the middle of nowhere needs to thrive on something, and when one of its main sources of income shows sign of possible loss, the town now relies on another source of income, and this income that could be their hope for the future, comes under threat.

There are many interesting characters introduced quickly, perhaps too quickly, but enough to let you know - you have no idea who is guilty of what, yet. However, the plot gives enough away to throw possible red herrings, and the end of the episode leaves you wanting more.

Two thirds of the way through, though hooked, I felt, "What is going on here?", not good, but not bad either. By the end of the episode though, there is enough to make you need to see the next step, to see the new detective in town prove his worth against people that either want him in, or want him out. Everyone has a reason to see that detective leave or stay.

Come on now, please do a Broadchurch season 1, not a season 2;)
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Superb show not for faint hearts or the lazy
Davinabaynes4 May 2015
This is a high class, high production value series. Well-written, well-acted with important and also unsettling themes. The start does make demands of the viewer but it is worth sticking with as all will, eventually, become clear. Far, far better than the dross that is so often served up on TV. Not everyone will have enjoyed this series because it is intricate, has a number of story lines running throughout and has a slow burning Scandinavian-style pace. There are surprises and real, genuine shocks combined with genuinely scary parts. The mirroring of characters' actions and movements is used a lot and works very well. Music is used to very good effect and is of high quality. There is humour and horror (some truly eye-shutting moments). I loved the development of characters and their links. The cinematography is wonderful, as is some of the visual imagery: favourites, apart from landscapes, were blood on snow and the 'Viking' burial. Themes of infatuation and obsession, love, protection, violence, greed and that all actions have consequences. We have just watched it a second time to pick up all the little things we missed the first time around e.g. The foreshadowing. Not a show that can be easily pigeon-holed as a specific genre. Very, very happy that there will be a second series. Unreservedly recommended.
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Could have been great
lotheravanti3 November 2020
First season was great. Great characters, very interesting and complex characters, very gray. Although it was a slow burn, it kept you engaged.

You can stop right there because the second season falls off a cliff. First of all, it's clear there were diversity quotas since they shove in a bunch of new characters and EVERY SINGLE one of them is "diverse". It's not full on woke, yet, but it's starting to look like it.

Unfortunately, every time I've seen blatant diversity shoved in, the story suffers. This is the case here as well. In the second season gone are the characters we knew, no one acts like themselves anymore. Major character plot threads are not explained, the writers perform giant leaps to get them where they want them to be, but it doesn't feel authentic.

It's clear that this was supposed to be a 1 season show and everything from season 2 on is forced.

See just the 1st season, that at least is worth it.
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UK show and finally something interesting...
mandic-sasa-bgd1 November 2015
For all the new viewers...it is a very good show, story is good, characters are good, cinematography excellent...everything is very good...

I don't care what everybody thinks...I always liked British shows, comedies, crime series, movies, whatever...and they are very very good at it...

This is very slow show, it builds up and you can't wait to see...even if you do realize what is happening, you still want to see, at least I am...

The cast is great, many actors not known to us, especially those from Denmark, but they do excellent job...

Location, location, location...Iceland, a place to visit...

One problem I had with the show is that, and I am saying this even though I've never lived in such small community, everybody goes everywhere, you can waltz in hospital, sheriffs office, and sit behind his desk..a bit strange for me, but maybe it's just me.

Enjoy the show...
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Season rating
From-DK-with-love19 January 2024
It's really annoying, that Imbb hasn't got the feature, so we can rate each season, but only episode by episode, or an overall rating for all seasons

I would very much appreciate if they would introduce this feature.

So far I have rated season 1 with a 7, I found it creepy,and a well told story, with few mistakes.... For season 2 I have only watch 2 epsiodes......but it seems like it will be a 6'er, but let's see

Especially the 'season rating' would go for series like Game of Throbes....season 1-5 was a 9. Season 6 was a 8. Season 7-8 was a 1 or 2

So please imdb, if you read this, please introduce the feature to rate each season...thanks.
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AB-Crawford18 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it is a very good show, but I've just got to think I'm seeing it differently than everybody else.

It starts with the murder of someone well educated and very important (he's English). The local authorities are too preoccupied with having sex with everyone to do anything about it (they're Scandinavian). The imported, uneducated labor force is first suspected (they're Irish.) Until they finally zero in on a murder suspect/inept father (he is the only black guy on the island).

Thankfully, a seasoned but obnoxious detective shows up to save the investigation (he's American). Because the sex obsessed police chief is too consumed with the sluttiest girl on the island (she's Spanish).

I honestly expected the Germans to show up and tell them this happened because of their inferior engineering.

Watch it and see if I'm lying.
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Should've been a mini-series.
sanjin_963229 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that the first season of Fortitude was very good. Very reminiscent of the Scandinavian cop shows/crime stories from the last decade. I liked most of the characters and the fact that prehistoric wasps turned out to be the deadly threat was a nice twist at the end.

The second season felt redundant and it was definitely a big step down from the first. Almost everything in the second season was worse, especially the writing (which is essential) and casting. The producers needed stars to fill the holes in the script.

Also, they made too many slow paced episodes. The whole thing (both seasons) would've been better as an on occasion differently paced mini-series with approximately twelve episodes, combining the better elements from both seasons. I think then it could've reached a totally different level.

First season: 7.5/10 Second season: 5.7/10 Overall: 6.6/10
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Interesting at first, got tiring and disturbing at the end
AngCha19 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Having completed the entire first season, I must admit I was disappointed. I don't know if I was falsely expecting a different kind of show or it was Fortitude producers' blame to having created totally different expectations to its viewers, but the show gradually ruined every positive characteristic it had when it started. Although there were all the necessary ingredients to make a dark, Hitchcock-styled crime & mystery series, the decision of the producers to turn Fortitude into a Supernatural-kind of show totally destroyed it. The amazing landscaping, the cold and intriguing ambiance of a closed, isolated society, the mysterious people living in the city, from so many different backgrounds, gave Fortitude a great beginning and made us believe it would keep the pace up until the end, offering us a modern, North-Pole alternative of Twin Peaks. Instead, we were given a disappointing metaphysical turn of the plot, some really disturbing and violent images and characters gradually becoming less and less interesting. By the end of the show, I caught myself looking forward to the finale, tired of the swallow plot. A total disappointment, unfortunately...
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Cold But Charismatic
stephen727220 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The first two scenes of Fortitude tells you where this is heading. A recollection of man's death whilst being attacked by a polar bear and the discovery of an ancient mammoth corpse. Fortitude is about unravelling what happened in the past from the current evidence. The truth hides itself behind the character's attempts to keep their own past a secret from one another. That's why they have all ended up in a town on the edge of the Arctic - to hide their pasts in the snow and ice.

Some viewers may not grasp the subtleties in the script and the behaviour of some of the characters. The script is designed to reveal the truth at the rate of a dripping tap. It's also designed to show the rules of life in the Arctic upon which daily life revolves.

Richard Dormer takes on the lead role of Norwegian sheriff Dan and plays him like a sharp but unsinkable iceberg. Jessica Raine as Jules Sutter proves again she is a formidable actress, just as she did in Wolf Hall, and we can look forward to much more of her on screen. Sofie Gråbøl plays her role as an edgy governor attempting to keep Fortitude attached to civilisation. Stanley Tucci is clearly comfortable playing the role of the charismatic and unphased DCI Morton. Spanish beauty Verónica Echegui seems a little out of place within the Arctic circle but she certainly takes on the challenge of pleasing an English speaking audience. Michael Gambon acts like an anchor to reality.

If you don't appreciate Fortitude, it's probably because you are constantly waiting for more violent action or you just don't do British and European accents. Personally I find it a treat to watch.
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