Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory


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Official render for Hercules in Kingdom Hearts III

Japanese ヘラクレス
Rōmaji Herakuresu
Translation Heracles
Other names Herc
Voice actors (Ja:) Yasunori Matsumoto
Masakazu Suzuki (Young Hercules)
(En:) Sean Astin [KH I]
Tate Donovan [KH II] [KH coded] [KH III][1]
Josh Keaton [KH BbS] (Young Hercules)
Homeworld Olympus Coliseum
Origin Hercules (1997)
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts χかい
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Kingdom Hearts
A legendary hero with godlike strength. He's the son of the gods Zeus and Hera, but not a god himself. The people regard Hercules as a true hero.

He went from "zero to hero" in "Hercules" (1997).
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Son of the god Zeus and Hera, but not a god himself.

With godlike strength and a gentle heart, Hercules is a true hero.

He has never lost at the Coliseum games.
Kingdom Hearts II
First entry
Hercules (1997)

A legendary hero with super strength—and a pretty great fellow, too. Hercules is the son of the gods Zeus and Hera, but he's not a god himself. Not long ago, he joined forces with Sora and his friends to stop Hades from taking over the world.

Hercules really impresses the crowds when he battles in the Coliseum. He's never lost a match yet.

Second entry
Hercules (1997)

A legendary hero with super strength. When the Hydra destroyed the Coliseum, Hercules thought he'd let everyone down. Now he isn't sure he's the hero he thought he was, and he seems to have lost his fighting spirit.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
A hero whose kind heart and bursting-at-the-seams biceps have won him the admiration of the Olympus Coliseum crowds. Despite being the son of a god, he lives down on earth as a mortal.

Hercules was already inside the Coliseum investigating when Sora showed up. Later, the two joined forces and, together, got to the bottom of the bugs.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Hercules (1997)

A boy with tremendous strength who goes by "Herc" for short.

He was born a god, but someone kidnapped him when he was a baby, and ever since he has lived down on earth as a mortal.

After learning he can rejoin the gods on Olympus if he becomes a true hero, he asked Phil to train him, and has been hard at work ever since.
Kingdom Hearts Union χかい
Young Hercules
Hercules (1997)
He was born a god, but was kidnapped when he was a baby.

Hercules A/Hercules B
Hercules (1997)
A hero with a kind heart and out-of-this-world strength.

Hercules & Phil
Hercules (1997)
A hero with godlike strength and a kind heart, and his trainer and mentor.
Kingdom Hearts III
Hercules (1997)

A hero with a kind heart and tremendous strength. He was born a god, but lives down on earth as a mortal.

We know Herc very well from the adventures we've shared together.
"A true hero is measured by the strength of his heart."

Hercules, known as Herc for short, is one of the primary characters featured in the Kingdom Hearts series. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is a popular fighter at the Olympus Coliseum. Hercules possesses great strength and can battle the toughest of monsters. He is supportive of Sora's goal to become a true hero.


Kingdom Hearts χかい[edit]

Hercules appears in the Book of Prophecies.

Between Kingdom Hearts χかい and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep[edit]

Hercules was originally born as a god to Zeus and Hera. At his birth, his father created Pegasus from a cloud as a gift to him. However, the infant Hercules was separated from Pegasus and his parents when he was kidnapped by Pain and Panic, and although Hercules was able to escape using his strength, they were successful in taking away his godhood and reducing him to a mortal. Ever since, he has lived on earth.

In order to become a "true hero" and rejoin his parents on Olympus, Hercules talked Philoctetes out of retirement in order to be his trainer.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit]

Hercules helps fight the Unversed with Ventus and Zack.

Young Hercules is training to become a hero alongside Zack, hoping to restore his godhood and return to Mt. Olympus by proving himself a true hero. After seeing Terra fight, he wishes to become like Terra.

He meets Ventus and after he, Ventus, and Zack fight and defeat the Unversed, Hercules suggests to Ventus that he should train under Phil to become a hero. During the final match with Zack, the Unversed attack the city and Ventus runs off to defeat them. Hercules instantly gives up the fight to help Ventus. After the battle, a hidden Unversed attempts to attack Hercules from behind, but is defeated by Zack. Phil then comes forth and declares that he will coach Hercules for being fast enough to make the right choice. In truth, Phil never planned on giving up Hercules.

He later meets Aqua, appearing after Zack attempted to ask Aqua out. He points out how Aqua's "face is all red", and receives advice from Aqua to not always rely on his strength, and she also tells him that she believes he will become a true hero someday. Hercules later trains under Phil with Zack watching by the gate before something takes him away.

Kingdom Hearts[edit]

Hercules does not arrive at Olympus Coliseum until he saves Sora, Donald Duck, Goofy, and Cloud from Cerberus. Sora, Donald and Goofy run back to battle Cerberus so Hercules can escape with an unconscious Cloud. Upon the defeat of Cerberus, Hercules is impressed with the trio but encourages them to continue training when Phil grants them "Junior Heroes". When they leave, Hercules reveals to Phil that he had already worn out Cerberus by the time Sora and company came to fight him. Hercules later battles Sora in a one-on-one battle in the Hercules Cup. When Sora wins and gains the Hercules Cup, as well as the ability to access the Keyhole of Olympus, he comments that his heart's strength comes from his friends, and Hercules supports him in it. He also exclaims that he "wasn't even holding back."

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit]

In a world constructed by Sora's memories, Hercules is met by Sora when Phil is about to cancel the games because no one else got past his preliminary course. Sora convinces them to keep the games because he wants to fight Hercules. Hercules agrees and Cloud shows up to add another contender to the games. During the games, Cloud wants to eliminate Hercules so he can have his lost memories restored. At the end of the course, Cloud and Hercules are fighting to the death and Hades intervenes, determined to kill Hercules himself, as Cloud could not finish him off. Sora then defends Hercules from Hades. After Hades is beaten, Hercules would like to fight Sora, but is not in his top fighting form and promises Sora a fight when he is.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days[edit]

Hercules was out looking for possible new heroes for the Coliseum and sent someone to start training with Phil. Phil mistook Roxas as this person and started training him. Roxas sees Hercules training in a couple of circumstances, and also walks by him. Phil then tells Hercules how well Roxas is doing and Hercules says that the person he found couldn't even be there since it will take him awhile to get to the Coliseum. As such, Phil is shocked to find that he was training a complete stranger.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit]

Hercules greets Sora again after a year.

Hercules spends most of his days in the coliseum battling Hades's monsters, including the Rock Titan and the Hydra. He gets rather tired, but hides his exhaustion from Megara and his friends. When Megara is captured by Hades, Sora and the others offer to find her so that he can deal with the Hydra. After he seemingly defeats the monster, he runs into the Underworld to join the others in saving Megara. He later feels depressed for the destruction of the coliseum at the hands of the Hydra.

Upon Sora's second visit to the destroyed Coliseum, Hercules is still depressed. Hades forces Hercules to join in the tournaments in the Underdrome and uses Megara as threat. Before the finals, Sora and the others encounter their friend Auron, who was being brainwashed at the time. In order to buy them time, Hercules offers to fight Auron one-on-one in a death match. Sora, Donald, and Goofy stop the fight just as Hercules is about to run out of endurance and help Auron regain his will. Angered by the outcome, Hades throws Megara into the Styx and Hercules jumps in after her and so regains his strength by reminding himself that a true hero's strength comes from his heart. With the revived Hercules on their side, the group defeats Hades, and witnesses the creation of a new constellation shaped like Sora, Donald, and Goofy, making the trio true heroes at long last.

Some time after Xemnas's defeat, Hercules has successfully rebuilt the Coliseum with the help of his friends.

Kingdom Hearts coded[edit]

A data version of Hercules teams up with Data-Sora to help him find Data-Hades, as well as destroy the Data-Heartless and Bug Blox in the way. He has been seen battling Data-Cloud, who ironically also joins Data-Sora to help fight. Data-Hercules fights Data-Cerberus alongside Data-Sora and Data-Cloud. After defeating Data-Cerberus, he fights Hades again.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-[edit]

In order for Sora to regain the powers he lost when Xehanort kidnapped his body, Yen Sid directs the boy and his friends to go seek training from Hercules at the Olympus Coliseum.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit]

Hercules encounters Sora, Donald, and Goofy when they come launching into Thebes at him, but he catches them, save for Donald who gets stuck in one of the lion statues. As he explains the situation in Thebes, Sora reveals that his strength has vanished and asked how he regained his power during their last visit. Hercules mentions strength of heart is important, and when he had saved Meg from the Styx before he knew that he had wanted to save her with all his heart. Unfortunately, he is unable to provide him the sufficient answer he needed. After telling Megara and Phil to leave on Pegasus, Hercules launches Sora, Donald, and Goofy on his statue to rescue a little girl who was trapped in the fire.

Later, when one of the buildings collapses, Hercules holds the ceiling together while Sora, Donald, and Goofy lead the people to safety. After miraculously surviving, Hercules and the heroes are confronted by Xigbar, who taunts the heroes, saying that he doesn't admire Hercules' heroics due to his Demigod stature and the fact that he doesn't find any worth in jumping in to save someone for no reason. After he leaves, Hercules encourages Sora to pay no heed to Xigbar's words, assuring that they'll prove him wrong. Hercules helps assist the townsfolk from being attacked by Heartless, before noticing trouble in Olympus.

Hercules joins the heroes in climbing Mount Olympus but goes off on his own after sensing his father in danger. Later, Hercules arrives at the Realm of the Gods, cutting down the Heartless that stood in his way and freeing the captured Gods. He rejoins Sora and friends and does battle with the Titans. After all four Titans return, Hercules decides to even the odds by freeing Zeus from his prison, which causes the Titans to flee. Hercules then grabs the Tornado Titan's tail and scoops up the other three Titans, releasing them into space where they are destroyed in an explosion. After chasing Hades away, Hercules decides to stay in the human realm because of his love for Megara, claiming a life without her would be empty. Hercules encourages Sora to continue chasing after his strength with all his heart.

After Xehanort's defeat, as Hercules repairs the town, Megara surprises him with his rebuilt statue.


A younger Hercules in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Extremely muscular, with broad shoulders and a comparatively thin waist, Hercules is always seen wearing orange-brown armor that ends in metal kilt. His armor does not extend to his arms, nor to most of his legs. He wears a brown belt around his waist with a gold emblem with the symbol of Zeus printed on it. Hercules's sandals are knee-high and have cross-shaped straps and are brown, as are two wristbands he also wears. He has a reddish-brown headband tied around his forehead, pushing back his rust-colored hair, save for one bang that falls over it in the form of an S-curl. The only aspects of Hercules's appearance not colored in earth tones are his sky blue eyes and short, deep blue cape. He is occasionally seen with a simple sword with a brown handle and yellow cross-guard, but apparently prefers to fight barehanded.

In his youth, as depicted in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Hercules was rather scrawny and far from muscular. His sandals were not knee-high like his current self's, and he wore a plain white toga that left most of his legs, his arms, and the right side of his chest exposed. There was a metal pendant engraved with Zeus's symbol that was attached to the strap on his left shoulder. His headband and wristbands were also absent. His hair was a bit longer as well, being just about shoulder-length and seemed to be a brighter shade of orange than it is now.


Hercules is shown to be tough, yet caring, willing to withstand hours of intense training at the hands of his mentor, Phil. He has a genuine love for Megara, and is willing to sacrifice even his own life for her. He is not without fault, however, as insults from Hades and a series of tough matches, including a loss to the Hydra, cause the hero to doubt his worth. It is when his friends' lives are most in danger that Hercules realizes he is not worthless, and that, in his words, "A true hero is measured by the strength of his heart."


Main article: Game:Hercules

Kingdom Hearts[edit]

When fought in the various Coliseum tournaments in the first Kingdom Hearts, Hercules is invincible and protected by a golden aura - Sora must pick up and throw barrels at him to make him vulnerable for a short time. The best time to throw a barrel at Hercules is when he's taunting by saying "Hey! You give up yet?" and flexes his muscles, telegraphed by when he slowly side steps across the field first. Hercules attacks with various punches and also slams the ground, unleashing a shockwave. He also has other attacks that include delivering a bullet punch, spinning around the field with his sword out, a charging headbutt and even unleashing an energy explosion around him.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit]

When fought in the Titan and Paradox Titan cups in the Underdrome during Kingdom Hearts II, Hercules uses powerful punches and headbutts, and can jump and unleash a shockwave when he lands. He can also summon a gold aura, turning himself invincible, inspired by the end of his Disney movie.

Hercules assists Sora during the second fight against Pete in The Lock, against Hades in The Underdrome, and when fighting Hades in the Hades Paradox Cup. He uses the same attacks as during his boss battle, and also has two special commands: Aura Guard, which summons a barrier around him to protect Sora, and Aura Sphere, which summons two orbs of energy that, when hit into Hades, extinguish his fire and render him vulnerable to physical and magical attacks.

Ability Description
Punch (パンチ
Hercules swings his arm around, and punches while moving forward.
Headbutt Rush (あたまとっ突進とっしん
Zudzuki Tosshin
Hercules runs around with his head thrusting forward.
Detonation Attack (起爆きばくアタック
Kibaku Atakku
Hercules jumps and hits the ground, creating a shock wave.
Aura Guard (オーラガード
Ōra Gādo
Hercules creates a dome-shaped barrier for about 5 seconds.
Aura Sphere (オーラボール
Ōra Bōru
?, lit. "Aura Ball")
Hercules spreads his arms sideways, and produces a ball of fighting spirit from each hand.

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded[edit]

In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Hercules appears as a party member in Olympus Coliseum. His special attack is Zero to Hero.

Technique Type Element No. of hits Power Target Hit rate Critical %
Attack (たたかう
Attack Command Physical 1 Hit 1: 1.0
Hit 2-3: 0.9
Single (Near) 100% 12%
Zero to Hero (ゼロトゥヒーロー
Zero tu Hīrō
Attack Command Physical 1 1.8 Pierce 500% 0%

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit]

Hercules briefly assists Ventus twice, and Aqua once.

Event Max HP Strength Defense Ask for Help
Ventus: Fighting the Unversed in Town Near Thebes 60 16 9 33%
Ventus: Fighting the Jellyshade in Town Near Thebes 60 16 9 0%
Aqua: Fighting the Unversed at the Coliseum Gates 60 16 9 33%
Technique Element Power
Right Punch (みぎパンチ
Migi Panchi
Physical 0.43
Left Punch (ひだりパンチ
Hidari Panchi
Physical 0.43
Tackle (タックル
Physical 1.0
Special Commands
Technique Element Power Status effect Command Gauge
Avenger Tornado (トルネドカウンター
Torunedo Kauntā
?, lit. "Tornado Counter")
Neutral 2.5 Stun (50%/3.3s) +20
Used during the first event, after covering an ally by guarding. Swings weapon sideways while jumping to unleash a tornado attack.
Swing Slash (スイングスラッシュ
Suingu Surasshu
Neutral Swing around: 1.5
Rush: 1.5
Used during the second event, by pressing Square when near Hercules. Swing Ventus around with Analog Stick and release him with X.
Avenger Save (セイバーカウンター
Seibā Kauntā
?, lit. "Saver Counter")
Neutral 3.0 +40
Used during the third event, after covering Hercules by guarding. Create a small explosion in the surrounding area. Capable of defeating enemies in a single blow.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit]

Hercules reappears as a party member in Kingdom Hearts III. His "weapon" is the Heart of a Hero, which is simply his godly strength. In battle he attacks using punches and headbutts, and he can use the abilities Boulder Toss and Burst of Energy. Hercules can also team up with Sora to perform the Heroic Swing Team Attack.

Hercules's base stats are 30 AP, 180 HP, and 100 MP. He has 1 armor slot, 2 accessory slots, and 3 item slots, two of which start equipped with Potions.

Attack Attribute Power
Guard? Repel LV Status
Dash Punch (ダッシュパンチ
Dasshu Panchi
Attack Command Physical 1.0 0 5 0 X 1
Swings right arm around, then unleashes a straight punch that launches struck enemies far away while moving forward.
Headbutt Rush (あたまとっ突進とっしん
Zudzuki Tosshin
Attack Command Physical 1.5 0 5 0 O
Runs with head facing forward, launching struck enemies. The attack ends if you collide with an obstacle.
Boulder Toss (swing) Attack Command Physical 1.0 0 1 0 O

(boulder throw) Attack Command Physical 2.0 0 5 0 O
Launches enemies by swinging a rock sideways, then throws the rock at the target. MP Cost: 10
Burst of Energy Magic Command Neutral 3.0 0 5 0 O
Draws in surrounding enemies, then blows them away with released energy. MP Cost: 15
Support Abilities
Ability AP Description
Second Chance 4 Always retain at least 1 HP if you are hit while you have 2 HP or more.
Treasure Magnet 1 Automatically draw in and collect nearby prizes. Stack the ability to increase the effect.
Damage Control 4 Halve the damage you take when your HP is at 25% or below. Stack the ability to increase the effect.
More Team Attacks 5 Generate team attack commands more often.
Team Attack Extender 3 Extend the availability period of team attack commands.
Team Effort 50 Always start battles with a team attack command. (Unequipped by default)
Hyper Healing 3 Spring back from defeat in battle more quickly and with more HP. Stack the ability to increase the effect.



Hercules originates from the 1997 Disney film Hercules. He is based on Heracles, a demigod son of Zeus from ancient Greek mythology; Hercules is the hero's Roman name. Like his Disney counterpart, Heracles has godlike strength and is also known for battling a series of monsters. However, the mythological version has a much more diverse love life, no rivalry with Hades or affiliation with Phil, and no goal to regain his "god" status. He is also depicted as wielding a club instead of a sword, and wears the Nemean Lion's pelt as his only attire and armor.

In the Disney film, Hercules was kidnapped as an infant from his home on Mount Olympus and turned mortal by Pain and Panic. Growing up a strong, teased and misunderstood teenager with mortal adopted parents, Hercules left home to seek out his true identity. A conversation with his father Zeus told him to seek out Philoctetes, trainer of heroes, and learn to be a "true hero" so he could reclaim godship. Hercules arose to fame, and eventually found love in Megara. It was a love for this woman that allowed Hercules to become a "true hero" when he risked his life for hers.

In the film, Hercules is voiced by Tate Donovan as an adult and by Josh Keaton as a teenager. Donovan did not reprise the role in the Kingdom Hearts series until Kingdom Hearts II, with Sean Astin replacing him in the original Kingdom Hearts, while Keaton reprised the role in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Notes and references[edit]