(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
RTX Sydney Will Be Replaced With Three 'Stage Shows' From 2019

RTX Sydney Will Be Replaced With Three ‘Stage Shows’ From 2019

Image: Richard Ethrington

If you were looking forward to another grand RTX convention in Sydney next year, there’s been a change of plans.

The head of Rooster Teeth events, Bethany Feinstein, has announced that the company will be holding three “stage shows” in Australia next year instead of “the standard RTX event”. The decision was reportedly made “based on feedback from our community”, and the stage shows will take place across multiple cities.

The full notice is below:

Traveling our company to Australia every year is a massive endeavor for Rooster Teeth, and one that we always look forward to. However, we can only manage one big event in Australia each year, and based on feedback from our community we’ve decided to change things up in 2019.

Rather than the standard RTX event, we’ll be sending Achievement Hunter and friends down under to put on three amazing stage shows in a few different cities. We can’t wait to show you what these guys have planned, and we’ll be announcing dates and venues very soon!

Stay tuned for how and where to buy tickets in the coming weeks. We can’t wait to see you again in Australia in 2019!

RTX Sydney has vastly improved since its inaugural iteration – RTX Australia – at Redfern’s Australian Technology Park in 2016. Since then, it’s been held at Sydney’s International Convention Centre in the city’s Darling Harbour.

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