How do you clean a wig cap?

How do you clean a wig cap?

Cleaning a wig cap is a relatively easy process, and it's important to do so regularly to maintain the hygiene and longevity of your wig. Here are the steps you can follow to clean a wig cap:

  1. Fill a sink or basin with cool water and add a small amount of wig shampoo. Gently swirl the water to distribute the shampoo.
  2. Remove the wig cap from your wig, and gently agitate it in the soapy water for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the wig cap thoroughly with cool water to remove all traces of shampoo.
  4. Gently press the wig cap with a towel to remove excess water. Do not twist or wring the cap, as this can damage the fibers.
  5. Lay the wig cap on a clean towel and allow it to air dry completely. Do not use a hair dryer or other heat source, as this can cause the fibers to melt or become damaged.
  6. Once the wig cap is dry, you can gently brush or comb it to remove any tangles or knots.

If your wig cap is heavily soiled or has stubborn stains, you can try using a pre-treatment spray or soaking it in a mixture of cool water and a mild detergent for a longer period of time before rinsing and air-drying it.


Sarah Yao

Product Manager

SarahOnHair Co., Ltd.

m:+86 156 2623 2689

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