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Ubuntu Developer Summit: Discussion, Design, Di... » Linux Magazine

Ubuntu Developer Summit: Discussion, Design, Direction for Ubuntu 11.10

May 07, 2011

The Ubuntu Developer Summit for the Oneiric Ocelot (Ubuntu 11.10) development cycle (UDS-O) will take place on May 9-13, 2011 at the Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal, Budapest Hungary.

Developers and other contributors are gearing up to arrive in Budapest and get set for what is already lining up to be a jam packed week of discussion and planning and this cycle's UDS adds Linaro to the schedule line up as well. Also new to UDS is the new Anti-Harassment Policy, which was championed by Matt Zimmerman, CTO for Canonial.

UDS-O is organized into the following tracks and can be searched by day, track, or room: community, design, desktop, foundations, hardware, Linaro android, Linaro graphics, Linaro kernel, Linaro other, Linaro platforms, Linaro power management, Linaro toolchain, other, security, server and cloud and videotaped.

Also, if you aren't able to attend UDS-O in person, but want to participate and contribute to the planning discussion; check out the Remote Participation option, which allows users the opportunity to attend without physically being at UDS.

The schedule kicks off Monday morning with an introduction to to UDS by Jono Bacon the Ubuntu Community Manager at Canonical followed by Keynotes from Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu, and George Grey, CEO for Linaro.

From the collaborative discussions at UDS-O will come the design and direction for the next release of Ubuntu—Ubuntu 11.10.

For more information on the Ubuntu Developer Summit please see the UDS website.

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