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Hong Kong & China Film REVIEW ARCHIVE

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|   Kozo's Recommendations   |   The Best Hong Kong Films Ever   |

|   Top 50 Hong Kong Films of the Aughts   |   Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Nineties   |

|   Top 100 Hong Kong Films of the Eighties    |   LunaSea's Korean Film Recommendations   |

Also of Interest:

|   About The Reviews   |   About the Reviewers   |   Guest Reviewers  |   Most Current Reviews   |


About the reviews:

All reviews on LoveHKFilm.com are credited via a notation at the end of the review.

Examples of notations:

(Elvis, 1965)
This indicates that a reviewer named Elvis wrote the review in 1965.

(Elvis, 1965/1985)
This indicates that Elvis initially wrote the review in 1965, but it was substantially amended and a newer version was completed in 1985.

(Elvis, 12/2015)

This indicates that Elvis wrote a review that was published in December 2015.

The various types of notations exist due to the nature of the site’s writing, some of which was re-written from old, unpublished reviews and some that were written during the site’s lifespan. In 2013, we began to add the month to the notation.

We feel that the dates, as well as differing date formats, are necessary, as when a review is written can easily affect the reviewer's point of view or writing style. It can also provide additional context for the reader.

Please keep in mind that all reviews are the subjective opinions of a sole writer and should not be viewed as any official gospel. It's just one person's opinion, and we hope you can understand that. If you can't, well, that's your problem.

Dissenting opinions are welcome, unless they involve name calling or come from people with an axe to grind. You know who you are.

Most Current
HK and China Reviews:

Project Gutenberg

Love Education
Our Time Will Come

The Bodyguard
Book of Love
Bounty Hunters
Buddy Cops
Call of Heroes
Chongqing Hot Pot
Cold War 2
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon:
     Sword of Destiny
Fooling Around Jiang Hu
From Vegas to Macau III
The Gigolo 2
Girl of the Big House
The Great Wall
Heartfall Arises
House of Wolves
I Am Not Madame Bovary
Kidnap Ding Ding Don
Kill Time
L For Love, L For Lies Too
League of Gods
Line Walker: The Movie
Mad World
McDull: Rise of the Rice Cooker
The Mermaid
Mission Milano
The Mobfathers
The Monkey King 2
Nessun Dorma
New York, New York
Operation Mekong
PG Love
S Storm
See You Tomorrow
The Secret
Sky on Fire
Soul Mate
Special Female Force
Sword Master
Weeds on Fire

12 Golden Ducks
20 Once Again
All You Need is Love
Angel Whispers
Are You Here
The Assassin
Big Fortune Hotel
The Crossing II
The Dead End
Dragon Blade
From Vegas to Macau II
Full Strike
Get Outta Here
The Gigolo
Guia in Love
Heaven in the Dark
Hollywood Adventures
I Am Somebody
Imprisoned: Survival Guide
     to Rich and Prodigal
An Inspector Calls
Ip Man 3
Keeper of Darkness
King of Mahjong
Knock Knock! Who's There?
Lady of the Dynasty
The Last Women Standing
Lazy Hazy Crazy
Let's Get Married
Little Big Master
Lost in Wrestling
Love Detective
Lucky Star 2015
The Merger
Monk Comes Down the Mountain
Monster Hunt
Mr. Six
Murmur of the Hearts
One Night in Taipei
Only You
Paris Holiday
Port of Call
Return of the Cuckoo
Saving Mr. Wu
She Remembers, He Forgets
SPL 2: A Time for Consequences
Super Models
A Tale of Three Cities

Ten Years
To the Fore
Triumph in the Skies
Two Thumbs Up
Undercover Duet
The Vanished Murderer
When Geek Meets Serial Killer
Wild City
Wolf Totem
Wolf Warriors
Wong Ka Yan
Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal
Zinnia Flower

About the reviewers:

|   Kozo   |   Kevin Ma   |
|   Calvin McMillin   |   LunaSea   |

Kozo was born in 1973. He grew into a skinny, short lad until he reached the age of 19, whereupon he was no longer short. He is highly respected in a few inconsequential social circles, though he is despised the world over. We believe he's simply misunderstood.

Kozo has been watching HK Cinema since 1993, when UFO was just starting out and John Woo had already left to make that sublime masterpiece Hard Target. Despite many years of bad movies, box office depression, and paparazzi terrorism, Kozo has continued to watch Hong Kong movies with an enthusiasm best reserved for rooting for the Golden State Warriors, which anyone will tell you is a hopeless endeavor. Until it wasn’t.

Kozo also goes by the name Ross Chen, which is his alias when handling the site’s administrative matters. You can read more about Ross Chen here. Ross Chen or Kozo or whatever he’s called can be reached here.

All reviews were written by Kozo unless marked otherwise. When Kozo shares space with another reviewer, the review is marked with this symbol: ¥

Kozo has written 1739 reviews.

Kevin Ma
Kevin Ma was born in the great city of Hong Kong in 1984. He moved to America almost 9 years later, where he began to fall in love with the art of cinema. No one understood why he would watch "My Girl 2" more than once, but that's just how much he loved films.

Kevin recently completed his Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communcation and Film Studies at the University of California Davis. During his undergraduate academic career, he managed to learn about the many great national cinematic traditions such as New German Cinema and the world of silent films, but his greatest achievement of all was studying in Japan as an exchange student for a year. Unfortunately, he has still yet to pick up any knowledge about anime.

His favorite filmmakers span all over the world, including Wong Kar Wai, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Bong Joon Ho, among many others. Currently he is exploring postgraduate education opportunities, one of which include studying film production in his hometown.

Kevin previously went by the internet handle "LMFDean9" on this website, but he's since come to his senses and takes credit for his work.

Reviews written by Kevin are indicated by this symbol: £

Kevin Ma has written 176 reviews.

Reviewer Lee Wong (a.k.a. LunaSea) passed away in August of 2002. His contributions to this web site can never be repaid. His reviews will remain on this site indefinitely.

The following is his original bio:    

Luna Sea is both a legendary J-rock band, and reviewer Lee Wong's nickname.

Lee is a Chinese-Italian in his early twenties. In his short existence, he's lived on two continents and in four different countries. An accomplished linguist, he is currently studying Mandarin, Japanese, Thai, and fine-tuning his Korean. His favorite pastimes include reading wuxia novels and manga, listening to Japanese and Korean music, watching just about every Asian film he can get his hands on, and most importantly stuffing himself to death with dim-sum and sashimi, "watered" down by a good bottle of soju.

While a big fan of arthouse films, LunaSea watches just about everything. His favorite genres are road movies, gangster comedies and realistic romantic dramas. His favorite actors include Choi Min-Shik, Jeon Do-Yeon, Bae Doo-Na, Ahn Sung-Ki, Song Kang-Ho, Koji Yakusho, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Maggie Cheung, Shu Qi and Zhang Ziyi. His favorite directors change every three days, and at the moment they are Hong Sang-Soo, Wong Kar-Wai, Hayao Miyazaki, Edward Yang and Hou Hsiao-Gsien.

LunaSea's reviews will mostly focus on Korean, Chinese (Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong) and Japanese Cinema, but he is also a huge Bollywood fan, loves anime and is increasingly interested in Thai Cinema.

Reviews written by LunaSea are indicated by this symbol: ±

LunaSea has written 43 reviews.

Calvin McMillin
Reviewer Calvin McMillin (a.k.a. Sanjuro) quit writing for LoveHKFilm.com in 2011.

Calvin McMillin graduated Summa Cum Laude from Oklahoma State University.

Calvin's interest in Hong Kong Cinema began with Once Upon a Time in China 2. Since then, he has diligently devoured the works of the Tsui Hark, John Woo, Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Calvin is also a big fan of the Monkey King.

Reviews written by Calvin are indicated by this symbol: §

Calvin McMillin has written 332 reviews.

Guest Reviewers

LoveHKFilm.com occasionally has outside contributors to the review pages, though the current roster is based more on potentially interested writers than an actual army of self-proclaimed cinema journalists. At any rate, the current line-up of people who have contributed are listed here.

Reviews written by a Guest Reviewer are indicated by this symbol: Œ

Guest Reviewers have written 96 reviews.


Paul Fox
Tim Youngs

Sanney Leung
Danny Hoi-Wah Ho

JMaruyama (James Maruyama)
Magicvoice (Jennifer Marley)
RainDog (Greg Maier)
Rudolph Tiemler
Ria Caronongan
David Harris
Adam Laidig
Stuart McDonald
Buddha's Grin (Lilia Lopez)

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