Fuzzy Wiggler

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Not to be confused with Fuzzler.
Fuzzy Wiggler
Official Artwork of a Fuzzy Wiggler from Yoshi's Story
Artwork from Yoshi's Story
First appearance Yoshi's Story (1997)
Variant of Wiggler

Fuzzy Wigglers[1][2] are a rare type of Wiggler from Yoshi's Story. They appear only in the level Surprise!! Fuzzy Wigglers resemble their normal counterparts, except they are green in color and covered in fuzzy hair and have mushrooms on their heads in place of flowers. These Wigglers are made up of five segments, including the head, and can be defeated only by stomping each section. After a segment has been jumped on, it turns purple. Unlike normal Wigglers, Fuzzy Wigglers do not get angry when jumped on, and they simply keep walking. After all five sections have been turned purple, the Fuzzy Wiggler slowly pops, leaving behind a melon.

Profiles and statistics[edit]

  • Shogakukan guide: ハナちゃんのしんせき、ケムちゃんをむと……!![3](When you step on Wiggler's relative Fuzzy Wiggler, you will see...!!)
  • Nintendo 64 Spieleberater: Der bemooste Alt-Hippie latscht gammelnd durch die Gegend. Wahrscheinlich träumt er immer noch von Woodstock. [4](The mossy old hippie traipses through the area, bumming. He's probably still dreaming of Woodstock.)


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ケムちゃん[3]
Portmanteau of「毛虫けむしケムシ」(kemushi, "hairy caterpillar") and「ハナちゃん」(Hanachan, Japanese name of Wiggler)

German Pillepalle[4]
Easy Peasy


  1. ^ Leung, Jason et al (1998). Yoshi's Story Player's Guide. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 11.
  2. ^ Yoshi's Story official website. Nintendo of America (American English). Archived October 8, 1999, 23:00:19 UTC from the original via Wayback Machine. Retrieved June 22, 2024.
  3. ^ a b 「ヨッシーストーリー 任天堂にんてんどう公式こうしきガイドブック」 (Yoshi's Story Nintendo Kōshiki Guidebook). Shogakukan (Japanese). Page 4Media:Yoshi Story Shogakukan P4.jpg.
  4. ^ a b Nintendo 64 Yoshi's Story Spieleberater. Page 19Media:Yoshi's Story German Guide Enemies.png.