Toad (move)

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Peach's Toad in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Peach using Toad in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Toad, Princess Daisy's neutral special move in Super Smash  Bros. Ultimate
Daisy using a Toad in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Toad is Peach's standard special move in the Super Smash Bros. series and Daisy's standard special move in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Either princess pulls out a Toad (with Peach pulling the main Toad and Daisy pulling a generic blue Toad) and hold them out in front of her to use as a shield and counterattack. If the Toad gets attacked, they will counterattack. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Toad absorbs any attack and sends it back to the opponent. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Toads release mushroom spores if attacked.

In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, Peach can unlock two custom variants, Sleepy Toad and Grumpy Toad. Sleepy Toad's spores put opponents to sleep instead of hurting them, while Grumpy Toad can be used as a regular attack that releases spores on command, but deals less damage.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, while the function remains the same, the move has changed aesthetically. Peach now ducks down covering her ears with a terrified expression and turns away, while Toad angrily spreads his arms in front of her on his own. If hit, Toad retaliates with a spray of spores while Peach winces. Similarly, Kirby's animation when he copies Peach and uses the move has been updated to reflect this. This change was likely made to lessen the unfortunate implications of Peach using a panicking and seemingly unwilling subject to defend herself, and potentially to make Toad seem more heroic. Daisy uses a Blue Toad when using the move.


Super Smash Bros. Melee[edit]

  • Instruction booklet: Counter enemy attacks by blocking them with Toad.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

  • Instruction booklet: Automatically launch a counterattack if an enemy hits Toad.

Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS / Super Smash Bros. for Wii U[edit]

  • Toad
    • "Use Toad as an unwilling shield. If he gets hit, he spreads spores." (American English)
    • "Holds Toad in front of you. If he gets hit, he spreads spores that deal damage." (British english)
  • Sleepy Toad
    • "Toad's spores will put attacking foes to sleep. Airborne opponents will just be launched instead." (American english)
    • "A counter that puts opponents in front of you to sleep. Launches airborne opponents." (British english)
  • Grumpy Toad
    • "Not a counterattack. Releases spores that deal minor damage." (American english)
    • "Not a counter-attack - always spreads spores that deal a small amount of damage." (British english)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

  • Move List (Peach): Uses Toad as a shield, spreading spores if he gets hit.
  • Move List (Daisy): Uses a Toad as a shield, spreading spores if it gets hit.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese キノピオガード
Kinopio Gādo
Toad Guard

Italian Toad