VETERAN Bill star Trudie Goodwin is quitting the show after 21 years as Sergeant June Ackland.

Trudie, 53, the last original cast member to leave the long-running ITV1 police series, said: "The years have flown by. I've had a brilliant time on The Bill.

"I don't regret my decision to stay for so long for a second. But it's time to move on."

Sgt Ackland will leave The Bill, which tonight broadcasts a live episode as part of ITV's 50th birthday celebrations, once producers devise an explosive storyline.

Trudie's character has featured in some of the popular show's most dramatic plots.

June married alcoholic detective Jim Carver (Mark Wingett) before he gambled away her pension. Another original 80s character, Carver left the show in February.

She also had a torrid fling with Pc Gabriel Kent, played by former Eastender Todd Carty, who later claimed to be her son.

Trudie has made the decision following the graduation from university of daughter Jessica, 21.

She said: "It means there is not as much pressure on my husband and I financially any more.

"I can afford to do theatre now. I'd love to be in a West End play, something completely different.

"I'd also like to spend a few months travelling round India with my husband Kit."

Trudie is encouraged by more roles being offered to older women.

She said: "This industry is finally opening up to older women.

"It really used to be so difficult for females to find work over the age of 30.

"But it's not as hard any more. Helen Mirren is a particular inspiration to me - she looks fantastic. And the fact that there are more opportunities available to women our age gives me more motivation to leave The Bill.

"I love the idea of being an older sex symbol."

Trudie admitted she no longer enjoys filming like she used to, saying: "I miss my old friends from the show.

"There were only nine of us in the cast to begin with and we bonded.

"We'd go to the pub after filming every day. It's not the same any more.

"We're working 12-hour days now and simply don't have time to socialise as much after work.

"I don't enjoy it as much as I once did, to be perfectly honest. It's not as much fun now."

Trudie has a minor part in tonight's hour-long live episode, which promises to be a stunt- filled special in which Sun Hill is held under siege.