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Fees for products and services are listed near the bottom of each Strain Detail Sheet in the catalog. Fees are based on costs associated with an individual line, including factors such as the effort and supplies needed to archive, maintain, and recover a line, demand for the line, per diem for maintenance, among other factors.

MMRRC Shipping Information

Shipping Information for Stock Numbers Ending in: UCD, MU, or UNC

The MMRRC facilities at the University of California, Davis (UCD), University of Missouri (MU), and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) require a courier account number from the requesting institution for each order. Shipping fees will be billed directly by the courier to the requesting institution. Rare exceptions may be allowed with prior approval; in these cases, sufficient funds to cover shipping expenses must be allocated on the purchase order, with payment information provided in advance.

  • International Shipments: For Live Mice, ES Cells, or Cryo-Preserved Materials, you may use either Validated Delivery Solutions or World Courier.
  • Domestic Shipments: For Live Mice, use either Validated Delivery Solutions or World Courier. For ES Cells or Cryo-Preserved Materials, use FedEx.
Shipping Information for Stock Numbers Ending in: JAX

The MMRRC facility at The Jackson Laboratory recommends and can arrange ground transportation in dedicated, climate-controlled vehicles for most locations in the U.S.A. and Canada. If ground transportation is not available, air shipment can be arranged. Shipping charges are based on the number of shipping containers used and will be prepaid and itemized on invoices.

For additional information about transportation to your institution, contact MMRRC Customer Service:
Phone: 1-800-910-2291 or +1-530-757-5710
Email: service@mmrrc.org

Cancellation Policy

By submitting an order request, customers agree to be responsible for paying the fees associated with producing and providing a product. Should the customer subsequently decide to cancel or not accept delivery of the prepared product, the MMRRC will still invoice for the services performed to date. Submitting an order request indicates agreement with these terms.