(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)


New Titles

Cover of 'The Apocalypse and Apocalyptic Topics'
Adela Yarbro Collins
The Apocalypse and Apocalyptic Topics
In this collection of essays, Adela Yarbro-Collins expertly illustrates a wide variety of scholarly methods for interpreting apocalypticism. These include history-of-religion, social-historical, and theological approaches as well as genre studies and rhetorical criticism, especially the device of vivid description (ekphrasis).
Cover of 'Grundsätze einer weisen und christlichen Erziehungskunst'
Johann Peter Miller
Grundsätze einer weisen und christlichen Erziehungskunst
Johann Peter Miller's (1725-1789) work »Principles of a Wise and Christian Art of Education« is the first systematic exposition on education, combining his multifaceted experience as a teacher with his enlightened theological insights. He reclaimed theological competencies within the field of education and at the same time demonstrated his optimism regarding the potential of such an education for individual and collective perfectibility - a core aspect of German Enlightenment theology, the neology.
Cover of 'Religiöse Dynamik zwischen 1380 und 1520'
Berndt Hamm
Religiöse Dynamik zwischen 1380 und 1520
That the period between 1380 and 1520 did not see a late medieval setting of the sun on, but rather the dawn of a powerful new era of dynamic religion is the main thesis of Berndt Hamm's new volume presented here. Driven by a fearful anticipation of the afterlife and fuelled by a desire for grace and salvation, religion was propelled towards piety, theology, and pastoral care, which in turn gave rise to a surge in sacred artistic expression.