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Entries in Music Gear (43)


Dan Clark Audio Headphones: Reshaping how you experience audio

The Jaguar Audio Design online store now has the full line of Dan Clark Audio headphones.  These headphones are designed and built in-house at the company’s headquarters in San Diego, California, and include custom drivers exclusive to the DCA brand. For their brilliant design, craftsmanship, and acoustic performance, Dan Clark Audio products have earned many awards, and we are delighted to be able to offer them to our Jaguar clients. You can order a pair right now by visiting the Jaguar website.

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Equipment That Will Make Your Music Listening Experience Even Better

No one turns on music without the intent of relaxing and enjoying themselves — but listening to your jams can sometimes pose some difficulties. Music is hard to hear over background noise, and you need a quality set of headphones to enjoy it at a decent volume. Fortunately, there are tons of pieces of affordable equipment that will make your music listening experience even better. This article will review some of the best equipment you can find for your listening pleasure.

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10 tools musicians should use when making music

Making music is a huge part of many people’s lives. Whether you are an amateur or professional musician, there are some tools that can help make the process easier. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 tools every musicians should use when making music!

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What to look for in high-quality headphones and speakers

What separates good speakers and headphones from great ones? The answer is sound quality. A lot goes into designing and building high-end headphones and speakers, so it’s crucial to do your research before buying to ensure you get the quality you want and deserve.

The market is filled with thousands of different brands and types of headphones and speakers, and they’re not all created equal. Keep in mind that you first need to know what you need and want your audio system to accomplish. Different uses will require different speakers and headphones. For instance, if you listen to music with a lot of bass sounds, you need speakers with quality subwoofers.

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Getting the right starter synth: 5 points to consider

With over 100,000 sold in the United States in 2020 alone, synthesizers are an undeniable part of the music world. As the market continues to grow, musicians turn to synthesizers to create a sound that is uniquely theirs.

You might find jumping in right away to be intimidating, but a few synthesizers are perfect for beginners — you just have to identify which one feels right. Electronic sound modification is here to stay, and it’s never too late to find a starter synthesizer that works for you.

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5 Benefits of Playing Electronic Drums

One of the biggest benefits of playing electronic drum sets is the fact that they don’t make as much noise as acoustic drum kits do. This makes them great alternative drum kit options if you live in an apartment or space where noise is a factor.

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What's The Best Finish For Your Guitar?

A while back I posted an article on my website explaining the cost of refinishing a guitar. This text is taken from the original article which can be found here.

Your guitar’s finish is not just there to make it look pretty. It actually does one of the most crucial jobs - Protecting the wood of your guitar!

Moisture is the main culprit behind wood damage, and the the best way to protect your wood from moisture is to coat a thin layer of finish over your instrument.

For this reason, and also to minimize any accidental damage to the wood surface, having a proper finish is vital for the long-life of your guitar.

But what finish is right for you?

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How to Make Your Daily Music Listening More Enjoyable

Music is beneficial in so many ways and has such far reaching impact across the entire world. It is impossible to traverse without hearing some form of music throughout the day and in truth, many of us cannot live without it. Music allows for expression, lifts moods, and can decrease anxiety and pain. Reliance on it, therefore, is not unlikely and is in fact, completely healthy. If you have been looking to maximize your listening experience when listening to your favorite song, or just music in general, these tips might help make listening to music more enjoyable for you.

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Choosing the right speakers for listening to music 

Music is food for the soul. For the best music experience, it is imperative to look for the best audio systems. Quality speakers are the key to unlocking an unprecedented music experience from your audio systems. 
Buying a quality speaker can be a pretty daunting task given the available options present in the current market. It calls for you to be skeptical, especially if you want value for your money. It would be best to consider a speaker that sustains your audio needs and is durable enough to cement a return on your investment. 

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Music photography: 4 Pieces of equipment for the perfect shot

As a music photographer, your job is a challenging one that comes with new curve balls every day. Because of this, you have to learn to be versatile and adaptable. Many different situations will come your way during your career, so get ready for them as they come your way. Working in the music industry will give you a very well-rounded set of skills. Besides that, remember that you will need the right equipment to make yourself a success.

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4 Must-Haves When You're Trying to Improve Your Garage Band

Taking a garage band from its first rehearsals to successful live performances is a process that takes lots of time and effort. In addition to sheer sweat, though, it also helps to have the right equipment on hand. Here are four must-have items that will help you take your garage band to the next level.

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How Do Acoustic Guitars Produce Sound?

Acoustic guitars have a shape that is designed to project sound. They are able to play the same notes as pianos, banjos and mandolins and yet create their own, unique sound. Let’s look at how this occurs and what gives the acoustic guitar its signature sound.

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Ready to Record? Equipment That Musicians Need for More Successful Recording Sessions

At some point, a musician wants to be heard. You want other people to hear the music that you have made. A poor recording setup can completely ruin your message.

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4 Great Ways To Upgrade Your Home Stereo Set Up

Modern home stereos range from simple, all-in-one units to elaborate setups involving multiple units, devices and speakers. While some see the act of listening to music as a serious hobby, others view it as more of a pastime. In either case, there are numerous steps you can take to upgrade your current home stereo setup and experience music as the original artist intended.

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