2024 Public Policy Institute (PPI)

  • PPIRegistration

    Registration for 2024 PPI is now full. If you are still interested in joining us this summer, you can join the waitlist in case there is a cancellation.

  • Why Attend PPI?

Registration for the 2024 Public Policy Institute is now full. If you are still interested in joining us this summer, you can join the waitlist in case there is a cancellation. 

Safe, Welcoming, and Inclusive Schools: Education as It Should Be

Since 2007, NASP has been offering a Public Policy Institute (PPI) focused on building the capacity of NASP members and state school psychology association leaders' advocacy skills. We are so excited that 2024's PPI will once again be fully in-person in Washington, DC.

This year's PPI will focus on helping school psychologists develop the advocacy skills, strategies, and state association system supports to advocate for safe, welcoming, and inclusive schools for all students. It will offer CPD credit for pre-recorded modules to be completed before coming to Washington, DC and for the in-person training sessions.

Through the use of content presentations, dialogue/discussion, interactive hands-on experiences, and collaborative group activities, participants will learn and be able to demonstrate the fundamental knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to support programs and policies that create equitable access to school mental health services in safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments.