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July 1, 2024
To this end, I listed where these two men-former President Trump and President Biden-stand today and what can be expected of each if he is elected.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 5 comments
At stages, this left Trump, his predatory instinct aroused by a limping animal, able to land a stinging jab or two. 'I don't know if he knows what he said either.'
International - Binoy Kampmark - 2 comments

Eureka Street - compassion justice courage reflection analysis discernment ...
Henry Thornton

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Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera

Ambit Gambit Last night I was interviewed by TRT – Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera – on a panel moderated by Adnan Azwaz on the Australian fires. My fellow panellists were Professor Mark Howden and Tony Kevin. Azwaz did a good job, and his courteous approach to moderation could teach Tony Jones a thing or two, although he […]

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Today's Most Popular Articles
»  Building a resilient democracy: trust and action
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»  A fragile hope: diplomatic drive for Gaza ceasefire
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This Week's Most Popular
»  Ukraine, continued aid, and the prevailing logic of slaughter
»  Gantz's resignation will have serious implications on the war
»  A fragile hope: diplomatic drive for Gaza ceasefire
»  Lost in illusions: the West's struggle for realism in a changing world
»  Building a resilient democracy: trust and action
This Week's Most Discussed
»  Nuclear, and Labor's lying lips
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»  Hitler as the face of evil
»  Julian Assange's release: a victory for press freedom or a perilous precedent?
»  Our living standards depend on energy density

Friday, June 28, 2024

Distribution of income and effectiveness of Australia's industrial system are not on political or industry agendas.
Economics - Ben Rees - 3 comments
Drawing parallels from the Uyghur genocide, it is evident that the extreme form of the current anti-racism movement in the US is heading down a dangerous path, mirroring the tragic experiences of Uyghurs.
International - Mamtimin Ala - 6 comments
Although solar and wind are cheap to operate, per se, their total costs are not cheap and they are not fit for purpose alone. World experience to date confirms this.
Environment - Charles Hemmings - 35 comments

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The modern slave can be found in abundance. Disposability is its vital feature, abundance of vulnerable persons its source.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark
The global history of rising living standards is a history of harnessing more energy-dense, cheaper, power sources.
Economics - Geoff Carmody - 10 comments
The West - waist deep in self-made treacle
Humour & Satire - Stuart Ballantyne

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Assange's release underscores the evolving landscape of journalism in the digital age. Platforms like WikiLeaks have disrupted traditional media's gatekeeping role, democratizing information dissemination but also posing new challenges.
Law & Liberties - Vince Hooper - 15 comments
The message never varies – below the speed limit is safe, above the limit is not. Indeed, we are told that even 1km/hr above the speed limit increases the likelihood of serious injury and death.
Law & Liberties - David Leyonhjelm
The IPCC therefore has a single focus, man-made climate change, rather than a broader look at all plausible reasons why the climate might change. No discernible risk would mean no need for an IPOCC.
Environment - John McLean - 4 comments

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

First stop France, whose President Macron called on Australia to lift its nuclear ban after our government rejected a nuclear pledge at the Cop 28 summit last year.
Environment - John Mikkelsen - 53 comments
Sadly, we have another Anglican clergyman spouting the sort of undergraduate anti-Israel bias that must surely shock many in his denomination's pews.
International - Honestus Pampeluna - 7 comments
Because an Australian official had deemed a video too disturbing and offensive for Australians of ordinary sensibility (the standard remains opaquely absurd), the world's citizenry were also to be barred from viewing it.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark - 1 comment

Monday, June 24, 2024

These cases will also define the scope future authorities might have in laying down draconian regulations on their citizens in the future.
Health - Murray Hunter - 2 comments
Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull famously described Coalition leader Peter Dutton as a thug'. That description appears particularly apt in Dutton’s nuclear power plans.
Environment - Jim Green - 20 comments
President Biden and the UN Security Council have combined to threaten Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Gaza and the West Bank turning into one giant killing field.
International - David Singer - 1 comment

Friday, June 21, 2024

When Hannah Arendt observed Adolf Eichmann at a trial in Jerusalem in 1963, she was aghast at witnessing an average German individual, a bureaucrat, appearing so ordinary and speaking so persistently to defend his position.
Political Philosophy - Mamtimin Ala - 42 comments
Sadly, new despots in fake liberal democracies like the USA, Canada and the EU are implementing reckless denialist policies and practices aimed at robbing Macedonia of its name, distinct identity and evolution from the Ancient Macedonian Kingdom.
International - Ordan Andreevski - 3 comments

Thursday, June 20, 2024

As we approach another election year, we face historic lows in Americans' trust and confidence in institutions with little signs of recovery. One doesn’t have to look very far to imagine why.
International - Jeffrey Roth - 6 comments
It is hoped the Summit will maintain its focus on the stated priority: renewing people's trust in global institutions by making them more representative of today's world and more effective in delivering on their commitments.
International - Ioan Voicu - 1 comment

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Moreover, the rise of 'woke' culture in the West has shifted focus from strategic international issues to domestic social debates.
International - Vince Hooper - 23 comments
All public officials, whether elected or not, should be held accountable to the same objective standards of behaviour.
Law & Liberties - Kevin Martin

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

With Ukraine looking desperately bloodied at the hands of their Russian counterparts, the horizon of the conflict had seemingly shrunk of late. Fatigue and desperation has set in.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 5 comments
The recent diplomatic efforts led by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and backed by the UN aim to secure a ceasefire and facilitate a hostage release and exchange deal in Gaza.
International - Vince Hooper - 4 comments

Monday, June 17, 2024

The role of the Council for the Order of Australia is devolving into full-blown support for those nominees who support left-of-centre narratives.
Domestic Politics - Graham Young - 8 comments
Netanyahu must decide who will govern Gaza ‘The Day After’, following the end of hostilities, and what role, if any, Hamas will play.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 5 comments

Friday, June 14, 2024

So while the Teslas pile up unwanted at Port Melbourne and sales of EVs are declining globally, they represent just the tip of the iceberg on which the Western world seems destined to founder.
Science & Technology - John Mikkelsen - 6 comments
President Biden and the United Nations continue to call on the Hamas Government in Gaza to accept a ceasefire – whilst Hamas's tactics are to prolong the Israel-Gaza war.
International - David Singer - 11 comments

Thursday, June 13, 2024

That said, any union of faux liberal types such as von der Leyen with those of the hard right of Europe is unlikely to be a fragrant one.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 5 comments
On the horror end, news organisations could use AI to write news stories, and sack hundreds of journalists.
Science & Technology - Graham Young - 7 comments

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Although Israel’s retaliation is deemed disproportionate to the number of Israelis slaughtered by Hamas, Israel’s onslaught on Gaza should not be sinisterly classified as an act of genocide.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 34 comments
Master the art of superficial profundity and prosper in the knowledge that, in the end, it's better to be superficially profound than profoundly superficial.
Education - Steven Schwartz

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The extra 'summer surplus' battery capacity must be 48.8 – 97.6 times the 'summer surplus' daily solar generation, assuming batteries last for 5 – 10 years.
Environment - Geoff Carmody - 17 comments
This dynamic environment ensures that no single party can take its position for granted, fostering accountability and responsiveness to the electorate's needs.
International - Vince Hooper

Monday, June 10, 2024

Queensland Liberal National Party's zero opposition to the Queensland Labor Party's Government 2024-5 Budget shows it is not fit for opposition, let alone government.
Domestic Politics - Scott Prasser - 4 comments
Lock them up. The whole bally lot. The pollsters, the pundits, the parasitic hacks clinging to the life raft of politics in the hope of earning their crust.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 1 comment

Friday, June 7, 2024

Few have exerted as much influence on the tone, and outcome of elections, as Nigel Farage. Fewer have done so while failing to win office.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments
President Biden has misleadingly claimed that Israel has offered a roadmap leading to an enduring ceasefire in Gaza that brings all the hostages home, ensures Israel's security, creates a better
International - David Singer - 6 comments

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Global economic stability remains fragile, with concerns over inflation, supply chain disruptions, the meteoric rise of AI and the uneven pace of recovery across regions.
Economics - Vince Hooper
This was an event rarely seen – politicians have stumbled onto a sensible energy policy. Burying CO2 would achieve nothing useful – just more futile green waste.
Environment - Viv Forbes - 9 comments

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Netanyahu remains elusive about the endgame in Gaza but time is closing in on him. He has a solemn obligation to tell his fellow citizens what will be the fate of Gaza.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 17 comments
We believe inflation will remain harder to beat than the RBA suggests. RBA rate cuts will have to wait for some time to come.
Economics - Michael Knox

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

That large-scale democratic movement provided the Chinese Communist Party with an excellent opportunity to peacefully transition from a revolutionary party to a ruling party.
International - Chin Jin
The Spectator, Britain's consistently conservative magazine, was certain about the implications of premature electioneering. 'Calling an early election is an admission of defeat'.
International - Binoy Kampmark

Monday, June 3, 2024

One of the most intriguing aspects is re-deciphering the essence of engagement between the US and China against the backdrop of China's recent major military drills around Taiwan.
International - Mamtimin Ala - 3 comments
As well as meeting their own environmental, social and governance (ESG) ambitions, companies know that they are unlikely to win public tenders or private contracts unless they are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.
Health - Ivor Campbell


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