OSCE Secretariat
Preventing violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism
Preventing violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (PVERLT) is a vital part of the OSCE’s anti-terrorism activities. The OSCE Action against Terrorism Unit works with government officials, first-line practitioners, researchers and civil society to support the development and implementation of impactful PVERLT policies and programmes that uphold human rights and the rule of law.
The OSCE Action against Terrorism Unit has a wide-range of regionally tailored PVERLT resources, including technical guidebooks, curricula and the OSCE flagship capacity-building initiative, Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism (LIVE).
LIVE seeks to promote grassroots level initiatives developed and led by civil society against violent extremism across the OSCE area, with specialized courses for youth, women and community leaders. LIVE is promoted through the #UnitedCVE social media campaign.