Keith R.A. DeCandido

creating words (probably interesting ones)

  • 94 会員かいいん
  • 2,273けん投稿とうこう


Babbling about movies
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A monthly movie review. This could be a theatrical release or an older movie I've seen on some manner of home video. Feel free to comment on these reviews, and I will respond to comments.
The Internet is for cat photos!
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Cat photos! At least once a week (and truly more often), you'll get a picture of one or both of our incredibly photogenic black cats, Kaylee and/or Louie, with occasional guest appearances by other cats, and even some dogs! Plus the monthly movie reviews that the $1 tier gets.

Babbling about television
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Monthly television reviews. This could be a show currently on the air or an older show I've checked out on some form of home video. There will be at least one TV review per month, sometimes more. Feel free to comment on these reviews, and I will respond to comments. Plus the movie reviews and cat pictures that the $1 and $2 tiers get.
Sneak peek at works in progress
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A weekly look at whatever my current work in progress is. It could be a new original work, a new tie-in work, a short story, a comic book script, or any number of other things, but you'll get to see a preview of it before anyone else. Plus the movie and TV reviews and cat pictures that the $1, $2, and $5 tiers get.
Character vignettes!
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First look at first draft
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Every time I finish a chapter or section of a longer work, or finish a shorter work, you will get a first look at the first draft (assuming the work in question isn't under a non-disclosure agreement). You can even make editorial comments if you want! Plus the TV and movie reviews and cat photos, the weekly excerpt from a work in progress, and the monthly vignette that the $1, $2, $5, $7, and $10 tiers get.

Keith R.A. DeCandido最近さいきん投稿とうこう

Keith R.A. DeCandido

