Offe, Claus

3 contributions de 1992 à 1996

Professeur de sciences politiques et de sociologie à l'Université de Bielefeld (en 1977) (Source DataBNF)

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Documents (51)

Professeur de sciences politiques et de sociologie à l'Université de Bielefeld (en 1977)

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Claus Offe
Claus Offe
Claus Offe (born 16 March 1940 in Berlin) is a political sociologist of Marxist orientation. He received his PhD from the University of Frankfurt and his Habilitation at the University of Konstanz. In Germany, he has held chairs for Political Science and Political Sociology at the Universities of Bielefeld (1975–1989) and Bremen (1989–1995), as well as at the Humboldt-University of Berlin (1995–2005). He has worked as fellow and visiting professor at the Institutes for Advanced Study in Stanford, Princeton, and the Australian National University as well as Harvard University, the University of California at Berkeley and The New School University, New York. Once a student of Jürgen Habermas, the left-leaning German academic is counted among the second generation Frankfurt School. He current
Claus Offe, né le 16 mars 1940 à Berlin, est un professeur de sociologie politique d'orientation marxiste. Docteur de l'université Johann Wolfgang Goethe de Francfort-sur-le-Main, il a enseigné à l'université de Bielefeld (1975–1989) et à l'université de Brême (1989–1995), ainsi qu'à l'université Humboldt de Berlin (1995–2005). Il enseigne actuellement à la Hertie School of Governance. Il est également membre du conseil scientifique consultatif du réseau allemand pour le revenu de base inconditionnel.
Claus Offe (born 16 March 1940 in Berlin) is a political sociologist of Marxist orientation. He received his PhD from the University of Frankfurt and his Habilitation at the University of Konstanz. In Germany, he has held chairs for Political Science and Political Sociology at the Universities of Bielefeld (1975–1989) and Bremen (1989–1995), as well as at the Humboldt-University of Berlin (1995–2005). He has worked as fellow and visiting professor at the Institutes for Advanced Study in Stanford, Princeton, and the Australian National University as well as Harvard University, the University of California at Berkeley and The New School University, New York. Once a student of Jürgen Habermas, the left-leaning German academic is counted among the second generation Frankfurt School. He currently teaches political sociology at a private university in Berlin, the Hertie School of Governance. He has made substantive contributions to understanding the relationships between democracy and capitalism. His recent work has focused on economies and states in transition to democracy. He has been married to Ulrike Poppe since 2001.
Claus Offe, né le 16 mars 1940 à Berlin, est un professeur de sociologie politique d'orientation marxiste. Docteur de l'université Johann Wolfgang Goethe de Francfort-sur-le-Main, il a enseigné à l'université de Bielefeld (1975–1989) et à l'université de Brême (1989–1995), ainsi qu'à l'université Humboldt de Berlin (1995–2005). Il enseigne actuellement à la Hertie School of Governance. Il est également membre du conseil scientifique consultatif du réseau allemand pour le revenu de base inconditionnel. Ses domaines de recherche principaux sont la démocratie, la sociologie politique, les politiques sociales (dont notamment le revenu de base).