(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, Book 14, chapter 2, section 14
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As for the Carian coast that comes after Rhodes, beginning at Eleus and Loryma, it bends sharply back towards the north, and the voyage thereafter runs in a straight line as far as the Propontis, forming, as it were, a meridian line about five thousand stadia long, or slightly short of that distance. Along this line is situated the remainder of Caria, as are also the Ionians and the Aeolians and Troy and the parts round Cyzicus and Byzantium. After Loryma, then, one comes to Cynos-Sema1 and to Syme, an island.

1 Cape Volpo. Cf. the reference to the Cynos-Sema at the entrance of the Hellespont, Book 7 Fr. 55.

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