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Survey on prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in downs syndrome Survey on prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in downs syndrome


I am a UG student of occupational therapy.

As a part of my project, I'm doing a survey on the prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in downs syndrome.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a behavioral disorder in this the child will express defiant and disobedient behavior to authority figures. Children usually start showing symptoms at the age of 6 years. This is the project topic which is majorly done to find out the prevalence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).

I hope you can find time and fill my form

Thank you


Cognitive enhancing meds or ssris ? Cognitive enhancing meds or ssris ?

My younger brother is 23 with Down syndrome and autism. He is mostly non verbal but recently having panic attacks type episodes were he gets really worked up and hits his chin repeatedly . I’m meeting with his dr who wants to try Zoloft or Lexapro but I feel they aren’t being creative or really trying to help Him but just put Him on any meds and hope for the best. Any experience with Down syndrome and anti anxiety meds? Ideally I want something that improved his mental performance and lowers his anxiety, don’t think he’s needs an anti depressant ?

Down Syndrome & Friendship Study: Seeking Participants Down Syndrome & Friendship Study: Seeking Participants

The University of Regina in Saskatchewan is seeking Canadian parents and caregivers of 3rd to 6th grade students with Down syndrome to participate in our online research survey. Parents and caregivers of children entering Grade 3 this fall (2024-2025 school year) are eligible to participate.

The survey will ask parents and caregivers about their perspectives on:

o   Their child’s friendship experiences

o   Challenges they face supporting friendship development

o   Strategies they use

o   The role of schools in friendship development

o   Their child’s mental well-being and social abilities

o   Their own mental well-being and parenting style 

The survey will take approximately 40-minutes to complete and can be found by scanning the QR code or by clicking the link: https://uregina.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0koFiTiAd15SgOW


Jack's Basket - Prenatal & Newborn Down syndrome Resources Jack's Basket - Prenatal & Newborn Down syndrome Resources

Jack's Basket is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting families with a new Down syndrome diagnosis, and we want to welcome you to the journey and celebrate your baby!

Request a complimentary Jack’s Basket full of gifts, resources, love, and connection! Each basket comes with a direct connection to one of our parent volunteers who is also raising a child with Down syndrome. You can request a basket up until your baby’s first birthday! 💙💛 Please visit jacksbasket.org to request your basket today!

Neighbor boy (15) asked for girl advice Neighbor boy (15) asked for girl advice

One of my next door neighbors is a 15 year old boy with down syndrome. I wouldn't say we are particularly close, but I always wave and I ask him about school or his interests every once in a while. Last night, him and I were tossing the football around and chatting in my yard when he mentioned that he has a girlfriend and asked for advice about what to do for a third date and what to get her for her birthday. I made my suggestions (ice cream at the park and bringing her flowers) and he said I was a cheapskate and she would want something more expensive (a "fancy dinner" and a necklace).

At this point, it crossed my mind that maybe the young lady is taking advantage of him or that she hung out with him just to be nice and he misinterpreted these as dates. I asked some more questions, but couldn't get a read either way from the answers.

Obviously, I'd like to save the kid heartache and embarrassment, if possible. At the same time, I don't want to hold someone back through bigotry of low expectations or make it seem like no one could like a person with downs without having an angle. Additionally, he showed me a picture of her, and I know I would be less likely to think one of those things was the situation if she was less pretty, so maybe I'm being a jerk on that front as well.

Normally, I would just go to a kids' father and let him make the decision if I had any worries about a kid, but his father is not in the picture and he mentioned that his mom doesn't know about the girl and would disapprove of him dating. I understand keeping something like that from you mom, so I'd prefer not to break his trust and tell her if I don't have to, but I will if that is the right thing to do.

What would you all suggest?

Delaying post natal testing? Delaying post natal testing?

Hello everyone. Our son was born on Tuesday and has some of the characteristics of Down syndrome, specifically the eyes, ears, and feet. Both the doctor at the birth center and our family doctor/pediatrician believe it is likely he has Down syndrome, but of course there is no way to know for sure without proper testing.

My wife doesn't think he has Down syndrome. "No way, our son is perfect", she says. She doesn't think we should get him tested unless he starts showing signs of developmental delays.

So far, there haven't been any signs of health issues. His heart and lungs sound normal, oxygen levels are great, he's attentive, and sleeps well.

Personally, I think he should get tested sooner rather than later. I read that there is a risk of congenital heart defects in babies with Down syndrome, and this makes me worried. I just want to make sure that we can be the best parents possible, and that we can be prepared for whatever we need to be prepared for.

What do you think? How soon after birth did you test your children for Down syndrome?

TIFU at work TIFU at work

I work on a restaurant boat that will go around my towns harbour and we’ll serve you a 3 course meal. We usually get a lot of tour groups from different countries because tour companies will book with us. Today we had a tour group of people with Down syndrome and I was the waiter for their section. They were all lovely and I chatted to one in particular because he had a WWE shirt on and I’m a fan.

Around the main course the caretaker with them asked if they could order mock tails. No issue at all. The bartender made 20 mock tails that looked really great and split them over 2 trays. I bring the first tray and put 10 down, all goes well. Then the second tray I bring over and the boats starts to sway. I try to keep the drinks stable but 3 tip over and land on a woman’s head and run down her back. I freaked out apologising profusely and really hoping my boss didn’t see. After that there’s a short silence and the woman looks up at me, starts laughing and says “hahaha my undies are wet”. The whole table bursts into laughter and I’m beyond relieved. I help her dry herself off with some towels and we joked about it for the rest of the time on the boat. She even tips me afterwards.

Easily my best customer experience at my work.

Update: Having a second baby Update: Having a second baby

I want to thank everyone again for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully and compassionately to my question about whether to try for more children (our original plan for our family) after our son received a birth diagnosis. It has been about a year since that post, but, well, it takes time to grow a human!

Little brother is here, and it is amazing to see my two boys together. My older son is so gentle with the baby and curious about all the sounds he makes. He was excited and “helpful” when we were getting the nursery ready. He checks on little brother in the playpen to see what the baby is doing, and he has the sweetest smile when he leans in to look at his brother. I love watching him try to figure out who this new person is in his house. So far, all indications are that little brother will be typically developing.

You all are wonderful people. Thank you for giving me courage to trust myself.

Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/downsyndrome/comments/109k59m/having_a_second_baby/

I was hoping to get the community's collective opinion on special dispensations that allow disabled workers to be paid less than other employees. I was hoping to get the community's collective opinion on special dispensations that allow disabled workers to be paid less than other employees.

I'm sure that many of you are aware, but for those who aren't, in 1986, the Fair Labor Standards Act was amended to allow employers to apply for special certificates that enabled employers to pay less than the minimum wage (AKA subminimum wage) to individuals whose earning or reproductive capacity was impaired by "age, physical or mental deficiency, or injury." Congress noted that they took this action to "prevent curtailment of employment opportunities." In other words, employers were willing hire members of the disabled community, but only if they were allowed to pay them far less than other employees. Currently, there are 801 companies that hold this subminimum wage certificate.

Goodwill Industries has long been known as a company that has paid pennies on the dollar to disabled employees. And, w/ the recent rise in minimum wage, some of their locations have terminated disabled staff members. Their argument has long been that they offer jobs to the disabled community, where others won't do the same, so it's all right that they pay them as if they were indentured servants. And, if they were forced to pay them minimum wage, they wouldn't be able to give them jobs.

I'm wondering, how do you feel about this? As parents and caregivers of disabled individuals, do you accept their reasoning in paying such low rates?

When to start trying for another baby? Younger sibling When to start trying for another baby? Younger sibling

Hi everyone😄 So we have a 16mo girl with DS, and she is our first child. We have been wondering when it is a good time to try for another baby (sibling), and I wanted to hear your experiences. Personally I want her to have a sibling that is close in age, because I think it will benefit her and I have always imagined having kids close in age. But I am so worried that it might mean that we won’t have the necessary energy for our girl and the training she needs. I can’t really imagine what it is going to be like with another child. I really want to hear about your experiences, and hope you would like to share ❤️

Toddler mealtime help Toddler mealtime help

My son is 19 months old and is such a joy, but mealtimes have become a struggle! None of his doctors have any concerns about his weight or his growth. They have suggested that he have a more varied diet and eat the family meal, especially at dinner time.

We have not had any issues with feeding, like swallowing issues or choking. He easily eats different textures and different sized foods. He has a good appetite, but he refuses most new foods. I’ve tried to introduce new foods alongside what he will eat and he will throw it off his tray, and then throw the other food. If we put too much food out at once he will have a few bites and then start throwing. We’ve instructed him to just put the food he doesn’t like to the side but that hasn’t worked at this point.

I’m at a loss on how to get him to eat a more varied diet, and how to discourage throwing. Is radical acceptance the way to go? I don’t want to push him too hard, but I also want to do what is best for him. I admittedly have a lot of anxiety around his eating stemming from his difficulties at birth and the struggles we had with breastfeeding. He has occupational therapy and speech therapy weekly and they have offered some help in the past.

I appreciate any tips or tricks that you have! I’m so thankful for this community!