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Diversity & Inclusion Policy | RideRTA

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

The Board of Trustees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) takes seriously its responsibility to provide first-class public transportation services to the residents of Cuyahoga County.

In doing so, the Board believes that to best understand and serve the needs of our customers and communities, RTA must reflect diversity and inclusion in its Board composition, employees, contractors and suppliers.

The Board believes that diverse and inclusive organizations find more credibility and support with the public, and success in today’s marketplace. The variety of viewpoints that comes from different life experiences, backgrounds, and cultures enhances discussions and decisions, and can add a higher degree of accountability.

A diverse organization is able to capitalize on the unique skills and abilities of all employees, expand its supplier and customer base, and better support the communities it serves.

The Board is adopting this policy statement to affirm its long-standing position that a commitment to diversity and inclusion within RTA are chief among its responsibilities, priorities and concerns.

The Board seeks to promote and support diversity across the full range of operations, including its management policies, employment practices, procurement goals, and its approach to services, investments, and community partnerships.

The principles supporting this statement will help ensure that RTA is sustainable, is able to foster economic development and will provide the services that its customers need and want.

Adopted: February 16, 2010, Board Resolution 2010-013