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Strategic priorities and goals

Strategic priorities and goals for Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

With these strategic priorities and goals, the Board of Directors for Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) adopts the basis of and goals for how RJ will fulfil its mission as a research funding body. As an independent foundation, all its work is based on the paragraph in the statutes describing its purpose (Section 2) stating that Riksbankens Jubileumsfond is to fund:

  • Academic research connected with Sweden, with special responsibility for
    • Research that has difficulties receiving funding from other sources
    • Large and long-term projects
    • New research questions requiring prompt, forceful measures
    • International research contacts

While RJ is one of several research funding bodies in Sweden, its statutes, its relationship to the Riksdag and the board's composition of parliamentarians and researchers give it an important and unique position. The board adopts the following strategic priorities and goals for the foundation's own operations and for the research that is funded. These priorities are based on its statutes, its role as an independent research foundation established by the Riksdag, and its position within Swedish research funding landscape.

Strategic priorities

  • RJ's primary mission is to use its funding to promote basic research of the highest academic quality. This means that RJ largely works with open calls for applications, researcher formulated questions, and international peer reviewed assessment processes.
  • RJ chiefly funds research within the humanities and social sciences. This priority is made, in part, because humanities and social sciences research of the highest quality is needed, often with historic perspectives, to understand and manage society's challenges, nationally and globally, and in part because the humanities and social sciences are in particular need of long-term stable research funding.
  • RJ supports and wants to promote the development of cross-boundary research initiatives, both across disciplines and geographically. This applies to cooperation between different subject areas within the humanities and social sciences and between researchers in these and other research fields. Cooperation of this type should have clear points of departure and be led by researchers within the humanities and social sciences. International research cooperation is to have a clear foundation and be led by researchers based in Sweden. Interdisciplinary initiatives are particularly important for research directly addressing today's complex societal challenges. Relevance to these challenges is one of the general quality criteria for research.
  • RJ actively works to improve accessibility and utilisation of research through targeted communication and collaborative initiatives and support for open access publishing. RJ has adopted a specific collaboration strategy that defines how to prioritise initiatives.
  • RJ-funded projects and programmes should contribute to strengthening research environments and capacity building within the humanities and social sciences. RJ does not fund permeant positions, but project and programming funding can be used for fully funded or partially funded academic positions in all career stages during the period funding is provided.

Goals for RJ's operations

  • Highlight the importance and special needs of the humanities and social sciences in research policy discussions.
  • Actively leverage RJ's board of directors, with its unique combination of academic representatives, parliamentarians and financial experts as an important collaborative forum for discussions, building trust and confidence, and development.
  • Continually develop high quality services for researchers and effective and user-friendly systems for research applications.
  • Continually evaluate and develop support forms, review processes and collaborative forms.
  • Maintain and improve the foundation's reputation (among researchers, politicians, other funding bodies).
  • Maintain sustainable financial management that enables long-term and stable research funding of at least SEK 500 million annually.

Goals for the funded research

  • Enable research of the highest quality and help to ensuring that the results of this research contribute to the development of knowledge and society.
  • Support Swedish humanities and social science researchers (with their research findings and their expertise) in gaining a stronger role in public discourse and contributing to the knowledge-based development of society.
  • Help Swedish humanities and social science research achieving a stronger position internationally, for example by supporting additional world-leading humanities and social science environments in Sweden.
  • Back humanities and social science researchers in their acquisition of academic merits and capability to organise and lead broad, interdisciplinary research initiatives.