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RFA 24 Play-by-Play: ‘Smith vs. Romero’ Results & Updates


RFA 24 Play-by-Play: ‘Smith vs. Romero’ Results & Updates

No access to AXS TV Fights' Resurrection Fighting Alliance card Friday night? Sherdog.com has you covered with live RFA 24 play-by-play at 10 p.m ET.

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For complete RFA 24 undercard results, click here.

Bojan Velickovic vs. Chris Hugh

Round 1

Hugh closes the distance on Velickovic quickly with jabs and crosses, but Velickovic grabs the clinch on his advancing foe. They jockey for position inside, but Velickovic trips his man to the mat and stacks him against the fence, looking for ground-and-pound. Hugh tries to kick Velickovic away as he stands, but Velickovic shucks his legs and gets to side control, looking to slide into full mount along the fence. Hugh blocks the pass and gets away from the fence, but still has his opponent a wide open half guard with Velickovic pressuring to pass constantly. Velickovic attacks Hugh's far arm with a kimura to help set up his pass, allowing him to smoothly get to side control. Velickovic methodically pounds his way to taking Hugh's back, forcing him belly down. Velickovic gets him trapped and then unloads with right-handed hammerfists and hooks. Hugh is completely done and simply waits to be rescued by referee Merrick Morland.

The Official Result

Bojan Velickovic def. Chris Hugh via TKO (Punches) R1 4:40

Andre Tieva vs. Matt Brown

Round 1

Brown gauges the distance with leg kicks from the opening bell. Tieva tries to rush his man, but Brown unfurls a spinning hook kick that catches Tieva's guard and makes him back up. Tieva continues to look for changes to explode with quick strikes, but when he rushes Brown, Brown unloads with spinning kicks to ward off of his foe. Brown lands a right hook-left hook combo and runs Tieva into the fence. Tieva controls the situation with two double underhooks, but Brown catches him with a knee to the cup that prompts a brief pause from referee Merrick Morland. The action slows over the next 60 seconds after the restart, until Tieva is knocked off balance while landing a head kick. Brown pounces on top, but is quickly swept. Tieva scrambles to top, then waits out the clock on top in half guard.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Brown
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Brown
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Brown

Round 2

Brown takes the center of the cage and flashes different kick looks, feinting with stepping movements and chambering his kick. Tieva is well aware of Brown's spinning instincts now, and simply circles around, looking for a way to land punches. Brown stays busy, chopping at Tieva's legs. Tieva steps into the pocket and unloads three punches, the final left hook making good clean contact. Brown tries to kick in response, but Tieva catches it and lands an overhand right. Brown rushes his man, but Tieva locks up a guillotine and jumps guard quickly. Brown tripods up and tries to push down on Tieva's elbow to get free. Tieva readjusts his hips after Brown creates some space, but is still in a bit of trouble. It's an incremental, inch-by-inch struggle at this point. Each time Brown looks like he can pop his head out, Tieva readjusts his grip and his legs and keeps him ensnared. With 45 seconds to go in the round, Brown finally pops his head out and gets free. Tieva slides up the fence, eats a knee then Matt Brown does an impersonation of the other Matt Brown, firing off a combination of a half dozen standing elbows. Tieva is rocked and his forehead is slashed wide open at the bell.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Tieva
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Tieva
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Tieva

Round 3

The action flows more freely as the final round begins, with Brown flinging kicks while Tieva wings back at him with both hands. Brown lands an overhand right elbow, and it's full blown carnage now: Brown lands a right hook that stumbles Tieva back, and he's turning back into the other Matt Brown. Massive streams of unanswered punches from Brown up against the fence, but Tieva is covering up just enough. He's trying to throw back, but Brown has put his violence game in fifth gear. It's all academic now as Tieva stumbles around, eating right and left hooks, uppercuts and chopping elbows. He stumbles back into the fence one more and referee Merrick Morland has to intervene. Ferocious stoppage by Matt Brown, but Andre Tieva never hit the mat.

The Official Result

Matt Brown def. Andre Tieva via TKO (Punches and Elbows) R3 1:28

Dan Moret vs. Bobby Moffett

Round 1

Moffett closes the distance on Moret and dumps him with a double leg quickly. The Illinois native gets side control and tries to attack Moret's far arm with a keylock. Moffett briefly shows a north-south choke attempt, but abandons it quickly, staying safe in side control and looking for a pass to full mount. Moffett gets a headlock and moves into scarf position, then locks his legs over Moret's arm, cranking on a scarf hold armlock. It's deep, but Moret wriggles free of the submissions twice. Moret gets to his feet, just to get waistlocked by the grinding Moffett again. Moret staves off the takedown, opening a cut on Moffett's head with elbows and knees, then unleashing a heavy salvo of knees with a minute to go. Moffett desperately shoots, so Moret tries to turn the corner and take the back. Moffett is bleeding substantially now as Moret wings away on his head, but the Minnesotan is warned for hitting the back of the head as the round expired.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Moret
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Moret
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Moret

Round 2

Moffett is dedicated to the takedown immediately, pushing for it over 60 seconds until finally getting Moret to the floor and getting to side control again. Moret tries to push off the fence and escape, but can't back to his feet. He keeps bicycling his legs trying to get Moffett off of him, eventually resulting in an illegal upkick that pauses the aciton briefly. On the restart, Moffett sets up in full guard and gets busy with punches and elbows. As Moffett punches away, Moret throws up a triangle, but the Illinois native just uses it to pass back to side control. It's pure position for Moffett right now, who isn't doing much in the way of pounding as he pours blood from the head. Moret tries to turn away, so Moffett knees him to the body sporadically until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Moffett
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Moffett
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Moffett

Round 3

Moret is more aggressive with his counterpunching to start the third round, but a right roundhouse kick is caught by Moffett, who dumps him to the mat quickly. Moret can't be controlled, however, jumping right back to his feet and forcing Moffett to dive at his legs again. Moret gets a headlock and sprawls on another Moffett takedown along the fence, but Moffett picks his ankle and gets back to side control with three-and-a-half minutes to go in the fight. Moret tries to scramble back up and winds up in a figure-four facelock from Moffett, who knees him for a moment before switching to a double, clasping his hands and slamming Moret with two minutes to go. Moffett punches his way into side control as Moret looks up at the clock. Moffett grinds away with short punches, controlling Moret until the fight expires.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Moffett (29-28 Moffett)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Moffett (29-28 Moffett)
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Moffett (29-28 Moffett)

The Official Result

Bobby Moffett def. Dan Moret via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Marvin Blumer vs. Darrick Minner

Round 1

Blumer rushes forward, but Minner changes levels and takes him down. Minner lands some standing to ground punches. Minner secures a brabo choke in a scramble, but Blumer rolls to escape and they’re back up. They only stand for a few seconds before Minner lands another takedown. Minner lands a knee and then threatens with a guillotine. Blumer is out, but Minner remains on top. Blumer is deftly using his hips to keep Minner from passing. Blumer is hunting for a leg while Minner pummels his head with right hands. Minner is in half guard as he lands three hard elbows. Minner is back in Blumer’s closed guard, but he continues to stay on the attack with punches and elbows from above. Minner stands and Blumer briefly tries to grab an arm, but Minner quickly escapes. Minner remains on top, with Blumer staying active from his back. More elbows from Minner, and now Blumer is bleeding near his right eye. Minner is relentless, constantly looking to advance position while landing hard ground-and-pound. The round ends with blood pouring from Blumer’s head and face as a result of the elbows.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Minner
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Minner
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Minner

Round 2

Minner lands a double leg takedown less than five seconds into the stanza. Blumer’s face is already a different shade of red from his blood, and Minner goes back to work with elbows. Blumer has Minner locked in a body triangle, and he tries for a foot lock before Minner escapes and attains side control. Minner lands some knees to the body and then moves into full mount. Minner grapevines his foe’s legs. He postures up and lands some more big elbows. Minner is heavy on top, methodically finding openings to land more elbows. Blumer regains full guard, but Minner isn’t slowing down. Minner remains persistent with his ground-and-pound attack. Minner overwhelming Blumer positionally, and he bashes away with hammerfists near the fence as less than one minute remains. Blumer briefly frames a triangle choke but Minner quickly pulls free. Blumer tries to sweep, but he can’t shake Minner, who ends the period on top.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Minner
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Minner
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Minner

Round 3

They touch gloves at the outset of the round, and Minner follows an overhand with a level change. He quickly moves to Blumer’s back. A scramble ensues and Blumer is hunting for a leg lock. Minner defends and connects with yet another elbow. Minner with more vicious elbows from half guard. A “Marvin” chant goes up in the audience, but the Minnesota native remains firmly planted on his back. Blumer lands a few elbows to the head from his back, but Minner just keeps grinding away. Minner creates space and drops a hammerfist. Blumer regains full guard but that doesn’t prevent Minner from landing two more hard elbows. Another elbow connects and this one cuts Blumer open again. For some reason, referee Joe Fipp orders a standup. Minner executes a low single-leg takedown and he’s right back in control. Minner pushing the tempo in hopes of a finish, but Blumer is able to escape a choke. Minner ends a dominant performance in side control as the round three horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Minner (30-27 Minner)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Minner (30-27 Minner)
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Minner (30-27 Minner)

The Official Result

Darrick Minner def. Marvin Blumer via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27) R3 5:00

Melvin Blumer vs. Jeff Curran

Round 1

It's a leisurely pace for the first 60 seconds, as Curran probes the distance before eating a salvo of low kicks from Blumer. Blumer lands a surprising Superman punch that stumbles Curran, puts a hard right low kick beside it, then unloads a huge stream of clinch knees. Curran blocks them and manages to clear the cobwebs, circling off the fence and resetting at range. Blumer gets more comfortable and walks into a right hook from Curran that puts him right on his seat. The UFC and Pride vet dives on him, locking up a guillotine and pulling guard. Blumer is in deep, but manages to tripod up and get his head free. Curran tries to grab another guillotine as Blumer scrambles up, but the Minnesotan gets free. Curran is uncharacteristically aggressive now, stalking Blumer down and urging him to exchange hands. Curran lands a jab and a right cross, and Blumer answers with a right uppercut. Curran and Blumer throw simultaneous left hooks, but Blumer rips back with a short backhand, no spin involves. Somehow, his short back fist blows Curran's doors off, putting him flat on his face. “The Big Frog” tries to get to his feet, but Blumer is right there with a submarine right uppercut that wipes him out. Incredible knockout to end an incredible one-round fight.

The Official Result

Melvin Blumer def. Jeff Curran via TKO (Back Fist and Punches) R1 4:58

RFA Welterweight Title Fight:
Benjamin Smith vs. Indalecio Tat Romero

Round 1

Smith starts the contest with a slow outside low kick. He winds up for a right head kick on the same side, but Romero sees it coming and easily blocks it. Romero leans in with a left head kick that grazes Smith, but can't follow. Smith tries a spinning back kick and a spinning back fist, but neither find their target against the stalking Romero. When Romero clinches up, Smith runs him into the fence. The “Mean Bean” jumps a soft guillotine and winds up unnecessarily on his back. Smith lands short left hands, trying to set up a guard pass. Romero has nothing off of his back, but Smith is stuck in half guard, elbowing away. Romero tries to roll forward into a takedown but gets nowhere. Smith stands up after the 10-second clapper and unloads with his fists until the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Smith
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Smith

Round 2

Smith tries another spinning back kick and a roundhouse upstairs, but can't land clean. He does, however, dig into Romero's lead leg with a low kick. Romero hasn't done anything of note through eight minutes, as Smith now just idly jabs and low kicks from the outside. Finally, Romero catches one of Smith's lukewarm leg kicks, picks him up clean off of the ground and slams him. Smith shrimps back to the fence and slides back to his feet. Romero clinches a waistlock but gets nowhere with it. He drops for Smith's legs, but winds up just eating punches and elbows while pushing for it, then the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-10
Jeff Miller scores the round 10-9 Smith

Round 3

After a minute of plodding, Smith dumps Romero on the ground along the fence and gets busy with ground and pound. Romero is laying there, just surviving, while Smith hacks away with left hooks and elbows. The shots are by no means devastating, but Romero is just a punching bag on his back, absorbing shots with his face and forearms. Smith slides to half guard and keeps socking his foe. With 80 seconds left in the round, Romero turtles to his knees and exposes his back. His posture is too tight for Smith to get his hooks in, so he looms over Romero, bashing away until he gets to quarter mount. It's all Smith now, hammerfisting, punching and elbowing the overwhelmed Romero while referee Joe Fipp looks on. Romero is completely overwhelmed now as Smith slides into full mount, smashing down with hammerfists until Fipp intervenes. Benjamin Smith is the new RFA welterweight champion.

The Official Result

Benjamin Smith def. Indalecio Tat Romero via TKO (Punches) R3 4:34
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