Super Smash Bros. 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Stealth Burst

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Stealth Burst
Mii Gunner Side B 2 SSBU.gif
The Gunner using Stealth Burst.
User Mii Gunner
Universe Super Smash Bros.

Stealth Burst (ステルスバースト, Stealth Burst) is one of three side special moves for the Mii Gunner.


When used, the Gunner projects a small shining energy shot across the stage that vanishes momentarily, with the Gunner controlling the distance it moves, until they release it or it reaches its max distance (about 3/4 of Final Destination), where it then creates a damaging explosion. If the move is used while in the air, the player will enter a helpless state and fall (though this is no longer the case in Ultimate). This move is very similar to Zelda's customized side special, Din's Flare, but has some noteworthy differences.

As the name suggests, Stealth Burst becomes nearly invisible shortly after being shot, making it hard for the opponent to time a dodge but also difficult for the user to time the explosion (though they can master the latter with enough practice). Unlike Din's Fire, the Gunner does not float while controlling the burst (instead, they'll stop falling for a moment before descending at a slower rate), nor can the move be controlled at all, as it always goes straight forward at a steady rate and explodes when the button is released or it reaches max range.

Due to the slight unpredictability of the move, and the ability to control how far it travels, the Stealth Burst is a very good method for onstage edgeguarding, though it may prove to be somewhat difficult against characters who can reuse their recoveries after getting hit.

In Ultimate, the move can travel far greater distances, deals more damage, and no longer leaves the Gunner helpless. Its earliest explosion also occurs a few frames earlier. However, the move remains invisible for far shorter lengths of time than it used to.

Instructional quote[edit]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Move List Mii Gunner (SSBU) Fires an exploding shot that is difficult to see. Letting go of the button causes the shot to explode.


Special Move customization was added in Super Smash Bros. 4 and returns in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Mii Fighters. These are the variations:

Smash 4[edit]

1. Flame Pillar 2. Stealth Burst 3. Gunner Missile
Flame Pillar
Gunner Missile
"Fire a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact." "A stealthy shot that explodes when you release the button." "Fires a guided missile. Alternatively, enter the move like a smash attack for a super missile!"


1. Flame Pillar 2. Stealth Burst 3. Gunner Missile
Flame Pillar
Mii Gunner SSBU Skill Preview Side Special 2.png
Gunner Missile
"Fires a blast diagonally toward the ground, creating a miniature inferno on impact." "Fires an exploding shot that is difficult to see. Letting go of the button causes the shot to explode." "Fires a guided missile. Flicking rather than tilting the stick fires a super missile!"


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name
Japan Japanese ステルスバースト, Stealth Burst
UK English Stealth Burst
France French (PAL) Éclat furtif
Quebec French (NTSC) Bombe furtive
Germany German Tarnbomber
Spain Spanish Carga explosiva
Italy Italian Bomba stealth
China Chinese (Simplified) 隐形炸弹
Taiwan Chinese (Traditional) かくれがた炸彈
South Korea Korean 스텔스봄, Stealth Bomb
Netherlands Dutch Geniepig Schot
Russia Russian Стелс-взрыв
Mii Gunner's special moves
Super Smash Bros. 4
Neutral special Charge Blast Laser Blaze Grenade Launch
Side special Flame Pillar Stealth Burst Gunner Missile
Up special Lunar Launch Cannon Uppercut Arm Rocket
Down special Echo Reflector Bomb Drop Absorbing Vortex
Final Smash Full Blast
Mii Gunner's special moves
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Neutral special Charge Blast Laser Blaze Grenade Launch
Side special Flame Pillar Stealth Burst Gunner Missile
Up special Lunar Launch Cannon Jump Kick Arm Rocket
Down special Echo Reflector Bomb Drop Absorbing Vortex
Final Smash Full Blast