(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Native Language Consultation
Organization for Technical Intern Training

Native Language Consultation- English

Native Language Consultation

○ We respond to questions about

・ life in Japan
・ technical intern trainings, etc.

from technical intern trainees in their own language.
If you have any question, please contact us via phone, email or letter.

○ We also accept SOS and emergency consultations

For all technical intern trainees, please call the toll-free number below.
Please press number 1 after the announcement.

Phone: 0120-250-147
Tue / Thu 11:00 - 19:00
Sat 9:00 - 17:00

○ If you experience any trouble in your technical intern training, please contact us.

For example...
・ They won't pay for overtime work.
・ They are violent towards me.
・ The work differs from what is written in the contract.
・ I was told to hand over my passport.
・ You are being forced to return home against your will.
・ I am not allowed to freely go outside my accommodation, etc.

○ You can also report the implementing organization or supervising organization who violate any laws or regulations relating to technical intern training legislation.

Consultation and reporting from the native language consultation website.

We accept incoming messages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If emails are received on days other than Tuesdays and Thursdays (11:00 to 19:00) / Saturdays (9:00 to 17:00), consultations requiring a reply will be handled on the next phone consultation day from the day the email is received. Responses are issued on the next day or later. Some time may be required to respond depending on the content of the inquiry.

If this is not your first time using the service, you can skip the user guide.

Reporting method other than the native language consultation website:

Phone consultation:

Tuesdays and Thursdays
11:00 - 19:00

9:00 - 17:00

Phone: 0120-250-147

(Toll Free)

If you call outside the service hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 to 19:00 / Saturdays 9:00 to 17:00), please leave a voice message. For matters requiring replies, we will respond on the next consultation day after the call.

We will be out of the office on Tuesdays and Saturdays that fall on a Japanese holiday, or the New Year's Holidays (December 29th to January 3rd).

Consultation by letter

Please send the letter to the following address:

Assistance Division, Guidance and Assistance Department
Organization for Technical Intern Training
3F LOOP-X Building
3-9-15, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

To protect your privacy, please state your contact address and desired contact method within the main text of the letter.