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Real-time payments | Swift
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We are leveraging our expertise in payments to facilitate real-time initiatives

The growth of digital in our day-to-day lives has transformed people’s expectations around payments. Real-time payments technology in particular has driven global consumer demand to be able to pay and be paid in real time, putting the onus on market infrastructures to meet these expectations.

Whilst real-time payments initiatives have initially centred around domestic retail payments, these are expected to evolve into the corporate, B2B segment and cross-border space. Regulations, such as PSD2 are also driving innovation and new business models, while market initiatives, such as ISO 20022 standardisation are promoting collaboration and harmony.

Although approaches can differ, the key requirements and desire are the same – to deliver real time value, increase payment efficiency and to boost innovation, while remaining secure and compliant

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Instant Payments
Instant payments
4 min view

Reach and ubiquity necessary for instant payments

Swift for instant payments

Find out how Swift is leveraging our expertise in payments to facilitate real-time initiatives.

Unlocking instant cross-border payments

New service links Swift GPI, banks and domestic real-time payments systems

The compliance challenge of real-time payments

Carlo Palmers and Isabelle Olivier from Swift explain our vision for instant payments.

Our latest insights on instant payments


Hong Kong Faster Payments System (FPS)
