(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: little servant with big ambitions

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: little servant with big ambitions

Ahmadinejad inspects Natanz nuclear plant in central Iran
Ahmadinejad inspects Natanz nuclear plant

Turi Munthe reviews Ahmedinejad: the Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader by Kasra Naji and The Nuclear Sphinx of Teheran: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the state of Iran by Yossi Melman and Meir Javedanfar

Iran is a country in which the veil is violently enforced by morality police, where teenage homosexuals are strung up in their villages, and the political elite (many elected) hosted the first International Holocaust denial conference since the Second World War. It is also fast becoming a major power in the Middle East - potentially a nuclear one.

Iran owes much to the US and Britain for that new-found power. We fought in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban and in Iraq to topple Saddam, but also to pincer Iran between pro-Western governments in Kabul and Baghdad. We have achieved the opposite: failure in both countries has freed the shackles of the Islamic Republic, and likely brought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power.

The results are everywhere: in the renewed confidence of the Iran-backed Syrian regime, in the disastrous Israeli war in Lebanon in 2006, in the arrogance of Hizbollah and Hamas (both Iran-backed), and in the ever more aggressive nuclear stance of the Ahmadinejad government.

Of these two new books on Iran's president, Kasra Naji's is by far the better. Naji has spent his life in Iran, reporting for the world's English-language media. Despite its overblown sub-title - The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader - it is subtle, faultlessly researched, wide-ranging, balanced and well written.

There is a Prophet-like quality in this story of a man's rise from humble beginnings to the helm of a divinely inspired movement. Ahmadinejad was born in 1956 in the small town of Aradan on the edge of a salt desert in central Iran.

His father was a blacksmith called Ahmad Sabaghian (or "Dye-master") who would later change his "peasant" name when they moved to Teheran a few years later. "Life was difficult for our family and my birth made it more difficult," the president wrote on his blog.

His rise to prominence from a shabby suburb of Teheran was due to a combination of intellectual brilliance and Islam.

In its context, it has a touch of heroism: the story of a nobody who triumphed in the national school-leaving exams but gave up his place at a prestigious university to stay near his spiritual mentor; of the genius who dedicated his twenties to the Revolution and the war against Saddam; of the underdog who became mayor of the capital but refused the palace and salary; and finally, of the presidential candidate who campaigned in the streets of the capital as "the Iranian nation's little servant and street-sweeper".

Naji clearly traces the moral code and real social conscience behind the president, which help us to understand his popularity and also the man himself.

Naji points out that Ahmadinejad is driven by a messianic belief in God and his own role in bringing about the return of the Shia's quasi-messiah - the Mahdi or "Hidden One".

In 2005, he warned the UN General Assembly to be ready for "the emergence of a perfect human being who is heir to all prophets".

Ahmadinejad believes he will be at the herald of a "third revolution", an Aryan Dream (with explicit gestures to the Third Reich) with anti-Semitism at its heart, and that he will lead Iran into battle against the "Jerusalem-Occupying State".

Naji is even more impressive on the vote-rigging, political manipulation and cheating that characterised Ahmadinejad's presidential victory in 2005. And he shows that, despite seeming to the outside world to be a purely theocratic state, Iran has a surprisingly vibrant (if monstrously corrupt) political engine.

Here is the paradox of Iran. It is a theocracy that wants to drag its population back to the social norms of early Arabia, but it has a blogosphere so huge it has made Farsi the fourth most common language used on the internet.

Iran is devoutly Muslim but anti-Arab; it wants to lead the Muslim world against what Ahmadinejad calls "the world-devouring powers", and yet its self-image is as the "martyr state".

Yossi Melman and Meir Javedanfar's Nuclear Sphinx - written from outside Iran by two Israelis - has as many advantages as faults.

As a biography, it is ill-researched and partial, but its sections on Iranian-Israeli interaction (from the Shah's days of military and intelligence co-operation, to today's slow-burn war) are brilliantly detailed and informed, and it portrays finely the concerns of Iran's most nervous neighbour.

On the nuclear issue, they concede that bombing Iran's facilities (what little we know of them) undermines the more desirable objective of regime change. And that regime change - impossible at this stage in the Revolutionary movement - might be all that halts the nuclear programme.

It seems that anything we do regarding Iran, we lose.