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Morgan Spurlock, documentary-maker who ate McDonald's for a month in Super Size Me – obituary

Morgan Spurlock, documentary-maker who ate McDonald’s for a month in Super Size Me – obituary

Spurlock went to similar lengths in other films, travelling across war zones in the travelogue Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?

Spurlock: his hit film was nominated for an Oscar
Spurlock: his hit film was nominated for an Oscar Film Stills

Morgan Spurlock, who has died from cancer aged 53, spent 30 days eating nothing but McDonald’s food for Super Size Me (2004), a stinging but funny documentary that sought to stimulate debate about eating habits and question the influence of the fast-food industry.

Spurlock, who was inspired by two girls who sued McDonald’s claiming they had been misled about the nutritional value of the company’s products, started with low cholesterol, a healthy heart and perfectly functioning liver. Within days he was reporting vomiting, headaches and depression. He developed “McGurgles” and “McStomachache” that turned into “McSweats” and “McTwitching” and eventually mood swings that made him “McCrazy”.

He gained two stone in weight and his cholesterol soared. “I got desperately ill,” he told the New York Post. “My face was splotchy and I had this huge gut. It was amazing – and really frightening.” Meanwhile, his vegan girlfriend complained about their flagging sex life.

Morgan Spurlock in Super Size Me: he described the stunt as an 'extreme experiment'
Morgan Spurlock in Super Size Me: he described the stunt as an 'extreme experiment' The Kobal Collection

Although Spurlock admitted that the stunt was an “extreme experiment”, even his doctors were shocked at the damage. “Your liver is sick. It is now like pâté,” one said, desperately trying to persuade him to cut short the trial.

McDonald’s hit back, describing the Oscar-nominated film as a “super-size distortion” and suggesting that Spurlock had been deliberately gorging himself. “It proves nothing other than that if you stuff yourself with food and stop exercising it’s probably not a good idea,” a spokesman said. It later transpired that Spurlock had been drinking during the study, a factor that could have skewed his weight. Nevertheless, McDonald’s quickly dropped supersize portions from its menus.

Visiting London to promote his book, Don’t Eat This Book (2005), Spurlock observed that obesity was spreading. “It might not be as prevalent as it is in the US, but it’s definitely getting there,” he said, adding that companies such as McDonald’s were not the only problem and that education, parenting and office culture all play a role.

Spurlock: had an early career as a playwright and actor
Spurlock: had an early career as a playwright and actor Film Stills

A smart, gregarious and ebullient figure with, usually, a wispy horseshoe-shaped moustache, he went to similar lengths to prove his point in other films, travelling across Middle East war zones in the travelogue Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? (2008). 

In his reality television series 30 Days members of the public spent a month living opposite lives to their normal one, including a fundamentalist Christian in a Muslim household and a Right-wing homophobe with a gay room-mate. In one episode he spent a month in prison, while in another he tried surviving in Columbus, Ohio, on the minimum wage.

To better understand British culture he presented Morgan Spurlock’s New Britannia (Sky Atlantic, 2012), an irreverent chat show highlighting the differences between British and American societies that poked fun at British idiosyncrasies ranging from the class system to cuisine.

Morgan Valentine Spurlock was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on November 7 1970, the youngest of three brothers of Ben Spurlock, an inventor, and his wife Phyllis. Rejected five times by the University of California’s film school, he studied instead at Tisch School of the Arts in New York.

Spurlock having a medical check during Super Size Me
Spurlock having a medical check during Super Size Me Film Stills

Spurlock’s early career was as a playwright, though he made a fleeting appearance as a hospital orderly in James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and served as a production assistant on Woody Allen’s crime comedy Bullets over Broadway (1994). He also did stand-up comedy in Los Angeles, where he was briefly homeless.

In the early days of the internet he created the online show I Bet You Will to demonstrate that people will do almost anything for money, including eating a full jar of mayonnaise or drinking shots of cod-liver oil. In 2002 the concept was bought by MTV, with Spurlock as presenter.

He went on to investigate film-industry product placement and marketing in The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011); look at film convention fans in Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope (also 2011); and consider topics such as marijuana, immigration and bankruptcy from an insider’s perspective in Morgan Spurlock Inside Man (2013-16) for CNN. Rats (2016) was a crude but crafty documentary about rodent infestations throughout the world.

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Fast food returned to Spurlock’s filmic menu in Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! (2017). Rather than go on another binge, he became “part of the problem” by opening his own fast-food outlet, Holy Chicken. Not only did he raise the poultry, create menus and serve customers himself, he also found that it was possible to turn a profit despite paying staff double the minimum wage.

In 2015, as the #MeToo movement swept the film and television industry, Spurlock announced that he was as guilty of sexual misconduct as many of those being accused. “I’ve come to understand that I am not some innocent bystander, I am also a part of the problem,” he said, stepping down from his production company Warrior Poets.

Spurlock was married three times, to Mary Sommer, Alexandra Jamieson and Sara Bernstein, and is survived by two sons.

Morgan Spurlock, born November 7 1970, died May 23 2024