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Pressure mounts on Yanukovich to yield | World news | The Guardian Skip to main contentSkip to navigationSkip to navigation

Pressure mounts on Yanukovich to yield

This article is more than 19 years old

Pressure mounted yesterday on the losing Ukrainian presidential candidate, Viktor Yanukovich, to accept defeat and allow his rival, Viktor Yushchenko, to accede power after clearly winning Sunday's run-off election.

Official results showed Mr Yushchenko had won by 2.3m votes with 52% of the vote to 44.2% for his adversary, and the Central Election Commission declared the pro-western opposition leader the winner.

Mr Yanukovich refused for a second day to accept the figures, claiming that 5 million people had been unable to vote.

But officials inside and outside the country urged him to yield.

"In principle, we have the result," said Yaroslav Davydovych, the head of the election commission. "I don't know who can doubt it."

The prime minister appears to have lost the support of his two key backers, Moscow and the eastern industrial stronghold of Donetsk, with officials in both signalling grudging recognition of the election results.

The Council of Europe also appealed to Mr Yanukovich to accept defeat.

"I call on all parties to accept the verdict of the ballot box and to refrain from rhetoric which may fuel division in Ukraine," said Terry Davis, the council's secretary general.

Mr Yushchenko meanwhile kept the pressure on his rival, who is the current prime minister, by calling for a blockade on government offices so that a cabinet meeting set for today cannot take place.

"Let me officially declare there will be no meeting of the government, this illegal government," Mr Yushchenko told tens of thousands of supporters in central Kiev. "An honest government should take over there."

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, who overtly backed Mr Yanukovich, has yet to comment on the election result, despite the EU, the US, Britain and neighbouring Poland all recognising the vote as legitimate.

But a top Kremlin economic adviser, Andrei Illarionov, said yesterday that the outcome could in fact help Russia by forcing it to review its "imperial complex".

"With their vote, the Ukrainian electorate has helped not only themselves but also the Russians," said Mr Illarionov, whose views often diverge from Kremlin orthodoxy bringing a "pluralism of opinion" to the administration.

Mr Putin's close ally, the German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, wrote to Mr Yushchenko yesterday to say the result was "a victory for the courageous citizens of your country, who steadfastly demanded free and fair elections."

In a separate development, the authorities opened a criminal investigation into the death of a government minister and Yanukovich ally, Georgy Kyrpa, who was found shot dead in the sauna of his country home on Monday.

A gun was found next to him. Prosecutors said it looked as though he had killed himself, but they suggested he might have been driven to it.

An aide to Mr Yushchenko, Petro Poroshenko, told reporters: "This is the fate of creditors to a totalitarian regime; the fate of creditors who get mixed up in dirty dealings."

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