‘I like sushi’ remark to Japanese colleague was not racist, judge rules

Professor says her manager would have not told a German co-worker ‘I like sausage’, but employment tribunal dismisses prejudice claim
Claire Ozanne was not prejudiced and was making acceptable small talk, according to the judge
Claire Ozanne was not prejudiced and was making acceptable small talk, according to the judge

A leading academic no doubt thought she was making polite conversation when she mentioned her fondness of sushi to a Japanese colleague.

However, Nana Sato-Rossberg interpreted the comment as racist, accused Claire Ozanne of prejudice, then sued the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.

Now the judge chairing an employment tribunal has ruled that Sato-Rossberg, a linguistics and culture professor, was “hypersensitive” and “predisposed” to finding fault in her colleague. Jillian Brown dismissed Sato-Rossberg’s claim, finding that Ozanne, the former deputy director and provost at Soas, was simply making acceptable and friendly “small talk”.

Nana Sato-Rossberg was looking to find fault with her colleague, the tribunal found
Nana Sato-Rossberg was looking to find fault with her colleague, the tribunal found

Earlier the tribunal was told that Sato-Rossberg started teaching at the university in 2014 and five years later was appointed as head of the department for