
Jeremy Clarkson: Our culture war is a distraction from the real issues around trans rights

The Sunday Times
JK Rowling was fed to the seagulls for venturing into the transgender debate
JK Rowling was fed to the seagulls for venturing into the transgender debate

As we all know, JK Rowling recently expressed an opinion on the transgender debate and she wasn’t just cancelled. She was erased. They put her in the delete bin and then afterwards, all her former fans and even the actors and actresses she’d made famous emptied the bin into a landfill site so that seagulls could feast on her eyes.

Mercifully, I’ve always known I would not suffer a similar fate because I’ve always had exactly the same views on transgenderism as I do on Victorian literature or trees. It’s not something that’s ever interested me so why should I bother forming an opinion on it? If I want to get fed to the seagulls, I could think of a million other ways of going