(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Distance between Holyhead and Weston-Super-Mare

Distance from Holyhead to Weston-Super-Mare

Distance is 246 kilometers or 153 miles or 133 nautical miles

The distance is the theoretical air distance (great circle distance). Flying between the two locations' airports can be a different distance, depending on airport location and actual route chosen.

Map – Shortest path between Holyhead and Weston-Super-Mare

Map – Shortest path between Holyhead and Weston-Super-Mare
  • Location for Holyhead
  • Location for Weston-Super-Mare

The map is using a projection that makes land and oceans much wider near the south and north poles. The heading/course/bearing during a flight varies in most cases. Map based on image from NASA.

Heading from Holyhead

Latitude: 53° 19' North
Longitude: 4° 38' West
Initial heading:152.1°South-southeastSouth-southeast
Final heading:153.4°South-southeastSouth-southeast

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Heading from Weston-Super-Mare

Latitude: 51° 21' North
Longitude: 2° 59' West
Initial heading:333.4°North-northwestNorth-northwest
Final heading:332.1°North-northwestNorth-northwest

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Local time comparison

LocationLocal Time
Holyhead (United Kingdom – Wales)Monday, 8 July 2024, 12:46:07
Weston-Super-Mare (United Kingdom – England)Monday, 8 July 2024, 12:46:07

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