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Settlement guests - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research

Settlement guests

Welcome to the page for settling your travel expenses as a guest of the UFZ!

Please have your application number and the email address with which you received your invitation ready. These data are necessary to apply for travel expenses.

For technical reasons it is necessary that only one PDF can be uploaded. Please digitally combine all receipts into one PDF.

Depending on the amount of travel, processing may take some time. In this case, we ask for your understanding.

If you have any questions regarding the status of your settlement, please contact the person who invited you or email to the travel management at verwaltung-rk@ufz.de

Form for submitting travel documents for settlement


In order to be reimbursed for expenses incurred for a business meeting at the UFZ, you need a written invitation. The invitation will be sent to you by the UFZ before the business meeting.

Tickets and bookings are made by you.

When booking, please make sure that the UFZ is specified as billing address and not your private address (e.g. at the hotel). If this is not taken into account, we can only reimburse the net amount of the invoice and for breakfast at the hotel only up to 20% of the currently valid per diem rate.

Our address is:

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig


Yes. As a public institution, we are bound by the Federal Travel Expenses Act (BRKG) and the associated legal regulations. You can find the most important general conditions here:

General conditions for the reimbursement of travel expenses to external guests of the UFZ

If you are unsure or if you have any questions, please write at: verwaltung-rk@ufz.de


Of course, but there are a few things to consider.

The duration of the private or other business trip plays an important role.

Combined travel days up to a maximum of five working days
The reimbursement of travel expenses is calculated as if only the trip to the UFZ business meeting had been made.
For this purpose, you need a comparative offer without the private share, i.e. the costs for immediate arrival before the start of the business appointment or for immediate return after the end of the business appointment.

Connected travel days more than five working days

Here, the trip is assumed to have a predominantly private background. Therefore, only the direct additional expenses caused by the business appointment, such as travel expenses and local accommodation, are reimbursed; daily allowance is granted for the duration of the business appointment as well as for the business-related travel time.

Two further comparisons are necessary

  1. Total actual costs of the journey:
    Place of work/residence - private place - place of business (UFZ) - place of work/residence.
  2. Costs of the private route: place of residence - private place - place of residence (what would have been the cost of the holiday or the further business appointment only)
  3. Costs of the necessary business trip: place of work/residence - (place of business UFZ)- place of work/residence

If 1 minus 2 is less than 3, the difference between 1 minus 2 will be reimbursed.
If 1 minus 2 is greater than 3, 3 will be reimbursed.

  • The comparative offers must be made at the same time as the actual booking.
  • No more expenses will be reimbursed than actually incurred.

If no comparisons are submitted at the time of settlement, a fictitious comparison will be made by our contracted travel agency. This may differ significantly from the actual costs and might have a negative impact on your reimbursement.

This can happen. Please explain in the comments field of the application which receipt and to what amount was not handed over to you or has been lost. Please confirm in writing that you will only claim these costs against the UFZ. 

In this case, please contact your UFZ contact person or the UFZ travel management: